Joined: Mar 17, 2012
Jun 05, 2013 - 22:35 |
Liverwart, the pride of the Humphead tribe, and last surviving founding member of the New Slamdancers chaos pact team has fallen heroically and squishily on the field of Blood Bowl Battle.
Surviving far normal than usual at a position with an average life expectancy of what-was-that-guy's-name-again?, the unusually brawny gobbo was active in 83 of the New Slamdancer's 90 games.
His body has been taken into custody by the Lark Islands Necromancy and Corpse Storage Company, where one of the workers was quoted to say, "I dunno, we'll raise 'im into a player for one of the dead teams, or bury 'im or burn 'im or somethin'. Bugger off, I'm on my coffee break!"
Lord Verminsquasher Humphead, distant relative and warlord of the Humphead tribe was quoted to say, "Yeah, Liverwart sold a lotta Slamdancers gear in the tribe. He inspired a lot of the young spawn to try out for Bloodbowl as well, so expect to see more Humpheads in the league soon."
When asked what effect this had had on his small tribe, he continued to say, "Well, dere's less of us now."
Liverwart Humphead, rest in peace |

Joined: Jun 17, 2011
Jun 05, 2013 - 23:05 |
he was a warrior. I still have a shirt from his MVP game vs. the Frenzied Flames. Can't believe he's dead.
RIP Humphead. |
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