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The Robots race was developed by Diabl0658, with some suggested tweaks from others. For more information, read the Robots forum thread.
Qty | Title | Cost | MA | ST | AG | AV | Skills & Traits | Allowed Skills |
0-2 | Clockwork Giant | 130000 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 10 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Big Guy, Very Long Legs, Break Tackle, Sure Feet | S |
0-2 | Hover Robot | 70000 | 7 | 2 | 4 | 7 | Thick Skull, Pogo Stick, Side Step, No Hands, -Str | G, A |
0-16 | Robot | 40000 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 7 | Dodge, Stunty, Thick Skull | A |
Name | Cost | MA | ST | AG | AV | Skills & Traits |
Spinbot | 100k | 3 | 7 | 3 | 7 | Thick Skull, Ball & Chain, Mighty Blow |
AI Bob | 140k | 6 | 3 | 4 | 7 | Dodge, Pass Block, Shadowing, Undead, Regenerate |
Re-roll counter: 60000 gold pieces each
Apothecary: Yes
Wizard: No
Clockwork Giant: Robot big guy. Has to roll to stand up, but this is countered by starting with break tackle and having high av
Hover Robot: A fast agile player without ball handling abilities. Supposed to be used as a blitzer. The -str in the skill list represents that he is technically a str3 player suffering a -str injury, allowing him to take mightyblow on doubles, and possibly becoming str5 should he be lucky enough to roll 3 +str(0.068% chance, if he makes it to legend status)
Robot: Standard lineman. They have thickskull, representing their tough inorganic bodies. They cannot be thrown like most stunties, as they are far to heavy to be thrown.
Spinbot: Secret Weapon star. Expensive, doesnt get alot of movement, but has mighty blow.
AI Bob: Another star player. Has passblock and shadowing, representing his ability to quickly learn from his opponents actions and predict them. The undead and regeneration skill represents the fact that he repairs himself, but is to complex for the teams apothecary to be able to repair
The apothecary is more like a mechanic, rewiring damaged circuitry and welding severed limbs back in place