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With lots of tools but little St and S access, snakes are a pure defensive team.
They play a decent running game and really excel in an aggressive defence. Force the opponent to make lots of dodges by controlling the pitch and don't get stuck into quickly realize snakes don't have the tools to bash effectively if you do.
Mesmers are cool and can be pivotal in certain turns but the runners are the stars of the team.
Avoid wrestle since it's far better to stay standing due to having tails/tents all over, consider dauntless as a good skill on block linos, treasure any guarder you have and abuse diving tackle on runners. With expensive linemen the fouling game is not really worth it.
3 Re-rolls is a must on a team with no core skills or high St. I would buy an apo next then save up for the Runners.
3 Runners gives you a more dynamic team, but does mean you can only have 2 RR which can be unforgiving. I would buy an apo, Then 3rd RR, then save up for the last Runner and a bench.