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By popular demand (well, Macavity ...), the following sticky includes a list of links to past threads which have covered the length and breadth of some of fumbbl's all-too-familiar controversies.
A few points before the links themselves:
• Please also check out the Stickies at the top of other forums, particularly the Tactics & Strategy Forum, where lots of helpful advice on many subjects can be found. The list below deals more with common topics for pointless debate than anything that might actually be helpful! ;)
• This is simply a reference tool. Just because a subject has been discussed before and linked here does not mean it should never be discussed again. Nonetheless, you may find that there are interesting posts to read here, written by those who are by now sick of contributing.
• This list is a work in progress. If you want to recommend that a new thread be added to a section, or that an entire new section be added, please post a reply, and I will check it out and edit things into this initial post as we go ... Equally, if you think that a thread that is currently included is not 'worthy' and is just bulking the post out, name it and shame it.
Given that I am a relative noob in terms of the history of these forums, I'm sure I will have overlooked a number of defining texts in my first superficial search, so don't hesitate to point out my oversights!
• This thread is not for the purpose of discussing any of the controversial topics listed! Don't even think it!
• While compiling this list, I've come across a few pithy words of wisdom, some of which I dare to think can sum up an entire subject in one line. But I don't yet have one for each topic ... Suggestions are welcome, but there can only be one line for each topic! (Fight!!) Also, these lines must <i>not</i> be original, or your own: but rather drawn from the bowels of the forum's past.
Summary: Some coaches think fouling is nasty and spoils the game. Others think fouling is great fun. Still others disagree with both these positions ...
In one line: 'Foul is fair, and fair is foul.' -- Dreadclaw ... or possibly Shakespeare
Summary: Some coaches think that to delay scoring when a clear opportunity exists is nasty and spoils the game. Others consider stalling to be a valid and often essential tactic. Still others disagree with both these positions ...
Summary: Some coaches think that other coaches are being too selective about the games they will play. Other coaches think those coaches should mind their own business. Still others disagree with both these positions ...
In one line: 'I would say you are a cherry picker if you constantly issue challenges that, were the team owner's reversed, you yourself would decline.' -- SkiJunkie?
Summary: It. Took. Me. Precisely. Four. Minutes. To. Write. This. Sentence.
Summary: (Overlaps with several other categories.) Should coaches adopt certain standards of behaviour (beyond what is demanded by the site rules)? Can anyone ever agree on what those standards should be?
Summary: Is it really random? No, it's pseudo-random. Is that good enough? No, you personally have been cursed by Nuffle to fail every GFI.
Summary: Some coaches want to be ranked. Other coaches don't want to be ranked. Still others disagree with both these positions ...
In one line: 'If you don't care about coachranking, please save your time and my time and do not post.' -- CircularLogic (No, this doesn't sum up the CR question. I just thought it sounded funny taken out of context. - pac)
Summary: These threads don't quite fit into any of the above categories, but are classics that should not be missed in their own right!