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Heroes of Law

A finer bunch of gents you never did meet.......so why are they playing Blood Bowl?

By rights, the Heroes of Law should be wiping the floor with every other team in Blood Bowl. After all, they have access to the best players from the Human, Dwarf, Pro Elf, High Elf, Wood Elf and Halfling rosters (ok usually you don't associate 'best' and 'Halfling' in the same sentence). So this means, they 'should' be able to tailor their roster to suit any game.

However, this isn't really the case. To play for 'HoL' you have to be good, very very good. Not.........good as in a Blood Bowl superstar, but good as in your virtues. Your heart must be purer than a virgin's underpants and your conscience cleaner than Envy Ann's super clear water.

This of course is a little........problematic in a sport as..........'noble' as Blood Bowl. The first Heroes of Law team example universally suffered from broken and lost hands after trotting up to various Orcy and Chaos types after the match with a 'Good game old chap.' and trying to shake hands with creatures that......well being a hand's width apart is too bloody close!
The roster has the same make up as a normal human team.
0-16 Lineman
0-4 Blitzers
0-4 Catchers
0-2 Throwers
0-1 Big Guy (Treeman only)

50% of your roster MUST be human. You may make your roster from: Dwarf (Dwarf blockers/longbeards count as linemen), Bretonnian (SLC roster not SC), Tilean, Human, High Elf, Halfling, Pro Elf and Wood Elf rosters. Prices are the same as per their host roster.

Normal limits apply. If you wish to take a Wardancer or a Dwarf Blitzer, they would count as 2 of your blitzer places. You may not take Bretonnian Grail Knights as they are far too rare.

Linemen Human, Tilean, Bretonnian, Dwarf Blockers, Halflings, Wood, High, Pro Elf Linemen.

Catchers Human, Halflings, Wood, High, Pro Elf Catchers.

Blitzers Human, Bretonnian Knights, Dwarf Blitzers, Wood Elf Wardancers, High and Pro Elf Blitzers.

Throwers Human, Bretonnian Squires, Dwarf Runners, Wood, Pro, High Elf throwers.

Big Guy Treemen only (regular price, no Mighty Blow as per the team's special rules).

 0-1  Treeman  110,000  2  6  1  9  Loner, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Take Root, Throw Team Mate  S  GPAM 
 Re-roll counter  70,000 
 Apothecary  Yes 

Special Rulesat a glance

1. 50% of your roster must be human.
2. You must follow the restrictions for the race. e.g. 0-4 High elf blitzers or 0-2 Wardancers.
3. If you include any other Elf players aside from High Elves, then all Elven players (including High Elf) suffer from animosity.
4. Halflings (regular not actual catchers) can count as linemen or catchers.
5. The only truly lawful big guy is a Treeman, and is therefore the only big guy this roster may take. Due to roster restrictions he does not come, or can get Mighty Blow (He's so nice, he refuses to hit his opponents that hard!)
6. This team truly is good and lawful. Therefore this team may never foul or take skills that directly cause more harm (i.e. Mighty Blow, Pile On).
7. HoL may never take any cards as inducements. These are far too 'below the belt' for their ethics!
8. For the Bretonnian roster see the 'Bretonnian Bulldogs', not the Secret League roster.

Star Players

Team Colours - Gold armour, blue uniforms, white left shoulder pad.

Last update: July 10, 2014