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1 Pirate Captain 6 2 3 7 - Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Claw, Leader 80k AG
2 Swashbuckler 6 2 3 7 - Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Poison Dagger 80k AG
2 Cannon - 2 3 3 10 Always Hungry, Blunderbuss, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate 80k SP
2 Grapplers - 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Tentacles 60k A
2 Scallywag - 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Dirty Player 60k A
12 Buccaneer - 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty 40k A
12 Sprog - 5 2 3 6 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Bonehead 20k A
Star player: Ahoy the Anchorman 4 6 3 7 - Ball & Chain, Block, Mighty Blow 90k
Rerolls: 60k
Since regular halflings are no longer available and chaos halflings are a bit too sinister to have the flingy feel I thought of a new way to introduce the cuddly little rascals. Halfling pirates!
This team of fragile halflings will have to depend on their positionals to get the game going and will likely use their cannons a lot for TTM's. They will likely hurt a lot because of their lack of armor and Big Guys, but have really cheap but useless cannon fodder to stick on the LOS.
The pirate captain is of course the leader, influencing his scurvy crew when on the pitch and armed with a hook (claw).
The swashbucklers are the best fighters and key players of the teams. Using their cutlasses they are the only players except the captain that are reliable for inflicting casualties.
The pirates bring their cannons from the ships to hurl themselves through the air. Not quite as reliable as the gnome versions (Really Stupid), but still a big help in the offensive.
The grapplers that are normally used to secure enemy ships into position are great even for defense on the pitch, snaring up their opponents and preventing their path.
Scallywags are the scumbags of the pirate crews and are there to apply the boot when the rest of the crew downs an opponent. Important players since the halflings are not very good attackers.
The Buccaneers are the linemen of the team, but since the little ones are running a big risk of getting hurt they also have the Sprogs. Untrained, raw recruits that are convinced to take up the most dangerous positions in exchange for a double ration of rum! The Sprogs are cheap and expendable, but unreliable both because of their lack of routine and because they are severly drunk.