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"Never in all my years have I experienced such putrid odours, noxious fumes or virulent gasses, and that was just their fans" - Monana Heller, Ashbane Vendettas - Witch Elf"
1. Advantages and Disadvantages
-Foul Appearance: Through Foul Appearance (FA), the opponent must roll more dice. Every player on your team except the Plague Censer Bearers have FA. This can ruin a carefully laid plan by your opponent, or cause them to use re-rolls earlier.
-Ball and Chain: Two Ball and Chain players without secret weapon! This is a huge boon. ST7 means 3 die blocks are commonplace. The havoc one creates is wild. You get two!
-Disturbing Presence on everyone: A passing game is nigh impossible against a Pestilens team. Know that and use it to your favour.
-Speed: You will enjoy better than average speed. Four players in the roster have MA7, which means getting key blitzes, assists and scores will be moderately easier.
-Cheap Re-rolls: It is easy for these foul creatures to work together than normal Skaven.
-AV7 Linerats: Rats are going to perish. The good news is at least their rotting corpses will add to the odour your team creates.
-Ball and Chain: If the opponent manages to knock down the Plague Censer Bearer it is always at least a knock out. Keep them protected whenever possible.
-Lack of consistency early: There are few re-roll skills (Sure Hands on the Plague Carrier) or blocking skills (frenzy on Plague Priest) on the starting team. The cheap re-rolls can mitigate this; however, failed actions will happen often in early team development. Plan for it.
2. Starting Rosters
You need re-rolls because your team lacks Block and Dodge. First purchase should be an Apothecary after which complete your squad and invest in a bench.
No frenzy from the Plague Priests will reduce crowd surfing potential. 3 Re-rolls gives you plenty of Re-rolls so turn overs should happen rarely. First your roster needs the Apothecary followed by the Plague Priests. You could also swap a Monk for a second Carrier for more reliability with the ball
The Plague Monks are the teams fodder. Try to set up Linerats for the LoS. Block (or wrestle) and Fend are all they really need. Doubles have to go to Guard as this benefits the Plague Priests considerably.
Plague Carrier
As the primary ball handler, these players will often be protected. On defence, you need them to be viable as well. Doubles are gold; as Dodge and Extra Arms greatly aid on offence and defence.
Plague Priest
The primary Blitzers of Pestilens enjoy the sideline. Stand Firm keeps them from being surfed (save for an opponent with Juggernaut). Develop the Priests into killers and sideline controllers. They will often be a thorn in the opponents side.
Plague Censer Bearer
This is the most challenging player on the team to develop and keep safe. If a coach tries to protect a Censer Bearer by placing other players near it, the Plague Censer Bearer could end up knocking them down by accident. Starting with Claw or Mighty Blow will quicken their development through casualties. Tentacles is wonderful against teams that would rather dodge away from them. Doubles will increase consistency in blocking and being blocked.
Tactics and Development:
-Gaining Guard on a couple players will allow for better blocks from the Plague Priest and protect the Plague Censer Bearers.
-For the most part, this is a running team. An +AG player and a couple of doubles could change that, so be open to the possibility.
-Don't be afraid to use your Plague Censer Bearer to push your own players. When it works, it creates situations that an opponent more than likely could not predict.
-Play aggressively often. You have Foul Appearance protecting a majority of your players. Sometimes it is best to mark up. 1:6 blocks against you should fail.
This is a challenging team. Be ready to take loses, beatings and massacres. That said, you can dish it out as well. Enjoy the rancid odour of Clan Pestilens. You may just find the aroma alluring.
Written by: Kabooki369
Editor: Garion