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"All clans fear the assassins. They envy-hate them for their power-strength.” - SKREELIN THURNTIK, GREY SEER.
Variation 1 gets all of the important positionals from game 1 but sacrifices a bench. This could work great, or could mean you get wiped out. But that's rats! A couple of clanrats can be switched for Nightrunners depending on your taste.
Like Variation 1 but drops a reroll for a bench. Also risky as you have no Block and no ball handling (but lots of AG2+ and potentially lots of Dodge)
Drops 1 Assassin to get 4 gutters, 3 rerolls and a bench. This is probably the safest roster, and actually protecting your Assassin is a priority and will be easier if you only have one.
This variation is 'pure' and for serious coaches. Your linos are ST2 but they are also MA8. The speed and agility can be bewildering for many opponents. WARNING if you face mass Block or Tackle your team will be wiped out.