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Joined: Jul 15, 2004

Post   Posted: Jul 27, 2021 - 16:39 Reply with quote Back to top

I write this post to ask about the way to create the usual tournament, I describe it:

- Different races with different starting treasure. For example, what can I say... Dwarves with starting budget of 1.000.000 gold coings and Goblins with starting budget of 1.200.000 gold coins.

- How to let some races to set a few skills and other races other skills. For example, again, Dwarves with 4 normal skills and goblins with 5 normal skills and 3 doubles.
I know how to set a generic number of skills, with the section "Skills" in "Team settings" in the ruleset, but I suppose that is for every team, so I cannot set more skills for some teams and less skills for other teams.

- How to add specials, like Bloodweiser kegs, Star players and so on.

Can anyone tell me how to make this things (and, if they cannot been made, tell me so) so create a tournament?

Thanks in advance.

Joined: Mar 30, 2005

Post   Posted: Jul 27, 2021 - 19:34 Reply with quote Back to top


I do not think that Fumbbl will let you automatically set up different cash per race. You can set it for the league.

As the commish, you can edit the league's teams to give more gold to teams.

I believe that you would need to:
Tell your coaches to create their teams but don't buy anything and don't "submit for approval"
Let you know.
You could then give them more gold.

Again, not automatic. But you could manually add skills to players if the coaches tell you what they want.

Kegs & Stars: You could award inducement gold for the tournament. But that would be the same for all teams.

If anyone knows better, please let us know.

20 Year Anniversary! - 2016 Nostalgia Bowl - Weds 23rd April! -- All Star Bowl - Always recruiting!

Joined: Jul 15, 2004

Post   Posted: Jul 27, 2021 - 21:15 Reply with quote Back to top

koadah wrote:

I do not think that Fumbbl will let you automatically set up different cash per race. You can set it for the league.

As the commish, you can edit the league's teams to give more gold to teams.

Where can I do that?

The only way I saw I could modify starting budget was in the ruleset, under "Team settings", "Starting treasure", but it applies to all the teams.

You mean I can edit every team and modify their starting treasury, isn't it? It would be very useful, but, where can I do that?

Joined: Mar 30, 2005

Post   Posted: Jul 27, 2021 - 22:49 Reply with quote Back to top

Look at https://fumbbl.com/p/team?team_id=1025020

You should be able to change the treasury and add skills to players.

20 Year Anniversary! - 2016 Nostalgia Bowl - Weds 23rd April! -- All Star Bowl - Always recruiting!

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jul 28, 2021 - 03:53
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Assumptions for the following responses:
- This is as part of a league without regular progression and simply runs "predetermined" skill settings.
- The league is using a custom ruleset, and teams are made under this ruleset.
- You are part of the managers for the league, and will have modify access on the teams involved.

1. Variable gold
This is not directly supported, so you will need to set the starting treasury to the maximum allowed by any of the races, and then go through participating teams after they've been made to adjust the treasury on the teams.

2. Variable skill packages
This is supported, but not exactly documented. The way you do this is to enable roster tiers (checkbox in the "Rosters" section of the ruleset), and setting up the tiers for each roster part of the ruleset, which correspond to the different variant skill package you want to support.

After this, you configure the "predetermined" skill packages for each tier by separating the groups with a pipe ( | ) character. For example, setting the Skills to "0:3N,4:2ND|0:2ND,4:N2D" would create two tiers (1 and 2 respectively) that has different predetermined skills depending on the tier set for the race. Tier 1 acts like a fallback if there is a misconfigured tier on a roster (such as tier 3 in this example). In the concrete example, a tier 1 team would get 3 normal skills in their first game, and tier 2 teams would have 2 normals and a double.

It's a bit confusing and complicated to set up unfortunately, and it's on my (very long) todo-list to improve this at some point.

3. Predefined inducements and stars
Again, something that isn't fully supported. FFB has at least preliminary support for this, but the site is lacking the functionality to configure this at this point.

Other tournaments that have needed this (most notably NAF tournaments) have been requesting that people add inducements on the team bio, and rely on an honour system to make sure people don't cheat. Not the best way of course, but it's what's available at this time. Again, this is an item on the previously mentioned todo-list.

Edit: Corrected tier numbering for predetermined skills section

Last edited by Christer on Aug 09, 2021; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jul 15, 2004

Post   Posted: Jul 28, 2021 - 17:34 Reply with quote Back to top

Ok, there is a way to make this go, and that is good.

I suppose you made what you could in this section, so no need to apologize because it can't be easily done, you made what you could, and I thank you for that.

Thanks too for your answer, I will try to make a mix.... and thanks for Fumbbl, of course.

Joined: Jul 15, 2004

Post   Posted: Jul 28, 2021 - 19:44 Reply with quote Back to top

Christer, I have a new doubt with your answer. In the example you set before:


It means that:

- Tier 0 takes 3 normal skills (0:3N)
- Tier 1 takes 2 normal skills and 1 double (4:2ND). I suppose Tier 1 could get 3 normal skills insted too.
- Tier 0 takes 2 normal skills and 1 double in second match (0:2ND).
- Tier 1 takes 1 normal skill and 2 doubles in second match (N2D).

1) Am I right?

2) I suppose that if I don't use "|" and leave there only "0:3N,4:2ND" Tiers will get the skills I told above for every match they play in the tournament, won't they?

3) Third thing, can I use more than 2 tiers? I mean, can I set there for example this command?


So would I get 4 Tiers, Tier 1 with 3 normal, Tier 2 with 2 normal and a double and so on?

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jul 28, 2021 - 20:52
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Nedlam wrote:

To try to explain the syntax a bit more in detail:

At the top level, it's a list of sections separated by pipe characters "|".

Each section is connected to a numbered tier, with the first one being tier 1, the second one is tier 2 and so on. There is no inherent max number of tiers.

(Tier 1 definition)|(Tier 2 definition)|(Tier 3 definition)|...

Each definition is again a list, separated by commas:

(Round Definition),(Round Definition),(Round Definition)

Again, no limit on the number of groups.

Each round definition is a pair of values:

(Round) ":" (Skill Definition)

The round is an integer equal to or higher than 0. It designates in which tournament round the skills defined will be added. Setting this to 0 means the skills are always available, even outside of tournament games.

The Skill Definition defines how many of each skill type can be taken and is a sequence of (an optional) numbers followed by skill type designations.

3N means 3 normals. 2ND means 2 normals and a double, NDS means one each of a normal, double and stats. For each type, the team can always pick a lower tier skill. So if there's a Double available, the team can pick a normal skill in that slot instead.

So, to get back to the stat line above, and answering your questions:

1. Not exactly. What happens is the following:
Tier 1 teams
Allows picking 3 normal skills for round 1 and outside of tournaments. At round 4 and later, they also get an additional 2 normal and a double skill.

Tier 2 teams
Allows picking 2 normal skills and a double skill for round 1 and outside of tournaments. At round 4 and later, they also get an additional normal and 2 double skills.

2. If you don't use "|", all teams will get the same skill packages regardless of tier configuration. If a team is configured with a tier that isn't defined in the skill setting, they revert back to Tier 1 settings (which is what you have without the "|".

3. You can use more than 2 tiers, but you need more "|" separated sections. The settings you post will mean teams get the following:

Outside of tournaments: No additional skills
Round 1 of tournaments: 3 normal skills
Round 2: 2 additional normal skills and a double
Round 3: Further normal skill and 2 more doubles
Round 4: An additional 3 doubles.

Accumulated, this becomes:
Round 1: 3 normal skills
Round 2: 5 normal skills, 1 double
Round 3: 6 normal skills, 3 doubles
Round 4: 6 normal skills, 6 doubles

To get what you perhaps intended, you'd want to do something like: 0:3N|0:2ND|0:N2D|0:3D

This would give tier 1 three normal skills, tier 2 would get two normals and 1 double, tier three would get one normal and two doubles and tier four would get 3 doubles.

Last edited by Christer on Aug 09, 2021; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jul 15, 2004

Post   Posted: Jul 28, 2021 - 21:33 Reply with quote Back to top

Thank you so much, Christer. This has been a real lecture of how it works and I have now it perfectly clear.

Thanks again for your explanation. I will try to create the tournament with this tools.


Joined: Jul 15, 2004

Post   Posted: Aug 04, 2021 - 19:58 Reply with quote Back to top

One thing I just have walked in when I have tried to start the tournament.

I want to create a Swiss tournament, but I can't see where I can set the number of rounds are played in the whole tournament, is it predefined, can I change it? ( I mean, can I set a tournament of 4 rounds, or 6 rounds?).

Joined: Jul 15, 2004

Post   Posted: Aug 04, 2021 - 19:59 Reply with quote Back to top

Sorry, but I found where it is set... in "configure tournament". Thanks anyway to attend my problems.

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