
Joined: Jan 30, 2011
Jun 20, 2022 - 09:16 |
I like 1TTD's with rats and speedy humans. There is something I just don't get with the new rules, or the newest client. If I say what I think happens, can someone tell me where it goes wrong?
Gutter Runners (AG2+) and +AG humans should be able to jump 'diagonally' over a prone player on a 2+, as long as they start the leap and end the leap out of tackle zones. It becomes 3+ if they start/end in a tackle zone, and so on.
The LEAP skill means this applies over ANY square, not just a downed player. So for the 1TTD, if my +AG LEAP human catcher 'jumps' over that last line of defense with his leap skill, starting and ending in just 1 TZ, that's a 3+, right, kind of like it always was. So.. why is it that when I put my Very Long Legs on my gutter does he seem to be making this final leap at a 3+, instead of a 2+? Don't the legs negate that first Tackle Zone penalty? |
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Joined: Nov 28, 2005
Jun 20, 2022 - 09:38 |
Rules ? |
_________________ Kaptain Awasoam, Dicer of All Men and Women and Children and Puppies. |
Joined: Sep 12, 2005
Jun 20, 2022 - 09:55 |
Legs negates a single -1 penalty, to a MINIMUM of -1. That's the bit you're missing. |
Joined: Sep 17, 2019
Jun 20, 2022 - 10:05 |
Yep, so with only 1 or 2 TZ involved then VLL adds nothing to Leap, if there's are 3 tacklezones involved then you get +1 for Leap and +1 for VLL leaping for an overall -1 modifier |

Joined: Oct 09, 2007
Jun 20, 2022 - 11:21 |
Do this build on Gutter Runner: Block, Dodge, Side Step, Sprint, Two Heads, either AG 5 or Break Tackle if you can't get it.
It's almost as good as old Leap. |

Joined: Aug 02, 2003
Dec 03, 2022 - 18:07 |
Sooo, does the new leap just add tackle zones to the fray? Only between the leap start/end point you use the bigger of the two TZ values for the leap dice roll? And the leap skill allows you to use the smaller of the two TZ values? Do I have this right? Starting playing TT again & it's a pain figuring out how to apply everything manually, especially w/ the rules changes!
Maybe someone could start a sticky thread for the new rules set for say '2020 rules clarifications' for all of us Fumbblers who are doing TT? Just a thought. |
_________________ "If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it's because self-knowledge is painful
& we prefer the pleasures of illusion." ~Aldous Huxley |
Joined: Feb 26, 2011
Dec 03, 2022 - 18:33 |
You know, you can take Grab on a Blitzer (or score it on a Lineman random secondary if you're fishing for Guard or Mighty Blow), and that lets you throw a blitz-free OTS attempt. In that case, all you really need is a Dauntless Catcher and maybe a Guard Blitzer if the defensive backline is shallow enough, and your Catcher can blitz his way into the end zone. Frenzy works too but is less reliable, though maybe not so much if that Dauntless Catcher also has Side Step. Grab does it best. |
_________________ Lude enixe, obliviscatur timor. |
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