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Qty | Title | Cost | MA | ST | AG | AV | Skills & Traits | Allowed Skills |
0-4 | Imp | 50000 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 7 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff , Horn, Tail | A |
0-4 | Brute | 40000 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 7 | Stand Firm, Stunty, Right Stuff, Thick Skull | S |
0-4 | Familiar | 40000 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 6 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Sure Hands, NOS | A |
0-4 | Homunculus | 40000 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 6 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Strong Arm | A, P |
Name | Cost | MA | ST | AG | AV | Skills & Traits |
Wizbang | - | - | - | - | - | TTM |
Re-roll counter: 60 K
Apothecary: Yes
Wizard: Free
Without a background and imagery, you just have a bunch of numbers and skills. It's the background that makes them come alive. Some of the best of Blood Bowl comes from its background. There's a huge difference between a leaping elven blitzer and a Wardancer, or a frenzied dwarven blitzer and a Trollslayer. These are the type of things that make BloodBowl? more than just a generic mixture of fantasy tropes and north american football. For Nuffle's (or Cuffle's) sake even if you don't get the background, realize that there are tons of coaches who greatly enjoy the extra richness that the "Warhammer Universe" adds to BloodBowl?. I think the same sort of rich compatible universe should be developed in the Stunty Leeg.
So, what's the background of this Dark Familiar team? Quite simply it's magic! Magic is an integral part of BloodBowl?. Whether it's the ability of nearly all conventional teams to hire a wizard, the good ole days of getting magic items for your players, or even experimental rules with on-pitch spellcasters, magic has always crept into the rules. But it's more than that. There are tons of background pieces that involve magic: Cabalvision, Extra-sensory Perception Network, Ethereal Archons, etc. Anyone remember the rainbow colleges of magic? Or am I dreaming that one up? Suffice it to say, magic is a big part of BloodBowl?. But the Stunty Leeg is lacking in this department which is kind of sad because magic can be a great source of flavourful mayhem. Only 1 team (Faeries) can hire a wizard.
The Dark Familiars concept is going to rectify this vacuum. The team concept is based on the wizards from Cabalvision realizing like any good armchair quarterback, that they could manage a team way better than most of the riffraff that currently coaches in the Leeg. Since they are largely human, they couldn't play in the Leeg and after the on-pitch spellcasting fiasco of 2505, they had to find a way back into BloodBowl?. The answer was simple: a rogue faction of wizards from ABC (can the fluffsters guess that acronym?) decided to enter a team comprised of their familiars. The United Sorcerers' Familiar Legion (USFL for you fans of football background) were wildly successful winning all 4 parts of the SLEDGE in 2507. Soon afterwards, many cabals of dark wizards (and their familiars) were seeking BloodBowl? glory in the Stunty Leeg.
I'd like to point you towards a list of stunty schticks. It makes it kid of hard to come up with something original that doesn't tread on territory that's already been traveled several times in the Leeg. I'm going to leave this rather open because I haven't got my mind set on a definitive roster.
The only thing I'm certain of is that I want the baseline player to be the Imp. It's a classic wizardly familiar and it's definitely a bit on the dark side. What will make an Imp unique? It's rather obvious and it flows quite naturally from the Fluff: Horns and Tails. I'm really heavily leaning towards ST 2 so that the horns will actually get used. Not much point in giving it to them if they will never blitz. And that's why I'm seriously considering making sure there is no Big Guy or Big Guy equivalent on the team who would do all the blitzing. But it's the tails that will be the schtick that sets this team apart.
I'd welcome any suggestions for naming the other postions. I'm not a huge fan of Brute and Familiar. I'm tempted to include either a Wyrm or Mini-dragon (I'm intrigued by the B & C and Bombs combo that was discussed before). Another option would a fluffy Wizard (with a magical TTM ability).
The Stunty Leeg really came into its own when Secret Weapons were added. Then the mayhem exploded! So, what sets this roster apart from all the others in the mayhem department. Loads of tails may be fun, but the real mayhem comes from the familiars' masters. The team gets a FREE wizard every game. I'd like to think that would be enough novel mayhem that would set it above the rest of the various Stunty Leeg Proposals.
But if HunterX wants more mayhem, I'd be tempted to add another mayhemful schtick that I had thought of using on my long lingering Horrors of Tzeentch roster whose last incarnation included a Screamer: a low ST & high MOVE Ball and Chain. I'd prefer to leave that schtick for another roster even though it wouldn't be much of a background stretch to include it in this roster. I always try to remember the other good rosters that are making the rounds when I do up a proposal, as I'd hate to trample on their uniqueness or other pre-existing schticks.