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This is a testing division for the FFB Client, and only used to test new versions of FFB. 'Normal' games can't be played, and the results aren't collected. this division is exclusively the domain of testing new features and finding/confirming bugs in the client. In almost every case, you won't want to make a team in this division.
Below are details of divisions that are no longer the main recommended divisions for newer players.
Not to be confused with the Blackbox scheduler, which is now available for the Competitive division. The Blackbox division is a legacy BB02016 division, you can no longer use this division. Eventually it is hoped that teams in this division will be able to transfer to the Competitive division, note that they will then be subject to seasonal redraft rules. There is no estimated date for when conversion might be available.
The Ranked division is a legacy BB02016 division. You should probably not make new teams in this division, but it is still active. Ranked division is for open play using the BB2016 rules, but after the introduction of the Competitive division, it has become somewhat difficult to find opponents with which to play. Eventually it is hoped that teams in this division will be able to transfer to the Competitive division, but they will then be subject to seasons. There is no estimated date for when conversion might be available. You can play whomever you want within the following criteria:
This was a division with the purpose of teaching newcomers to the game and community how things work with less competitiveness. The spiritual successor to this is the 145 club in the League division.
Completely house-ruled rosters with nothing but stunty teams. Check out Stunty Leeg Central for more details. Note that the rosters are frequently adjusted as we try out new teams and races. Quick (and brutal!) game play combined with silly high jinx make Stunty appealing to many players, though some purists may dislike the unofficial rosters. Give it a shot and see what you think.
The LRB4 is a legacy division for teams that coaches chose not migrate to the FFB client and CRP rules. Sadly LRB4 support is no longer available.