
Joined: Aug 04, 2014
Dec 10, 2014 - 14:27 |
Yakka Flemfroat sadly died yesterday, and it is only with his passing that the Great Gobbo has allowed me to tell the true story of this heroic little goblin.
On the opening play in a game verses Ranked Invasion Cube 001 a bomb exploded next to Yakka and he was seriously hurt. The stretcher team got him to the dugout as quickly as possible where Doctor Eadcase was waiting to perform an emergency operation to save his life. the operation was a success and Yakka was taken off to the Tide hospital to recuperate.
The following day myself and the Great Gobbo were visiting Yakka when a very serious looking Doctor Eadcase came into the room. Further examination had revealed a piece of shrapnel was still inside Yakka's chest and was inexorably making its way to his heart where it would kill him and there was no way to remove it. Doctor Eadcase told him he had a year to live at most. The Great Gobbo offered Yakka retirement with full care for the rest of his life but Yakka refused, wanting to go out fighting on the Blood Bowl pitch. He made us all swear to secrecy as he didn't want anybody to think he was weak.
He came back to the team and demanded to be played on the line of scrimmage as it was the most dangerous place on the pitch. He suffered three more serious injuries during this period, refusing any help from the apothecary who he insisted be saved for someone more worthy.
He passed away against Count Von Count Von Count when on the opening play the vampire Conde Contar blocked him in the chest finally forcing the shrapnel into his heart killing him instantly.
A truly heroic little goblin who I am proud to have called my friend. |

Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Dec 10, 2014 - 19:28 |

Joined: Dec 19, 2009
Dec 10, 2014 - 20:13 |