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Starting Rosters
Starting with at least 3 re-rolls is a must otherwise your Hopper could tear through your own team like butter. With Bloodlust teams I generally find it a good idea to have no more Bloodlust players that Re-roll so starting with only 1 hopper keeps you safe. The Giant Cave Squig is a must and getting him to his first skill is vital so offer your other players protection. The Mangelr squig is not a secret weapon so does not get sent off, and 2 Cave Squigs give your team a little added Strength to protect your herders. You also start with 1 reserve which is useful. Get an apothecary quick, then invest in another hopper and a bench. Later considerations include getting more hoppers which are very unreliable and self destructive but also powerful, or a squig gobba for some long range bombing.