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Joined: Nov 25, 2016

Post   Posted: Jan 27, 2018 - 22:21 Reply with quote Back to top

I have just played such a peculiar match. I was three times asked why am I fouling (and I explained I hope to get tactical advantage) and then in the second half the player just told me he hopes I have no fun playing the match and conceded.

As I have returned after a year of not playing I need to ask, is this common now? Or have I just had bad luck? (well, I leveled two of my players a got a new blitzer thanks to the concede winnings and MVP, but still...)

Joined: Feb 26, 2012

Post   Posted: Jan 27, 2018 - 22:32 Reply with quote Back to top

Hasn't happened to me. Play some more matches before you give it a second thought.

Joined: Jul 08, 2009

Post   Posted: Jan 27, 2018 - 22:55 Reply with quote Back to top

If your opponent was playing Wood Elves and not expecting to get fouled ...

Seriously, who isn't going to foul a wardancer that's lying on the floor? Wink

"Opinions are like arseholes, everybody's got them and they all stink." - The protagonist, Fallout 2

"Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!!" Razz

Joined: Mar 16, 2014

Post   Posted: Jan 27, 2018 - 23:03 Reply with quote Back to top

Just watched your match(can't see dialog), dont think it has anything to do with you fouling.
You did not foul several rounds before he conceded.
Looks more like a player, who could not handle the game going poorly.

Fouling is for my part a cheap way to victory, and should only be done, if it gives you a clear tatical advance for the next round.
Its ranked, you might never play this team again, so why foul just to destroy the other team.
Know there a lot of players here, who thinks the are gods, because they build bash teams with fouling, and then only play games, where they are massive favorites.
they will offcourse disagree.

Joined: Jun 12, 2004

Post   Posted: Jan 27, 2018 - 23:18 Reply with quote Back to top

Changed? I think it's been like that ever since i first got introduced to blood bowl here. Some people have always gotten agitated and taken fouling as an insult.

Joined: Jan 14, 2009

Post   Posted: Jan 27, 2018 - 23:33 Reply with quote Back to top

meh. Opponent has 13 matches...so probably inexperienced. I don't see how that would make you think "things are like this now"

Joined: Jul 05, 2006

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 00:27 Reply with quote Back to top

I guess it's more likely to happen versus coaches who have not been playing a lot (ever or for a while). Gotta admit there have been few times I have considered conceding. Never done it though (at least I dont remember).

I used to hate getting fouled as well and took it some times as insult. Then I started fouling and got rid of such silly thoughts. I still dont apreciate T16 fouls though especially if the opponent has already steamrolled my team and is just adding to injury.

Joined: May 29, 2011

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 00:54 Reply with quote Back to top

Foul all mens.

That is all.


Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 01:59 Reply with quote Back to top

There were big 'Foul EVERYTHING!!!' & 'Fouling is LAME!' contingents here back in the day. Sort of like the old 'TASTES GREAT!', 'LESS FILLING!' Miller Lite add campaign.Very Happy They then morphed into 'CLAWBOMB!!!' & 'Clawbomb is LAME!' contingents as the rules changed. And w/ those changes, into the current ruleset, fouling hasn't been looked on by most here anymore as a really big taboo thing IMO. Of course there are likely a few who still overdue fouling for purely spiteful reasons, but overall the majority here use fouling for strictly tactical purposes & nothing more.

"If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it's because self-knowledge is painful
& we prefer the pleasures of illusion." ~Aldous Huxley

Joined: Jul 14, 2008

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 05:21 Reply with quote Back to top

Fouling in the era of the CLAWPOMB was suboptimal.

Back in the days of THE EYE fouling was WORTH IT.
You could lay the boot right and not get thrown out.
And then if your opponent did not foul back you could lay the boot really good again and get thrown out.
But all your team would lose is a 1 skill Dirty Player and he would be on the bench resting up to lay the boot right in your next game instead of getting injured or gaining addition skills he didn't need.
And if your opponent WOULD foul back you could keep fouling ALL GAME if you wanted.

But during CLAWPOMB it is harder to mass up the gang to lay the boot right.
You need at least 1 more assist for the same fouls of the old days.
You are less likely to send your opponents player to the grave and more likely to get thrown out.
So the player base now is less conditioned to fouling or being fouled.

Back under the old days of THE EYE other than picking up the Ball the WHOLE POINT of Turn 1 was to set up a good hard FOUL.
You could hinge your half on removing the 3 guys on the LOS, whichever plaer you Blitz and then fouling whichever of those 4 guys that didn't get sent to the bench.
It was even good strategy during turn 1 to gangfoul some common LOS fodder because on the bench he couldn't protect the pieces you really wanted to foul.

And if your team did not receive to start the game you spent the whole half playing defense and looking for the golden opportunity to FOUL BACK and to make it really count.

No with no OP'd CLAWPOMB and no OP'd FOULING the game has gone full on snowflake.

Personally I wish fouling was still +2... but the chances to get Tossed by the Ref remained the same.
I kinda prefer the risk involved... but I want the foul to have a chance to COUNT when you lay the boot right.

Joined: Jul 14, 2008

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 05:24 Reply with quote Back to top

Catalyst32 wrote:
1st off... you are asking about COACHES.
A player suits up in digital AV and uses their MA, ST and AG on The Pitch.

Fouling in the era of the CLAWPOMB was suboptimal.

Back in the days of THE EYE fouling was WORTH IT.
You could lay the boot right and not get thrown out.
And then if your opponent did not foul back you could lay the boot really good again and get thrown out.
But all your team would lose is a 1 skill Dirty Player and he would be on the bench resting up to lay the boot right in your next game instead of getting injured or gaining addition skills he didn't need.
And if your opponent WOULD foul back you could keep fouling ALL GAME if you wanted.

But during CLAWPOMB it is harder to mass up the gang to lay the boot right.
You need at least 1 more assist for the same fouls of the old days.
You are less likely to send your opponents player to the grave and more likely to get thrown out.
So the player base now is less conditioned to fouling or being fouled.

Back under the old days of THE EYE other than picking up the Ball the WHOLE POINT of Turn 1 was to set up a good hard FOUL.
You could hinge your half on removing the 3 guys on the LOS, whichever plaer you Blitz and then fouling whichever of those 4 guys that didn't get sent to the bench.
It was even good strategy during turn 1 to gangfoul some common LOS fodder because on the bench he couldn't protect the pieces you really wanted to foul.

And if your team did not receive to start the game you spent the whole half playing defense and looking for the golden opportunity to FOUL BACK and to make it really count.

No with no OP'd CLAWPOMB and no OP'd FOULING the game has gone full on snowflake.

Personally I wish fouling was still +2... but the chances to get Tossed by the Ref remained the same.
I kinda prefer the risk involved... but I want the foul to have a chance to COUNT when you lay the boot right.

Joined: Sep 23, 2004

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 09:05 Reply with quote Back to top

Do you ever stay on topic? Seems like everywhere you pop up in these forums you play the same broken record Smile

Back to the topic at hand: no, coaches have not changed. Many people who enjoy Bloodbowl take a large part of their enjoyment from building players with history in an allmost RPG like mode.

Pixelhugging is nothing new and will always stay a part of what many enjoy in this game.

Proud owner of three completed Ranked grids, sadly lacking in having a life.

Joined: Aug 04, 2014

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 14:45 Reply with quote Back to top

I doant even change me pantz

Joined: Jun 23, 2017

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 14:56 Reply with quote Back to top

Fouling is just one more variable in the game. My last game, my opponent fouled the ever lov'n cr@p out of me, and it was a huge game changer. But BB is a dice game of risks. Sometimes the ref sees every foul, and the foul does nothing more than removing mud from the foulee's cleats. But in MY short time here, I haven't seen any difference in behaviour. (I.e. Some people will foul just 'cause it's one more action they can take every turn. Some people will foul for tactical advantage. Some people wouldn't ever foul. (Those last tend to hold to real world 'good sportsmanship'.))

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Joined: May 30, 2015

Post   Posted: Jan 28, 2018 - 16:28 Reply with quote Back to top

You've all changed, man. You used to be cool.
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