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Placeholder for detailed info on creating custom positions.
The replaces position setting in its simplest form allows a new position to take the place of an old one (for when the roster changes, and a position is different enough to warrant a completely new entry rather than in-place replacement).
In a typical scenario, the quantity on the old position is set to 0, and the quantity of the new position is set to the desired number. In the new position, setting "Replaces Position" to the old position will connect the two, and teams with existing players of the old position will count to the total of the new position as well. For example, if a 0-2 OldBlitzer? position is deprecated (quantity set to 0) and a new 0-2 NewBlitzer? is added to the roster, existing OldBlitzer? players will count towards the allowed quantity of the NewBlitzers? (and need to either get the OldBlitzers? killed off, or retire them to make space for NewBlitzer? players).
In situations where there are more than one position added to replace an old position, things work in a similar fashion with a minor difference:
Players of the old position will count as any of the new positions, and will allow new positions to be hired if there is any configuration where it would be allowed. For example, with the introduction of a new Vampire roster in September 2023, old vampire blitzers (0-6) were replaced with new Blitzers, Runners and Throwers (each 0-2 quantity). Setting quantity to 0 on the old vampire blitzers and marking each new vampire type to "replace position" on the old one creates the following scenario:
Sometimes, custom rosters want to create a grouped set of positions, where teams can hire X total players across multiple positions. To accomodate this, the "Replaces Position" feature is nearly usable. For example:
The major difference between this and the grandfathering setup, the "Parent" position is not set to 0 quantity. Without any further change, the system will function mostly the same, with a constraint that the sum of players that can be hired for the group is equal to the sum of the quantities of the "child" positions. For example, a roster with the following positions:
In this case, teams can hire a total of 4 (1+3) players across Blitzer A, Blitzer B and Blitzer C. To give more granular control of the number of allowed players, there is a "Group Size" setting available for use. This needs to be set on the "Parent" position of the group. For example, setting Blitzer A's "Group Size" parameter to 2 will limit teams to hiring 2 players across all Blitzer types involved.
dwarf - This position counts as a dwarf when it comes to the Dwarfen Scourge star player special skill
thrall - This position is considered a thrall for Bloodlust purposes