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If you have an entry please add it in alpahbetical order following the formatting already established:
Name - Discription, please use italics for terms at already exsist in the dictionary.
AC / Ass Coach - Assistant Coach, either on a team's roster or as an inducement.
Admin Dice - A joke/belief that admins get better dice results.
All Mens/All Mans - Going base to base contact with all of your players. Alternatively lining all your players up on the LOS for kick off.
Apo - Apothecary
Artillery A bomber with Hail Mary Pass.
AV - Armour Value often followed by the number required to beat it eg AV9+
Avoidance - Timing spins to avoid streamers / good players
Babe - Bloodweiser Babe an inducement, replaced by Bloodweiser Keg in BB2020
Backlining - Lining your players up at the rear of your half on kick off, except the three on LOS, often as a way of trying to stop a OTTD. Also Fence.
Bait - A player or players placed to pull opponents into a weaker position.
Ball Carrier / BC / Baller - The player carrying the ball, or the player that usually carries the ball for a team.
Banger - A coach very likely to use bash teams and seek casualties
Base - To be in contact with an opposition player, to be in in oposition players tacklzone, often the act of moving your players into those tacklezones.
Base Base Base - To put all you players in contact with opposition players. See also All Mans/All Mens
Bash - The playstyle or types of roster that hits things hard hoping for removals. Examples include Orcs, Dwarf, Undead etc. These teams often have no other way of playing. See also Banger a coach who usually plays bash teams.''
BB - 1. Blood Bowl, 2. Black box
BB2 - Blood Bowl 2, the videogame by Cyanide that mostly uses BB16 rules
BB3 - Blood Bowl 3, the third iteration of the Cyanide videogame that is mostly based on BB2020 rules
BB2016/2016 - Blood Bowl 2016 ruleset, used until Second Season
BB2020/2020 - Blood Bowl 2020 ruleset, released in Second Season
BBT - Black Box Trophy, a multi team FUMBBL Tournament, often with the number of the season after eg BBT9
BG - Big Guy
BH - The Badly Hurt result for injured players
Big Guy - A player on a team with Strength 5 or more and usually a negatrait.
Black Box - FUMBBL's Random scheduler the equivilent of BB2/3's spin
Bloat - Of TV management - anything sub par that over inflates team value, examples include too many rerolls, useless random skills etc
Blodge - Both skills Block and Dodge on the same player.
Blodgestep/Blodgestepper - Block, Dodge and Side Step skills on the same player
Blorcs - Black orcs
Boat - A Defensive Kick Off setup protecting 5 players from the possible turn 1 blitz, see also the rule of 5.
BOB - Black Orc Blocker. A player on the Black Orc roster
Bolt - Wizard's lighting bolt spell. Superseeded in BB2020 by Zap
Bolt bait - Using a worse player to ball carry to avoid Wizard hitting your primary ball carrier.
Brets - The historic & unofficial Bretonnians roster
BUB - Big 'Un Blocker. A player on the Orc roster
Bunker - 1. An extremely well defended cage. 2. Bunkers, a type of defensive kick off setup ''
Cabalvision - The spectator and replay system in Blood Bowl 2.
Cage - Five players in the shape of the pips on the 5 side of a dice, with the Ball Carrier in the middle and variations of this. See also X cage
Cage (side) - A cage where two players cover the ball carrier on diagonal corners but the other two are not needed because the ball carrier is up against the sideline. Often seen as an inferior option and high risk for surfing
Cage Diving - Leaping or dodging into the cage to try and sack the ball Carrier
CAS - Players suffering a Casualty
CCL - The competitive "Champion Ladder" in Blood Bowl 2
Chain (push) - Using a block action to push another player, or players, after pushback or knockdown.
Chain-Surf - Pushing one player into another so that the second player is pushed off the pitch.
Chalice - The end of season KO Tournament in Blood Bowl 2
Cheese - Exploit unbalanced mechanics to get an advantage, for example using (insert the name of currently disliked team here) to win games
Cherry - A new player and/or easy looking game.
Cherry Pick - To seek games exclusively with new or low ranked opponents
Chevrons - A defensive kick off shape
Chorfs - Chaos Dwarfs
Claw Pomb / Claw Pomber / Cpomb / Cpomber - Historic term for a player with the Claw, Mighty Blow and Piling On skills
Cow - Minotaur player
CRP Rules - Older table top rule set used in Blood Bowl 2
Cycling - Of player and TV management, the process of rolling a random skill on players only to sack him and buy a replacement if it was not very good
Dancer - Wardancer - a player type of renown on a Wood Elf team
DC - 1. Disconnect (online) 2. The skill Diving Catch
Delves/Delfs - Dark Elves
DF - Dedicated fans
Diagonal Blocking - On the line of scrimmage or in other line formations, blocking diagonally rather than straight-on, to allow lateral pushes and secondary blocks.
Diced - Losing because of dice results, or thinking you have been. To be the subject of a dicing
Dicer - Someone who dishes out a fair proportion of dicing's. More than a lucker, but not as many as a Highroller
Dirty Git - The skills Dirty Player and Sneaky Git on the same player.
dodemath - a complicated formula that replaced win percentage in BB2 formats.
Dog/Doggy - Werewolf, a player type of renown on a 'Necormantic Horror team
Dorfs - Dwarves
Double - Historic term for a Secondary skill
Double Screen - A formation with 2 layers of spaces players to stop dodging and leaping through more effectively.
DP - The skill Dirty Player +1
Drive - An offensive play, starting when the ball is kicked to the recieving team. Ending with either a Touchdown or the end of the half
DT - Diving Tackle
Dumb Square - The squares in the endzone and on the sideline, where if the Ball Carrier gets knocked down can result in a 5/8 chance of off-field scatter
Elf BS/Shit/Bull Shit - successful risky plays that involve high agility/passing. Alternatively perfectly ordinary plays you dislike the opposing elves doing. See also Elfed
Elf Screen/Elven screen - Defensive tactic using spaced players to prevent forward movement.
Elf Wall - Also 'Column Defence'. Defensive shape using players in columns of two to prevent forward movement.
Elfed - Beaten by an Elf team using Elf BS
Elfing - Rolling dice to do Agility plays.
Endzone Tripwire - Mythical tripwire that lays across the endzone that seems almost certain to trip anyone who trys to Rush onto it to score. The persuasive yet ultimately irrational belief that rushes to score always end in failure.
Equity - Your teams assets and chance to win.
EV - (from chess) Expected value, describes the long-term average level of a random variable based on its probability distribution. Used in Blood Bowl to justify tactical decisions.
Fence see Backlineing
FF - Fan Factor. Superseded in BB2020 by dedicated fans or DF
Filthy Lucker - Someone who is very lucky normaly for a prolonged period of time or descriptive of one who dishes out dicing's on a regular basis. Having more luck than a Highroller, but not as lucky as a serial dicer.
Fling - A Halfling Player
Floor Blitz - A Foul
Fodder - Non crucial players used to protect positionals, see also meat shield
Forlorn - A race yet to win a Major Tournament
Foul Bait/Target - A player used to distract the opponent and hopefully make them mass foul it at the cost of position.
Frenzy Opportunity - Ironic name for a Frenzy Trap.
Frenzy Trap - A set up where after a two die block (or one die), the frenzy means a push will lead to a 1 die block (or worse)
Frog - To successfully target with the Zap spell, which turns them into a frog
FUMBBL - Free Java-based Blood Bowl/Fantasy Football site.
GFI - “Going For It” - Pre-2020 term for Rush
Greed - Trying to maximise your damage output to the detriment of your gameplay, on-field position, or ability to score. Eg sending your team in for assists on blocks and fouls, resulting in neglecting the ball carrier. Or, choosing a Push on the first block of a Frenzy Surf, instead of a safe Pow, and rolling Skulls on the second block
Ground Blitz - A Foul
Half mans/mens - To base with half of the team
Helfs/Helves - High Elves
High Roll - Seeking of achieving success through long-odds plays. See also Highroller
Highroller - A player in a state of luck that is slightly more lucky than a dicer but not as lucky as a filthy lucker
HMP - Hail Mary Pass
Hybrid - A loose roster type categorisation. A team with a balanced mix of bash and dash e.g. Human, Necromantic Horror
Imps - Imperial Nobility roster, also 'Nobs
Inducement/s A selection of things that you can hire as one off in a game to try to reduce the gap in TV between teams see a list of inducements here
Juggs - The skill Juggernaut
Keg - The inducement Bloodweiser Keg, see also Babe.
Khemri - The Tomb Kings roster
Kill Stack - A chosen set of skills all designed to cause maximum chance of injury on blocks
Kill team - A squad where almost every player builds for the Kill Stack
Killer - A player purposely built with a kill stack to try to remove enemy players.
KO - A player who is Knocked Out
Leader Caddy - A player with passing skills access, used mainly to have the leader skill for a cheaper reroll.
Line Fodder - Players, usually cheap and replaceable, used primarily to take hits, especially on the LOS. See also meat shield
Lino - A lineman. Usually the players on the team that you can take 0-12 or 0-16 of
LOS - Line of scrimmage, the 7 squares in the middle of the pitch upon which both teams must set up at least 3 players on the start of a drive (if they can)
Lucker - A position on the luck ladder being luckier than someone who is lucky, but not as lucky as a dicer.
Lucky - Not as lucky, as a lucker, but luckier than someone who is unlucky.
MB - The skill Mighty Blow.
Meat Cube - A mass of players clumped together with no gaps, often allowing chain pushes.
Meat Shield - Non crucial players used to protect positionals
Min-max - Building teams with minimal Team Value for maximum impact. Typically this might include a lot of unskilled linemen with one or two killers or a killer and a runner. Often minmaxed teams have a larger number of games played than the TV would suggest.
Minmaxer - Someone perceived to always build Min Max teams.
Mino - Minotaur, see also Cow
Mr Throw - The Orc Thrower
NAF - Nuffle Amorical Football, the Unofficial Official organisation for Blood Bowl tournaments both in lore and Reality.
Nattie/Natty - Player that can score in one turn unaided, almost defunct in BB2020
Negatrait - A trait with only negative effects for the player with it such as Bonehead & Really Stupid.
Niggle - Niggling Injury
Nobs - Imperial Nobility
Noob Dice/Newb Dice - A belief new players get lucky dice
Noob/Newb - ''A new player, probably looking for the 145, FUMMBL's learning league
Norsed/Norsing - High attrition play leading to a snowball effect early in the game.
Nuffle - Luck God specific to Blood Bowl
Nuffled - Losing because of dice results, often used as a more polite way of saying your were robbed than calling your opponent a dicer etc
Offset (LOS) - Putting the three LOS players on one side instead of the middle.
One in Nine (1/9) - A failure state involving two dice both rolling 2 or lower (block dice: 'Skull' = 1, 'Both down' = 2). The chance of this expressed in odds is 1/9.
One In Thirtysix (1/36) - A failure state involving two dice both rolling 1 (Block Dice: 'Skull'). The chance of this is odds is 1/36. see also A Snake.
One In Eighty One (1/81) - A failure state involving two dice both rolling 2 or lower, and rerolling to the same
One Turner - a player built to score one turn touchdowns. Alternatively the act of doing a one turn touch down.
Opponent Score - Also known as strength of schedule (SOS). A common tiebreaker in tournaments.
OTTD / 1TTD - One Turn Touch Down
Overdogging - Using treasury to buy inducements when the larger team
Passing Edition - Ironic name for BB2020. Referring to the fact that this version is widely viewed as the worst for passing.
Perm - A permanent Stat decreasing injury
Permed - A player suffering an injury that decreases one of his stats permanently
Pixel Hugger - Someone who is scared of having their players killed or injured, to the detriment of their play.
Play From The Ground - Choose to leave players down.
PO - The skill Piling On. No longer in current rules
Pomb / Pomber - A player with the Mighty Blow and Piling On skills (CRP rules) defunct in BB2020
Pop/popped - Using a skills reroll or effect so that it can’t be used again that turn. E.g they have popped dodge already this turn so need to use a team RR, or they popped Mighty Blow to break armour so it was not added to injury
Potato - Potatoing, doing a potato. A Ball Carrier running off by themselves ahead of the rest of the team in a desperate attempt to get close to scoring. It often signifies a loss of control of the drive. There are some for whom potatoing is the main form of offence but it is considered a poor choice unless it's your only choice, in which case it is a good choice
Power Apo - Using an apothecary early in the game to turn a KO into a Stun. Occasionally an early BH.
Pro Elves - Alternative historic name for the Elven Union roster
Punt - Passing the ball up the field to an empty square
Quad Skulls/Quads - Rolling Skull+Skull on a 2 dice block, rerolling it, and getting Skull+Skull again. The chances of this are 1/1296
Rage quit - A player conceding/disconnecting a match without notice following negative events
Randumbs - Mass rolling of random skills on positionals and linemen alike resulting in weird, often useless combinations
Red Dice (Block) - When your opponent gets to decide the outcome of the dice
Removal - whenever a player leaves the field during a drive
Resurrection - A type of league or tornament format where there is no roster development or other consequences of the games played during the tournament. There are no deaths or long-term injuries, no SPP gained, no money gained, etc. You use the same roster for every game.
Reverse the Field - getting most/all of your players past the opposition and defending the stall.
Riot - The old name for the Time-Out result on the kick-off table.
RNG - Random Number Generator that produces the dice results online
Roar - A player who fails an Unchannelled Fury (or Wild Animal) check.
Rogre/Roger/Rodger - Rat Ogre
Rollycubes - faux cute name for dice
Rowdy - aggressive and possibly foolhardy play
RR - Reroll
Rule Of Five - A Defensive Kick Off shape protecting 5 players from the possible turn 1 blitz.
Sacking - Hitting the ball carrier to get them to drop the ball.
Safety - From US football, a player that hangs back to defend break throughs. Also 'Sweeper'
Scoring threat - A player in scoring range, especially one moving into scoring range late in a drive.
Screen - Using players spaced apart to protect space and/or the ball carrier.
Scum/Scumming - See Overdogging
Secondary Block - A block made possible by pushing a defender by a previous block.
Server time - (FUMBBL) the time displayed in the top right corner of the website, by which scheduling is arranged. Also BB time.
SF - The skill Stand Firm
SG - The skill Sneaky Git
SI - The Casualty result Serious Injury
Sidecage/Sideline Cage - A Ball carrier on the edge of the field protected by two other players diagonally in front and behind.
Single - (BB2016) Primary Skill. Taken from the dice roll needed to access the skill.
Spinning - The act of looking for a random match ususlly in BB2/BB3 see also Black box
Snake Eyes - 1+1 on a roll of 2D6. Or 1, rerolled into 1. Also Snakes, ol' snake eyes
Sniping - Trying to spin into a twitch streamer.
Snowball - when an early advantage causes the game to become one sided
Spinning - looking for a random opponent to play online (BB1/BB2/BB3)
SPP - Star Player Points
Stall Square - 2 from the endzone and 2 from the sideline, thought safe to be knocked over without off field scatter.
Stalling - Not scoring when you have the the ability to do so in order to score on a later turn and thus denying your opponent more turns on their drive.
Strength of Schedule (SOS) - A common tiebreaker in tournaments.
Strip - The Strip ball skill
Stunty team - A roster mainly of players with the Stunty trait. Also a Tournament definition for tiering.
Sunbathe - A player choosing not to stand up. Also 'Play from the ground'
Surf - A player pushed off the pitch into the crowd
Switch - Pulling the defence toward one side, then moving the team and/or ball to the other side of the pitch
TD - Touch Down
TDD - Touch Down Difference, TD's scored minus TD's conceded
Tents - The skill Tentacles
Team Value - A measure of the value of a given team in gold peices. Most things have a TV value associated with them e.g. buying more players, earned player skills, rerolls, bought assistant coaches and chearleaders will all increase the level of a teams TV. Some systems (eg Blackbox) use TV as a way to match teams (TV matchmanking) and the difference between the higher TV and lower TV is given to the team with the Lower TV as gold coins to buy inducements
TH - The skill Two Heads
Tilt - When a player loses composure leading to poor decisions and play. See
Trap space - A deliberate gap used to lure unwary players into hard-to-defend positions
Tripwire - See Endzone Tripwire
TT - Table Top, playing BB in person
TTM - The skill or the action Throw Team Mate
Turn 16/T16 foul - Fouling on the very last turn, often controversial due to perceived lack of gain.
Turtle - To sit defensively protecting the ball and make no attempt to score.
TV - Team Value
Twat Magnet - A player, usually Big Guy, often with SF, used to distract and bog down opposition players.
Twenty Sixteen Rules (2016 Rules) - Community name for post CRP rules set, used until Second Season.
Twenty Twenty Rules (2020 Rules) - Community name for Second Season Edition
Two-One Grind (2-1 grind) - Taking 8 turns to score on your drive, force the opponent to score quickly and then score a 2nd TD. Or to force them to score quickly if they receive and then score at the end of the first and second halves, leaving no chance for them to equalise
Uphill - When your opponent gets to decide the outcome of your Block dice
Vanity Pass - An unnecessary pass made solely to generate Star Player Points (SPP)
Venga bus - A Cage formation With Ball Carrier and another piece inside a stretched X shape.
Withdrawn Offence - Retreating all players on offence to reduce attrition and concentrate dice rolling on less turns. Also 'Dakka', 'Italian Defence' See here for full explanation
Woodies/Woodys - Wood Elves
Wrackle - Wrestle and Tackle skills on the same player
Wrodge - Wrestle and Dodge skills on the same player
X-Cage - five players in the shape of the pips on the 5 side of a dice, with the Ball Carrier in the middle.
Zap - The wizard's spell Zap. See 'Frog'
Zons - Amazons