Gnoblar team lineups
Option 1 - Tentacles
1 Ogre Maneater
1 Ogre Gorger
4 Trappers
7 Gnoblars
3 RR
8 FF
Misses out on 1 BG and Bully G access in favour of anti dodge Tentacles
Alternative 9 Gnoblars & 2 FF (more players)
Option 2 - Bashers
1 Ogre Maneater
1 Ogre Gorger
1 Ogre Irongut
2 Gnoblar Bully
8 Gnoblars
3 RR
2 FF
Loses the Trappers but gets the G access Bully's instead.
Option 3 - Mix
1 Ogre Maneater
1 Ogre Gorger
2 Trappers
2 Gnoblar Bully
9 Gnoblars
3 RR
3 FF
Swaps 2 Trappers for 2 Bullys and 1 FF.
Alternative 7 Gnoblars, 4 RR & 2 FF (less players more RR).
Last update: July 31, 2013