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0-4 | The Forsaken - Khorne | 60,000 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns | GM | SAP |
0-4 | The Forsaken - Slaanesh | 60,000 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Prehensile Tail | GM | SAP |
0-4 | The Forsaken - Nurgle | 60,000 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Foul Appearance, Disturbing Presence | GM | SAP |
0-4 | The Forsaken - Tzeentch | 60,000 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Extra Arms, Big Hand | GM | SAP |
*0-4 | Spawn | 60,000 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 8 | Ball and Chain, No Hands, Claw | SM | GAP |
*0-1 | Beast Of Nurgle | 140,000 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 9 | Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Mighty Blow, Nurgle's Rot, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Tentacles | SM | GAP |
*0-1 | Blood Beast | 140,000 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 8 | Wild Animal, Claw, Frenzy, Thick Skull | SM | GAP |
*0-1 | Fiend | 140,000 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 8 | Really Stupid, Claw, No Hands, Prehensile Tail, Sure Feet, Sprint | SM | GAP |
*0-1 | Fire Wyrm | 140,000 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 8 | Bone Head, No Hands, Bombardier, Foul Appearence, Regenerate | SM | GAP |
*0-1 | Daemon Prince | 180,000 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 9 | Loner, Claw, Bone Head, Thick Skull, Regeneration | S | MGAP |
Re-roll counter | 70,000 gold pieces each | ||||||||
Apothecary | Yes | ||||||||
Star Players | Chaos |
• You can only purchase The Forsaken. You cannot buy the Spawn, Blood Beast, Beast of Nurgle, Fiend of Slaanesh, Fire Wyrm, and Daemon Prince, they can only be obtained via transformation. The quantity shown for those players in the table above is to signify the maximum number of those players you can have in your squad. If a player transforms into their next level of Spawn and you already have the maximum number of that player you must retire the player to allow the new transformation to occur, or you can ignore the transformation.
• You can only hire Forsaken as mercenaries when adding Inducements to your team. The other players in this roster are only attainable via transformation.
• If your team has less than 11 players post game then the Journeyman you are assigned is the Forsaken you have the smallest number of in your squad. If you have an equal number of 2 or more Forsaken you can choose the type of Forsaken you want as Journeymen from those that have equal lowest number. • When the Forsaken skill up roll for your skill and select it as normal. After which roll 1D6, on the result of a 6 your player transforms into a rookie Chaos Spawn, losing any skills, SPP, injuries etc… they have attained.
• Similarly - once your Spawn skills up roll for your skill and select it as normal. After which roll 1D6 on the result of a 6 your player transforms in to a Greater Spawn (Blood Beast, Fiend of Slaanesh, Fire Wyrm, or Beast of Nurgle), your player transforms into the greater Spawn belonging to the god your player was originally aligned to as a Forsaken. As before – when your player transforms into a rookie Greater Spawn they lose any skills, SPP etc…. they have attained. • Finally - if your Greater Spawn skills up and subsequently rolls a 6 then they will become a Daemon Prince. You may only have one Daemon Prince in your team at any one time. So if subsequent 6's are rolled on any other Greater Spawn your team has they do not turn in to a Daemon Prince, unless you first retire the existing Daemon prince. As before – when your player transforms into a rookie Daemon Prince they lose any skills, SPP etc…. they have attained.
Player Pics
Player Icons
The Forsaken
Spawn of Chaos
Beast of Nurgle
Blood Beast
Fire Wyrm
Daemon Prince
The blessed and the damned roster, portrays the final stages of the life of the forsaken. The forsaken are those Chaos Warriors that have lost the favour of their gods, either by constant losses, a lack of faith, a weak will or countless other ways to displease one of the four. Scorned, avoided and devoid of all respect.
Deformed and heavily mutated has left them weakened and unable to wear their invigorating armour in full. At this stage of their being, it isn't known how aware they are of their predicament. Their body and mind are in a high state of flux and teetering on the brink of damnation. They are truly close to their last mortal crossroads.
A decision will soon need to be made, on whether the fallen warrior's dreams will be answered and he becomes a full Daemon Prince or his mind becomes totally lost and the warrior mutates into a Chaos Spawn. Unfortunately for the forsaken, the choice is not theirs to make, it is the Chaos Gods themselves who are judge, jury and executioner.
Redemption is for a few only, and it is not clear why any of the forsaken are indeed redeemed. As a whim? To keep patriotism? Truly earnt reward? A preplanned chess like move? Only the gods themselves know why they choose those to save and those to damn.
For most though, there will be no blessing, no life ring thrown to them on the brink, no salvation. Racked with pain, pure energies of chaos enter their body and tear, rip, rends their bodies and then mends them into a new grotesque form. The mind has been all but obliterated, with just a slight consciousness aware of being trapped in a mind devoid of thought and the ability to do anything without direction; the chaos spawn.
This isn't the end of the story however for the forsaken. They can transform again. If they serve well as a mindless and faithful beast, they are often awarded gifts from their chosen patron and become a favoured spawn of their deity, and if they redeem them selves they may one day become a Daemon Prince.
The Forsaken are men that have been mutated by their god, reduced to frothing imbeciles of animal like intelligence. In WFB they are represented by miniatures that look like Chaos Warriors albeit freaky ones with a myriad of mutations, both armour and skull melding into one. Their stat line though reflects that more along the lines of a basic human albeit an extremely fast one. So fast indeed it is actually a bit ridiculous as they are even quicker than most elves.
So I reigned this in a little, Ma6 felt more than enough for human of little intelligence that is wearing Chaos Armour of some description. The added mutation specific to their god was a must though. As these are seriously mutated freaks and well on their way to becoming a Chaos Spawn.
The Forsaken can eventually turn in to a Chaos Spawn, in the Forsaken fluff this basically happens when they have mutated so much they have basically degenerated into a large folds of flesh with many limbs heads and mouths moving randomly about the battle field in a frenzied fashion. I chose to represent this transformation with a doubles skill rolls as it is the easiest way to keep track of it and I didn’t want special rules for one transformation and a second special rule for the next stages in their evolution.
Because of the Chaos Spawns random movement and frenzied nature Ball and Chain seemed the most appropriate fit. I gave them no hands mainly because I know the client cannot handle this skill combination well and would result in many bugs. But it also felt fitting as they are basically dribbling balls of flesh with no thought process; just moving about randomly destroying things. Claw was added to give them a bit of a punch, as they are Ball and Chain players skilling them up will be tough, if they are ever knocked down they are automatically Ko’d, the models also have big Claws so it seemed a perfect fit anyway.
The next stage in a Spawns evolution is turning in to an upgraded Spawn. I have given these creatures the group name of Greater Spawn as they are never really given a collective name in any of the material I have read and it seemed fitting. As these are already well established creatures in warhammer fluff and models and rules exist for most of them it was pretty easy to choose their skills. The Beast of Nurgle is the same as a normal Beast of Nurgle. Though I have given them M access on a normal roll due to the nature of this roster, I also felt the Beast of Nurgle should always have had M access on normal rolls anyway.
The Blood Beast is basically just huge muscly beasts not too dissimilar in look from a Daemon Prince in some way, if you take the GW model as cannon, however the Forge World model is far more fitting in terms of how the blood beast was described in earlier fluff, so that is the what the icon and player pic is based on. Like most Spawn its movement is random, so again Ball and Chain fit the theme of the team and the style of Khorne. Claw and Mighty Blow were added to make him a proficient killer and with Ma6 and St6 he will be very tough to stop.
Fire Wyrm was next. It is basically a giant version of a Spawn of Chaos, again moving randomly and lashing out at anything it touches but it also spews fireballs from within its writhing mass of flesh and bone. So I gave the creature Bombardier as well as Ball and Chain to represent this. As these creatures move with Ball and Chain it is a big risk using a fireball, if it knocks its self over it is auto KO’d, so I gave it Ag4 so it isn’t too big a risk so that it is never used. Having such a high Ag also shouldn’t matter because Ball and Chain means it never has to take a Dodge roll anyway.
Finally the least interesting of the Spawn upgrades is the Fiend of Slaanesh. As it has 4 legs it gains Sprint and Sure feet like a Bull Centaur, it has a scorpion like tail so Prehensile Tail was added, and it has Claws instead of hands. The fluff goes at length to describe how the Claws cannot be used to grasp anything but do serve well as weapons so No Hands was added. Really Stupid was added, as all of the greater Spawns have a Negatrait, and this seemed the best fit as they are essentially insect type creatures with little to no thought process of their own. They have extremely high Ma so Ma7 with Sprint seemed appropriate and St 5 Av9 is an accurate portrayal of their St and Toughness.
Finally – the ultimate goal of any Chaos follower, becoming a Daemon Prince. Reaching this level of power is an incredible feat and imbues the chosen one with great power. So I gave them a stat line to reflect this plus the skills Claw and Mighty Blow to start, while still keeping them slightly worse than the Greater Daemons such as Blood Thirster etc… in the Daemons of Chaos Roster.
Team design by Garion, CIBBL and Harvestmouse
Icons by Cowhead Machjacob and Misterfurious
Players Pics by Knut Rookie, coloured by Garion
Rationale by Garion
Background by Harvestmouse