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Joined: Oct 12, 2013

Post   Posted: Sep 19, 2018 - 12:45
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The Deserted Isles Blood Bowl Leeg is a weekly league for New Zealand based coaches. Coaches from elsewhere able to commit to NZ prime time (7pm - 9pm nzt) are also welcome.

Season 14 kicks off Sunday 30th September. Teams new to DIBBL can build up to 1500 TW (including treasury) with friendlies to prep for entry into the league. Can play anyone in competitive games (no all snotling teams), but cannot play the same team twice. So if you're interested, you have around 2 weeks to get your team sorted.

One rule change brought in to close the gap slightly between established teams and newcomers is being kept for S14. The treasury system is currently broken in League. No spiraling expenses, no expensive mistakes. This has meant the old timers have been able to build up massive cash reserves, so even if they get smashed they can replenish easily. Compare this to the 1500tv teams that come in with no cash at all.

Existing teams and returning teams who have not played friendlies since leaving the league:
No cap on TW. However if TV+treasury>2150k, then treasury must be cut to 150k
e.g. TW = 1950, treasury can be no more than 200k; TW = 2000, treasury can be no more than 150k; TW = 2500k treasury can be no more than 150k.
The treasury restriction is only for the first game of the season, treasury can grow freely throughout the season.

League structure will be determined by the number of teams. Pools will be of equivalent standing with playoffs at the end of the season to determine the champion.

Season 14 teams:
Image ramchop - Chaos Pact Image
Image mushoomy - High Elf Image
Image DustBunny - Ogre Image
Image Geoffro - Necromantic Image
Image Wozzaa - Human Image
Image bigbullies - Lizards Image
Image PlantingLemur - Khemri Image
Image Nebula753 - Lizards Image
Image barberfett - Chaos Image
Image DrPoods - Chaos Image
Image Klazam - Norse Image
Image Foad - Dark Elf Image
Image DDAmAge112 - Undead Image
Image Jevouse - Slann Image
Image D_Arquebus - Simyin Image
Image TK3179 - Skaven Image
Image pdarbs - Underworld Image
Image OrcCleaver - Wood Elves Image

Last edited by ramchop on Sep 29, 2018; edited 3 times in total

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Sep 20, 2018 - 01:12 Reply with quote Back to top

Journey from the West shall return please Smile

Image D_Arquebus - Simyin Image

TT Bloodbowl in AUS (FB)
NZ BB Community on FB

Joined: Aug 11, 2017

Post   Posted: Sep 25, 2018 - 05:47 Reply with quote Back to top

i have been saying for 3 seasons!!! now im gonna sit out. situation has changed that i now wont be able to play in dibbl for a very long time soon so after all my blustr of saying im out, pdarbs wild host will be playing my final season

Joined: Apr 23, 2016

Post   Posted: Sep 25, 2018 - 08:27 Reply with quote Back to top

Oh my gosh! Journey from the West!!! season after next we should have return of the classics- Journey from the West, Back Alley Burglars, Crouching Saurus, Transfusion Time.


Joined: Oct 12, 2013

Post   Posted: Sep 30, 2018 - 00:46
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View from above - Season Preview from your unbiased incorruptible Commish

Two pools again this season. We'll start with an important one, the one with The Shield in it

greyii Division
Named after a sadly departed saurus who everyone feared, DIBBL Legend greyii Image

ImageJourney from the West (D_Arquebus)
TV 2260k. The originals! Season 1 champs are back! And they will dominate. However, season long domination can often be undone in a single playoff game, and sadly for the monkeys this will happen yet again
Player to watch: This is a champion team more than a team of champions. Not a superstar to be seen. But S5 Block Diving Tackle? Annoying! Lord Freeza
Prediction: 1st in pool, beaten finalist

ImageOverly Refined (jevouse)
TV 2420k. Overpowered commish-dice-wielding Vampires gone, surely nothing can stop the frogs now. Nothing, except maybe the curse of glory prediction.
Player to watch: Superstar M9 speed freak LEGEND Cull the Crude
Prediction: 2nd in pool, Champion

ImageCrouching Saurus Hidden Skink (bigbullies)
TV 2070k. Last time they held the Shield these lizards went a whopping 9 games undefeated... against kiwis. The two strong Aussie teams in the pool will keep them in check this season, but they will qualify for the finals
Player to watch: It's usually the saruses that define this team, but unlike his tougher counterparts, this skink has gone unscathed LEGEND striatum
Prediction: 3rd in pool, exit first round of playoffs

ImageBack Alley Burglars (DustBunny)
TV 2350k. OGRES! They dominated and won their pool last season. Season 14 was the time for the Ogres to shine, but they botched it in the playoffs in their 100th game. Sadly they won't make top tier this season
Players to watch: LEGEND, Ag3 M7 TD rushing machine Chop
LEGEND, St6 Cas blocking machine Murgatroid
Prediction: 4th in pool

ImageNekro Dance Party' (Geoffro)
TW 2080k. This team is built to cause pain. And it'll only get worse, when the mighty blow wolf develops tackle. I'd be scared of the Dance Party... good thing they're not in my pool
Player to watch: In a team of brutality this LEGEND wolf shows finese - Fenrir Wolfgar
Prediction: 5th in pool

ImageTalabheim Timelords (Wozzaa)
TV 1910k. The Timelords have spurned Auckland and will represent Counties in its first ever Shield Challenge. These humans will put up a good fight this season, and upset a few of those above them. I'm tempted to place them higher, but they're humans! What can humans ever achieve?
Player to watch: Superstar blitzer, will continue to show that people can bash too, while his team mates all fall around him - Mats Tremmel
Prediction: 6th in pool

ImageSlaan Francisco 69ers (barberfett)
TV 1660k. Not big enough yet. They'll grow, cause pain, but mostly fail to win
Player to watch: Entertain me cow - Vivid Entertainment
Prediction: 7th in pool

ImageWhaka Warpfire (TK3179)
TW 1600k. I feel they're a better team than the goats above. Sadly, they've found themselves in a bashy pool (again), they got through last time without too much damage. This season they'll get slaughtered.
Player to watch: Big handed gutter runner will sneak in, get the ball, and run away screaming Skirs-rassbaz
Prediction: 8th in pool

ImageArgonian Maids (Nebula753)
TV 1430k. A good spread of Block on the saurus already. However, too small for a lizard team to make an impact this season, and claw will hurt them
Player to watch: This skink is in it for the long haul. Block av8! Go the misclick! Destined for greatness Destiny
Prediction: Last in pool

Joined: Oct 12, 2013

Post   Posted: Sep 30, 2018 - 01:51
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View from above - Season Preview from your unbiased incorruptible Commish

On to the more important pool. The one with me in it!

Earl of Lemongrab Division
Named after a wonderful being, DIBBL's first Legend Image

ImageBlackwater Sting (Foad)
TV 1910k. The Sting did remarkably well in S14 with a team loaded with journeymen. But they scrimped and saved and now boast a full roster. Aussies to top both pools (bloody power gamers the lot of them)
Player to watch: LEGEND - Has played more games than any DIBBL team, but is a wee bit slower than he once was, still be very afraid of - Mickey "The Don" Marino
Prediction: 1st in pool, beaten semifinalist

ImageBonesfield Bakers (PlantingLemur)
TW 1770k. We need a bolter. It's Khemri's time to shine. Their past woes of brittle Tomb Guardians are behind them. In a squishy pool they'll pound the opposition like dough.
Player to watch: Some bash teams tend to forget about the ball, good thing there's someone on this team who knows how to score - Massa Sovada
Prediction: 2nd in pool, beaten semifinalist

ImageHigh Elvis (mushoomy)
TV 1540k. High Elvis look a bit like the Sting did last season. And they'll try to do just as well, but will get bundled out a step earlier.
Player to watch: LEGEND - So strong! So agile! So delicate! SWL Legend Blue Suede Shoes
Prediction: 3rd in pool, exit first round

ImageMisericors (DrPoods)
TW 1670k. In a building season they made the Tickling Playoffs! Well Done. Now looking pretty well built, they'll fall short. Maybe they'll win the Plate
Player to watch: Agility! This one stands out from the crowd Linebacker
Prediction: 4th in pool

ImageOld 'Murican Gods (Klazam)
TW 2130k. The glass cannon didn't break last season. It will now.
Player to watch: The big, the mighty, Rock Johnson
Prediction: 5th in pool

ImageHauraki Horrors (DDAmAge112)
TW 1940k. Mummies with attitude, but not much of a game plan. Hit stuff, kick stuff, hit stuff. It'll work enough to get them to the 2nd tier of play offs
Player to watch: Much more mobile than the two mummies, you can't run away so easily from this guy Roberts Revenge
Prediction: 6th in pool

Imagepdarbs wild host (pdarbs)
TW 1750k. Survived some tough seasons in the sanctioned Sands, UW return to fight for DIBBL glory. Watch out, they bite.
Player to watch: Underwolrd have natural killers, this one is no exception banjo show tony
Prediction: 7th in pool

ImageKaitoke Experiment (OrcCleaver)
TW 990k. A brand spanking new team, no builders? I gues the coach has shown he can win DIBBL before, he won't show it again this season anyway.
Player to watch: Flip a coin, River or Stream.... let's go River
Prediction: 8th in pool

ImageLeague Invasion Cube 001 (ramchop)
TW 1220k. What is this? A joke team? Only an exceptionally talented, title winning coach could avoid the spoon with this team. Not gonna happen. Resistance is Futile
Player to watch: With predetermined skill picks, one can only hope for a stat boost. Eight of Sixteen delivers.
Prediction: Last in pool

Joined: Oct 12, 2013

Post   Posted: Oct 02, 2018 - 08:43
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Bullies and his mighty lizards have got the Shield again. Last time he held it, it was for a record equalling 10 defence tenure. Are the Lizards on the verge of another run of good form?

We're in for a cracker of a Shield season. First up newcomers Counties-Manukau, headed by treacherous ex-Aucklander Wozzaa

Image Image Image

Joined: Oct 12, 2013

Post   Posted: Oct 12, 2018 - 07:22
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Rakhak's Hoof (aka "The Hoof", "The Rakhak")


The votes are in. A couple of new faces. Will this trophy ever be awarded?

Current player list:

ImageThe Mark: Eight of Eleven. Once again Rakhak's coach displays extreme petulance by choosing an undeserving mark. Eight of Eleven is barely even a Veteran. Not worthy of being targeted for elimination.

Image The Brick: Rock Johnson. A bit of a surprise, Rock is still quite new to DIBBL, and a long way off Legend (not even a superstar yet). But he's a S5, M7 Ulf, plenty of potential there for greatness. (5 votes)

Image The Rush: Chop. What a Legend! All time biggest DIBBL star, record rusher! The biggest Ogre star [L]eague has ever seen. Chop is guaranteed to be the Ogre with the ball, and I just dare you to stand in his way. (3 votes)

Image The Freak: Blue Suede Shoes. Surely he's halfway dead already after a long and illustrious career in the Southern Wastes. Broken body, broken legs, but still freakishly strong and agile. Are the Deserted Isles where Legends come to die? (3 votes)

Joined: Oct 12, 2013

Post   Posted: Oct 21, 2018 - 23:19
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Long time detractor of the mighty Shield, Geoffro is back with his powerful Nekro. Perhaps his view of the cornerstone of the Deserted Isles will change if he takes it back to Auckland. The lizard will be doing all in their power to prevent this from happening.

Image Image Image

Joined: Apr 23, 2016

Post   Posted: Oct 22, 2018 - 07:41 Reply with quote Back to top

The Lambhurly Shield. The pride of the Deserted Isle Blood Bowl League.

The Timelords were pumped.

Timelords win the toss and elect to kick. The Lizards start to pound humans and the humans can't handle them combined with some slick ball play from the skinks. Easy score . 1-0 holders with a little bit of time for the humans to score. After some strange chanting is heard, mysterious ethereal creatures enter the field. The referee gets confused and adds more time to the half! More time for the humans to score. Then Gerbher drops the pill. Disaster. The lizards push up. Surely there is no chance to score now..... Pick up, in tackle zone, dodge, long pass, catch in tackle zone, dodge GFI GFI Score!

Second half starts and the humans grind up the pitch and score at the death. The Shield is on its way to Counties Manukau for the very first time ....

Skink scores. Last play of the game, takes advantage of poor set up due to the Timelords already celebrating. 2-2. The shield stays in the Waikato.”


Joined: May 25, 2014

Post   Posted: Oct 24, 2018 - 09:29 Reply with quote Back to top

Long time Isle dwellers the Nekro dance party had moved away from the isles in search of chaos and mayhem elsewhere but with not alot going on they made there return back to the Deserted Isles for Season 14. Countless parties while feasting on there victims corpses, Golems growing stronger and a new young wolf to fatten up was there intention this season

The Lambhurly Shield.

Game 2 S14 Nekro Dance Party vs Crouching Saurus Hidden Skink

The mighty lizards won the toss and elect to receive in hope of some carnage on the line. Necromantic spies working the stalls had some inside information and the Dance party were allowed to re position there team after the Lizards had set up.

Some zombies fell over and the skinks rushed the widezone into scoring postion. Blocks are traded and then the trio make there move. Boosting upfield with a hand off to a teammate he makes his way for the line but hits Nuffle's trip wire and leaves the pitch. The ball is left exposed.

The Nekro are well out of position and cannot capitalize on the loose ball so they continue to bash, A sauri is removed and the young wolf slashes with his claws at star Stephensii, Far to blunt. Nothing happens and the lizards score turn 3.

The lizards manage to sneak a turn in while the ref is taking a breather, moving a skink next to the ball. Sadly he is not close enough and meets the Deserted Isles meanest foot. Busted up good. The apothecary patches him up and hes good to go. Some turns go by and the golems get mean, more sauri are removed and another skink meets the manky scabs on Brain ooze's foot. Pagona the krox makes a desperate attempt to stem the charge, he trips and leaves a clear way for the dance party to score. Turn 8 score 1-1

The Lizards line up and the Dance party receive the ball. Golem stitch removes a scale from another sauri and he's not left in good shape for the next game. Legend wolf Fenrir moves the ball upfield and the young wolf gets it right this time reducing the opponents to just 3 Saurus left on the field by turn 10.

Gallant attempt's from brave coach Bullies to hit the ball does not work. Wolf puppy manages to corner a player and send him into the crowd. Without the numbers to defend the Lizards have a hard time. The Dance party score turn 15 to take a 2-1 lead, the Crouching Saurus cannot equalize.

The game is over and the foul beasts take the shield back to there Den to be used as a serving plate for the evening.

Joined: Apr 23, 2016

Post   Posted: Nov 05, 2018 - 23:38 Reply with quote Back to top

Lambhurly Shield Preview

The current holders, Nekro Dance Party face off against the challenger, the Talabheim Timelords.

Both teams come into the game with a clean bill of health.

Players to watch:

Fenrir Wolfgar: A legend of the Deserted Isles, this wolf is fast, agile and loves to run the ball. He currently leads the league in rushing yards (136).

Vorhees MK II: Peiced together from parts of Vorhees I, this immovable object packs a punch. He loves to get stuck in the action, and once he's in, he ain't coming out. He has been known to remove body parts of his oppo... Victims, to add to his collection, just incase he needs extras in the future.

Mats Tremmel : This Cloaked Blitzer can shift. He also likes to prey on smaller opponents. Can he prove his doubters wrong and cause damage to opponents equal in strength? Look for him to hit, then be removed from the field early in the drive due to his reluctance to wear proper armour.

Bernard Schmidt : Though less flamboyant than Mats, Bernard is still a handy Blitzer. Fast, Hard hitting and a great support for his comrades. Most fans and pundits call him the real Blitzer of the Timelords.

Last edited by Wozzaa on Nov 08, 2018; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Sep 02, 2007

Post   Posted: Nov 07, 2018 - 09:58 Reply with quote Back to top

ramchop wrote:
Rakhak's Hoof
Will this trophy ever be awarded?

That's a yes...

They see me Trollin', they hatin'...

Joined: Oct 12, 2013

Post   Posted: Nov 08, 2018 - 03:42
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For the first time ever, the Hoof has found a home - the trophy cabinet of Blackwater Sting.

The Mark has been removed from Eight of Eleven, and transferred to:

Image Brian "The Bagman" Berlusconi
A mere rookie, with only 3 games and 1 foul to his name. But what a foul! Blue Suede Shoes, a Legend of SWL, Ag5 St4 freak is no more.

Joined: Nov 14, 2013

Post   Posted: Nov 08, 2018 - 10:38 Reply with quote Back to top

Acid Gambit starts gently frothing at the mouth...

"Gallifrey falls no more"
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