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Troll Teams

 0-16  Goblins  40,000  6  2  3+  4+  8+  Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff  A  GSP 
 0-6  Snotlings  15,000  5  1  3+  5+  6+  Dodge, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty, Swarming, Titchy  A  G 
 0-2  Trolls  115,000  4  5  5+  5+  10+  Always Hungry, Mighty Blow(+1), Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate, Projectile Vomit  S  GAP 
 0-2  River Troll  125,000  4  5  5+  5+  10+  Always Hungry, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Mighty Blow(+1), Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate, Projectile Vomit  S  GAP 
 0-2  Stone Troll  135,000  4  5  5+  5+  11+  Always Hungry, Mighty Blow (+1), Really Stupid, Regeneration, Iron Hard Skin, Throw Team-Mate, Projectile Vomit  S  GAP 
 Re-roll counter  70,000 gold pieces each 
 Apothecary  Yes 
 Special Rules  Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption 
 Tier  3 

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River Trolls

Stone Trolls

Famous Teams
Death Wish - First appeared in second edition Stars magazine, the team was made up of Trolls and Snotlings.

Troll teams have always played Blood Bowl, though very few have made their mark in the sport. The only Troll team of note was the famous Death Wish. The team gained it's name after a particularly smart Troll put out an advert calling for Snotlings and Goblins to join their ranks for a forthcoming Worlds Edge league game. Many applied and all were accepted without question. Unfortunately for the stunty greenskins once they'd got changed and walked out on to the field of play they were met on the pitch by 6 Trolls all wearing bibs and holding crude knives, forks and other pointy things ready to eat with. The match never really got going but the crowd took great delight watching the Trolls run around the pitch devouring their Stunty team mates until they'd had their fill. The game was broadcast far and wide over the Necromancer's Broadcasting Cabalvision and word soon caught on about that clever Troll's plan and the team became known as Deathwish.

Bizzarely they were never short of Snotlings and Goblins to feast upon. Rumour had it the stunty greenskins were forced to play by some industrious Orcs that set up a betting ring built around how many Goblins and Snotlings would be eaten on a game by game basis.

The Troll roster was very straight forward to design. The basic Troll kept the same stat line and then the two Troll variants were added with slight changes to their skills and stat line in line with their background, Stone Troll being slightly Tougher and River Troll being especially smelly and ugly. The only real decision was whether or not to add Snotlings as well as Goblins to the roster, in the end we felt this was needed due to Really Stupid en masse being a nightmare to control. They need the extra guidance of stunties to point them in the right direct plus give them extra food to eat

Season 2 (2020 Edition) Changes
No changes made, other than the inclusion of Pa stat in line with the core rules.

Teams design, background and rationale by the CIBBL team and Garion
Player Art by Knut Rookie, coloured by Garion
Icons by Whatball and Kingmad

Last update: October 28, 2024