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Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Sep 24, 2012 - 15:07 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.0.0

Fantasy Football is now fully CRP (LRB6) compliant. It is "feature complete" in having all skills, rosters, stars and inducements available as per the rulebook.


* Automatic Login (no need for password if your are already logged into Fumbbl), scheduled games start with a single click

* ALL skills implemented (new: Ball&Chain, Bombardier, Fan Favorite, Hail Mary Pass and Pass Block)

* ALL inducements available (new: Mercenaries with skills)

* Cards available for inducement (currently Magic Items only)

* Animations for kickoff results.

* Replayer with sounds and animations (in single speed mode)

* Support for Stunty (Penalty Rolls for Secret Weapons, definable in the Roster)

* Support for BB7 (Game Options for number and position of players on the field)

* Improved test mode with many chatcommands for testing (use this by putting "test:" in front of your game name)

* Proper support for special game situations such as Kickoff with no players on the field, Touchback without valid targets or Concessions with less than 3 players to field.


FFB behaviour can be modified through Game Options. These are choosable by the league commissioner and are displayed upon starting the client (Game Option menu).

clawDoesNotStack (default: off)
Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.

foulBonus (default: off)
+1 to armour roll for a foul.

foulBonusOutsideTacklezone (default: off)
+1 to armour roll for a foul, if fouler is not in an opposing tacklezone.

freeCardCash (default: 0)
Free gold specifically for card buying (so both sides may always start with cards).

freeInducementCash (default: 0)
Both coaches get X extra gold to buy inducements with.

maxNrOfCards (default: 0)
Determines if and how many cards may be bought for inducement money

maxPlayersInWideZone (default: 2)
A maximum of X players may be set up in a widezone.

maxPlayersOnField (default: 11)
A maximum of X players may be set up on the field.

minPlayersOnLos (default: 3)
A minimum of X players must be set up on the line of scrimmage.

pilingOnDoesNotStack (default: off)
Piling On does not stack with other skills that modify armour- or injury-rolls.

pilingOnInjuryOnly (default: off)
Piling On lets you re-roll injury-rolls only.

pilingOnArmorOnly (default: off)
Piling On lets you re-roll armour-rolls only.

pilingOnToKoOnDouble (default: off)
Piling On player knocks himself out when rolling a double on armour or injury.

rightStuffCancelsTackle (default: off)
Right Stuff prevents Tackle from negating Dodge for Pow/Pushback.

sneakyGitAsFoulGuard (default: off)
Sneaky Git works like Guard for fouling assists

sneakyGitBanToKo (default: off)
Sneaky Git players that get banned are sent to the KO box instead.

standFirmNoDropOnFailedDodge (default: off)
Stand Firm players do not drop on a failed dodge roll but end their move instead.

spikedBall (default: off)
A Spiked Ball is used for play. Any failed Pickup or Catch roll results in the player being stabbed.

Limitiations and Rule Interpretations:

Technical considerations, playability issues (the dreaded "popup-hell") and vagueness on part of the ruleset forces some choices on implementation.

* Stunned players do not revert back to Prone upon hitting them again.

* Dump-Offs cannot be Pass-Blocked.

* Wizard or Cards cannot be used at turnover IF the turn ended due to a touchdown, the end of a half or a timeout.

* Diving Tackle is not useable by the thrower of a pass (that is during Pass Block).

* Re-Throwing bombs is not an Action (and therefor does not trigger any skills).

* You cannot re-roll Pro-Rolls (this is due to the way Re-Rolls are currently implemented in FFB).

* Not all skills are optional as per the rules:

Compromises have been made to avoid "popup-hell" (as stated above). Most of these have been discussed to the death. Choices were necessary.

Tackle is always on. Same as Block.

Dodge is optional only if
1) The push is chainpush and the three opposite squares are occupied
2) It is the first turn after kickoff and a defending player has the potential to be pushed over the los int o the attackers half
3) The defending player is standing one square from the sideline and the opponent is pushing from the same row or from the row more infield.

Last edited by Kalimar on Nov 07, 2012; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Oct 02, 2012 - 11:15 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.0.3

This is a bugfix release, so no new features. The main change behind the scenes is an improved persistency layer to hopefully avoid a large number of errors the previous versions showed on dropping and rejoining a game.

Please note, that Release Notes for versions 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 are missing, because those were mainly quick patches to get rid of latency problems (and things were kind of hectic at the time). All relevant bugfixes since version 1.0.0 are listed below.

21 Bugfixes:

#1305 Wizard fireballing own team clarification

#1311 REPLAY: controls broken after switch from spec mode

#1316 FREEZE: Animosity on Hand Off causes freeze

#1323 MULTIPLE FOULS: Back to back fouling

#1324 Problems with Leap in new client

#1327 Teleporting player

#1336 BLOCKING: Wrong player blocked/multiple blocks/etc

#1344 Can,t Leap on a hand over action

#1348 Server disconnect during setup corrupts game (?)

#1350 NO MA ISSUES: Can't leap

#1351 FREEZE: Dump Off

#1354 After using Chainsaw freeze

#1361 Won't let me leap

#1363 NO MA ISSUES: Tree cant make TTM After 2 GFI

#1365 NO MA ISSUES: Passing with MA 0

#1366 Game freezes when attempt to Throw

#1367 Halflings cannot foul

#1369 pass to area equalled crash?

#1371 Problem with Pass

#1372 Unable to handoff

#1379 Stats: 1 yard passing with 0 CP

Last edited by Kalimar on Oct 10, 2012; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Oct 04, 2012 - 10:22 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.0.4

This is a bugfix release, so no new features. A quick and small release needed to support the ongoing tournaments with proper overtime.

3 Bugfixes:

Fixed a graphical issue with players not overlapping properly - the shadow of one player was drawn over the head of a player below him.

#1378 OVERTIME: No coin toss for overtime

#1399 BALL&CHAIN: Chainsaw and Stab ignore armour

Last edited by Kalimar on Oct 10, 2012; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Oct 10, 2012 - 10:21 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.0.5

This is a bugfix release, so no new features. This release focused on adressing some game freezing bugs (that admins will have to cancel) and a memory leak in the context of replays (causing the server to slow down and eventually die).

In Game Replay has been deactived for this release. There are some problems with this feature that need further investigation (and a bit more time).

Please take some time and re-test any bugs you reported that are marked as resolved. If everything works fine, please close the bug. Otherwise re-open and I will have another look at it. Thanks for your help!

9 Bugfixes:

#1320 BLOODLUST: Failed BL, no SPP from a Pass Action

#1321 INDUCEMENTS: Transferred money not added to TV

#1334 BLOODLUST: and Hypno Gaze

#1385 CARDS: Lucky Charm Bugged

#1392 CARDS: Magic Codpiece didnt take effect properly

#1393 CARDS: Magic Codpiece not working against Piling On

#1396 BLOODLUST: fail doesn't allow blitzing adjacent

#1413 BLOODLUST: failed BL/hypno, feed ended my turn

#1417 Stab v Stunty

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Nov 23, 2014 - 20:54 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.2.0


- Dirty Tricks card deck available for inducements (with the exception of Trampoline Trap)
- Card playing animation when using a card in the game
- Player Markers saved by team - upon starting a new game your players will be marked the same as in the last game
- New way to store replays, drastically reducing database size (making it much easier for Christer to do backups)
- Custom pitches and new pitch user settings
- New test commands (/weather, /card, /pitch)
- In-game replay for spectators working again

TODO: describe the current set of options and how to create custom pitch .zips

Some of the many bugfixes contained:

#1305 Wizard fireballing own team clarification
#1311 REPLAY: controls broken after switch from spec mode
#1316 FREEZE: Animosity on Hand Off causes freeze
#1323 MULTIPLE FOULS: Back to back fouling
#1324 Problems with Leap in new client
#1327 Teleporting player
#1336 BLOCKING: Wrong player blocked/multiple blocks/etc
#1344 Can't Leap on a hand over action
#1348 Server disconnect during setup corrupts game (?)
#1350 NO MA ISSUES: Can't leap
#1351 FREEZE: Dump Off
#1354 After using Chainsaw freeze
#1361 Won't let me leap
#1363 NO MA ISSUES: Tree cant make TTM After 2 GFI
#1365 NO MA ISSUES: Passing with MA 0
#1366 Game freezes when attempt to Throw
#1367 Halflings cannot foul
#1369 pass to area equalled crash?
#1371 Problem with Pass
#1372 Unable to handoff
#1379 Stats: 1 yard passing with 0 CP
#1399 BALL&CHAIN: Chainsaw and Stab ignore armour

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Mar 07, 2017 - 08:09 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.2.6

There are a couple of release notes missing up to this version. And the release has had a somewhat difficult start (replay and upload problems). But after some quick fixes (same version number) things are pretty stable now. I'll try to do better and write proper release notes for the upcoming versions.


* Timmm-ber! skill (BB2016) implemented (although not available yet on Fumbbl)
* Argue the Call (BB2016) implemented and active
* older replays now stored in Amazon S3 cloud service


* Stand Up Dice Roll for a tree showing 0
* Sneaky Git not working with Argue the Call
* succesful Argue the Call keeping the player on the field instead of sending him to the Reserve Box
* old Sidestep & Shadowing bug should be gone

EDIT: The Argue the Call feature apparently needs more thorough testing and is currently deactivated by the site.

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Mar 15, 2017 - 16:25 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.2.7


- BB2016 Rule: nominate 3 players at the end of the game, 1 of those gets the MVP award
- Option "mvpNominations" determines how many players must be nominated for an MVP (0 = random choice, 1 = you can choose which player gets the MVP, 3 = default)
- BB2016 Rule: Piling On not being available is handled by Fumbbl directly
- Option "pilingOnUsesATeamReroll" (true/false) makes Piling On cost a Team ReRoll
- Games are marked as such in the database when they have been conceded or ended by the Admins
- BB2016 Rule: Skill "Weeping Dagger" has been implemented - poisoned players miss the next game


- BB2016 Rule: Argue the Call fixed and activated by default
- #17 Sneaky Git player inactive after foul
- #14 Team ReRoll on catch on blitz! kickoff

EDIT: pilingOnUsesATeamReroll now active in all divisions. Skill will be removed in [R] and [B] later.

Last edited by Kalimar on Mar 19, 2017; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Mar 19, 2017 - 12:40 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.2.8


- BB2016 Rule: Petty Cash does not affect TV
(default options forceTreasuryToPettyCash=true, pettyCashAffectsTv=false)
- BB2016 Rule: No wizard available (default option wizardAvailable=false)
- BB2016 Rule: Skill "Monstrous Mouth" implemented


- #31 /options doesn't return list of options
- #46 MNG eligible for the MVP
- Switched order of "Argue the Call" and "Bribes" around (first Bribes, then Argue)
- Admin commands concede and upload have no effect

Last edited by Kalimar on Apr 01, 2017; edited 2 times in total

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Apr 01, 2017 - 11:37 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.2.9


- Spectators may continue to chat after a player (or both) leaves the game
- New admin command backup to save replays
- If a replay is unavailable the client displays a message saying so (instead of doing nothing)


- #55 Secret weapons bribe
- #62 Argue the Call still not quite working
- #71 Replays don't load if game is interrupted during play
- Premature disconnect after successful upload at the end of the game

Last edited by Kalimar on May 09, 2017; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Sep 22, 2006

Post   Posted: May 09, 2017 - 16:13 Reply with quote Back to top

Release Notes Version 1.3.0


- (Technical) Turn Timers are now fully controlled by the server (Server Pings)
- (Technical) Client generated entropy now transmitted within each client command
- If and when the turn timer stops to wait for opponent input has been greatly improved
- Ping Time (Server Lag) once again shown in the client


- #8 Vampire bloodlust ends team turn early
- #13 Skill reroll and team reroll against diving tackle
- #47 Failed animosity on handoff causes turnover

Additional Fixes (no new version number):

- No Team-ReRoll after Dodge skill has been used
- Random dropouts on a slow internet connection
- Pass & Handover while suffering from BloodLust
- Wizard cannot cast spells

Last edited by Kalimar on May 11, 2017; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jan 03, 2019 - 13:31
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Release Notes Version 1.3.1


- (Technical) New code signing certificate
- (Technical) Refactorization and cleanup


- Bug #165 Break Tackle / Diving Tackle issue. Now allows DT to be used to force Break Tackle.
- Bug #95 Strip Ball will now be used multiple times per turn (interaction with Frenzy may cause this).
- Bug #172 Brilliant Coaching is now affected by the head coach being banned as per the rules.

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jan 06, 2019 - 01:52
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Release Notes Version 1.3.2


- Added support for Swoop skill
- Slightly improved startup time
- (Technical) Data model change that should help with vanishing players


- Bug 35 Throw Team-mate onto the ball carrier erroneously causes a turnover in certain cases
- A whole range of bugs related to vanishing players. If this issue reappears, a new bug report should be filed.

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jan 12, 2019 - 15:38
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Release Notes Version 1.3.3

This is the bombardier release, where I've fixed a lot of bomb related issues.


- A number of bugs involving the bombardier skill: Bug 103 134 104 147 108 131 113 146 164 161 122 240 208 153 128
- Bug 127 Timeout changes block dice
- Bug 91 Failed GFI with Ball & Chain does not roll for block
- Bug 89 Take root and pass action interaction
- Bug 36 Foul action is not available during Blitz! turns
- Bug 242 Problems with team rerolls during Blitz! turns
- Bug 215 Problem with Distract effect remaining after a touchdown
- Bug 12 Pass Block + Tentacles interaction bug
- Bug 10 Pass Block + Hypnotic Gaze interaction bug
- Bug 30 Pass Block + pass to empty square bug

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jan 13, 2019 - 13:46
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Unversioned fix applied to solve issue with blitz blocks using up two movement instead of one.

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Mar 10, 2019 - 11:03
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Release Notes Version 1.3.4


- Bug 15 Dump-off player under ball on Blitz! kickoff result issue
- Bug 16 Prone player under ball on Blitz! kickoff result issue
- (No bug report) Issue with wrestling a player under the ball during Blitz! kick-offs
- Bug 294 Issue with banned coach in Brilliant Coaching kick-off result
- Bug 48 Diving Catch able to take the ball into kickers half
- Bug 175 Horns and Tentacles interaction problem
- Bug 265 Dauntless and Tentacles interaction problem
- Bug 157 Apothecary does not clear weeping dagger effect
- (No bug report) Fix problem where a hypnotic gaze failing a dodge during a pass-block move can lock up the game in certain situations

Miscellaneous fixes:
- Remove rendering of black borders on certain platforms
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