Joined: Jun 30, 2013
Mar 11, 2023 - 11:18 |
It's time for another Fumbbl NAF event! In preparation for the Tilean Team Cup on May 27th/28th in Italy, we are hosting two tournaments: a Euro-centered squad tournament with squads of four coaches, and one single tournament for our North-American friends. Both will be Swiss-style NAF approved resurrection tournaments, with a total of six matches over six weeks, using the current World Cup ruleset.
The squad event will have a novelty! For the first time, we are attempting an actual squad vs. squad pairing, with support from Bojo's tourma tool.
You can find all the information about team building, deadlines and rules here:
Deadline for squad registration is March 20th. Individual team rosters need to be submitted by March 24th.
If you would like to participate, have the captain of the squad post the relevant info in this thread. Use this format:
> [Squad name]
> [Fumbbl name], [NAF name], [NAF id] for Coach 1
> [Fumbbl name], [NAF name], [NAF id] for Coach 2
> [Fumbbl name], [NAF name], [NAF id] for Coach 3
> [Fumbbl name], [NAF name], [NAF id] for Coach 4
Please take the extra time and double check all names and IDs!
Coaches interested in the singles tournament can just sign up as usual, without registering here.
In this case please add [NA] before your team name.
Please state "non-NAF" if the respective coach is not registered. A NAF membership is not required to participate, but strongly encouraged.
As this is a relatively complex roster building exercise, we would appreciate if you double checked your team using this Excel file. |
Last edited by Stimme on Mar 13, 2023; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: Jun 30, 2013
Mar 11, 2023 - 11:18 |
Registered Squads:
Schwifty, schwifty, 30188
Jelmer, jelmer, 129
Gorbad, gorbad, 152
Magictobe, magictobe, 7770
2. Coco Knights [CK]
Hargrim, Hargrim, 27450
Ignaz, Ignaz, 3676
Volkajo, Volkajo, 29227
LargoFL, LargoFL, 28291
3. York Blood Bowl Shambles [YOBBS]
Burtblahblahblah, Burtblahblahblah, 26897
Rydog, Rydog, 26315
BB_Jock, BB_Jock, 30617
almaforever, no NAF
4. 4 Rooted Prone Trees
Arioso, Arioso, 18378
Candlejack, Candlejack, 5844
Doclystria, miko,2808
baki, baki, 19064
5. No Fun At All [NFAA]
LonGusBarbe, longusbarbe, 20371
Juanolo, juanolo, 19492
Alien_the_Alien, Alien, 34125
Big_Mikowsky, big_mikowsky, 20981
6. Cry babies
Kurjo, Kurjo, 7682
FermanowarBB, Fermanowar 27256
Chusin76, Chusin76, 31121
Eki, Eki, 8821
7. All the President's Men
Purplegoo, Purplegoo, 11777
geggster, geggster, 70
PeteW, PeteW, 7769
Ghorgrix, Ghorghor, 21919
8. N'azes or not
Darth-mael, darthmael, 11132
Hely, Hely, 15518
taraspoutine, taraspoutine, 16586
Lebarbu, lebarbu, 34305
9. I Lupi, la Piovra e il Leone
Liam, Liam, 5906
Dirold, Dirold, 5900
Spartako, Spartako, 13417
Kaltenland, Kaltenland, 11924
10. Cocoripow
Bourpif, Bourpif, 19071
simon_MLF, Simon_ACP, 17603
Karaak, Karaak, 13455
Bibi, Bibi, 11491
11. Chimera
Tripleskull, Tripleskull, 9524
Strider84, Strider84, 14113
Harti, Harti, 13583
Straume, Straume, 20685
12. Chimera du Lac [CDL]
Jokaero, Jokaero, 2785
Samdulac, Samdulac, 19452
Olivierdulac, Olivierdulac, 18901
Justicium, Justicium, 12319
13. Azes1
Clement0, Clement0, 18970
darkmage, Jeff, 8964
zoul, zoul, 11077
Silkoun, Silkoun, 14616
14. Krwawy Żurnal [KŻ]
Jaskier, Jaskier, 25282
Inkq, Inkq, 31824
Rayhell, Rayhell, 30281
Avreus, Avreus, 24098
15. Red Leaf Mercenaries
Historic, historic, 22667
Sandune, sandune, 15142
Spelldaren, Spelledaren, 34660
Hovring, Hovring, 34738
16. LGBTx
Helborg, Helborg, 22470
Bojo, Lord_Bojo, 7539
Mleud, Mleud, 21200
Pilaf, Pilaf, 21736
17. Freedom Fries
happygrue, happygrue, 16876
wintergreen13, wintergreen13, 22293
Bazakastine, Bazakastine, 29474
Garcangel, Garcangel, 32598
18. Sad Pandas
KFoged, kfoged, 10691
Ozt, ozt, 14941
JB, jb, 28280
Sizzler, Sizzler, 10658
19. Bildukai
Mephist, Mephist, 29280
Pjovejas, Pjovejas, 29279
berhyl, Padaveja, 29283
lukoshiukas, Lukoshius, 29285
20. Best of the Rest [BOR]
Endrophil, Endro, 19682
otis, otis, 16782
Stimme, Stimme, 17245
Verminardo, Verminardo, 21235
21. Les 4 Mercenaires [4M]
Phags, Phags, 16350
Sharkrudi, Sharkrudi, 16542
Aelath, Aelath, 18322
Bulot, Bulot, 24250
22. Gaule Celtique
Chavrouze51, Chavrouze51, 16353
Davouille, Davouille, 21118
Bagouze, Bagouze, 21270
Nicodaz, Nicodaz, 6833
23. Block me Amadeus
outcaarst, outcaarst, 15546
lewdgrip, lewdgrip, 21163
Tok_Janne, Tok_Janne, 25744
Murxl, Murxl, 14860
24. Artemis
vradipous, vradipous, 28432
xtapodias, xtapodias, 28002
Eiravel, Eiravel, 29560
cdassak, cdassak, 26050
25. Athena
Dstrats, Dstratsianis, 29193
Shole, Shole, 27198
Mind_Locker, Mind_Locker, 29192
cazual, Cazual, 29555
26. Hera
kikaze1236, Kikaze, 25818
Nykteas, Nykteas, 25819
asseos, asseos, 22710
SparTaNxX, SparTaNxX, 34215
27. Aphrodite
Akosion, Akosion, 25446
ZaphodB, Hitchhiker 29564
The_Deathroller, Doc01, 17461
28. Tortellini United
Gallo, Gallo, 20999
SandmanMusashi, SandmanMusashi, 28498
SaitoGarama, SaitoGarama, 19357
Canta, Canta, 20914
29. Azes3
Al_Daz, Al_Daz, 32763
Oklaoma, oklaoma, 22126
Thoriin, non-NAF
WoZoI, wozoi, 30779
30. Condate Redcaps [CR]
Beldkardis, Beldkardis, 21145
Doc_Nova, Supernova, 15807
Budmilka, Budmilka, 20320
Sycod, sycod, 23487
31. Aerel
Ione, Matte8, 13785
Gian1978, Gian, 20248
Menzogna, Menzogna, 16475
Moro84, Moro84, 20447
32. Spartak Troll
Sebco, Sebco, 6261
Fienoss, Fienoss, 29892
Poulpi, Poulpi, 19958
Tulkas_jrrt, Tulkas, 18208
33. Dbbc Raccoons
Weissnit, hanniball, 14125
Marvelhoeller, Marvelhoeller, 12565
Steynberg, Steynberg, 25578
uncertain, Narok, 13715
34. Poetic Bashers [PB]
Kamoulox, Non-NAF
PilePoil, PilePoil, 33458
Hugo21_, Hugo21, 33563
fabienL, FabienL, 33562
35. The Templars [TEMPLARS]
Drako88, drako, 21917
CT_Konrad, CT_konrad, 15444
Dr_funesto, Dr_funesto, 21352
fol82, fol82, 21766
36. Gonzo-1
Murzh, Murzh, 7550
MatteoB, matteob, 23582
Dadde, dadde, 15027
Ferra76, Ferra, 20226
37. Folicca
MirFar83, MirFar83, 19023
Puccios, Icaro, 7746
torodatastiera, torodatastiera, 32217
Orso, orso71, 25123
38. Swiss Floriet
Khamul, khamul, 21513
Sampittu, sampittu, 25540
tortueman, tortueman, 33158
Piogele, piogele, 27730
39. Random Pickings
Machurto, Machurto, 24314
Jonno, Jonno, 20251
Utii, Utii, 34060
Omalley69, Gadedrengen, 23409
40. Mega
LeonHart, Leonhart, 26444
Celedyr, celedyr, 16110
Getyaya, Getyaya, 18675
Thot, Thot, 19526
41. Municorns
Topas, Topas, 22100
Rolo, Rolo, 19602
Lichemaster1979, Lichemaster, 19160
PrinceMo, Prince, 341
42. Furia Atlántica
Cayse, Cayse, 32422
Jacaro, Jacaro, 30231
Jinamero82, Jinamero, 25285
Kvothe80, Kvothe, 32425
43. Gli Ammutinati del Do(d)ge [ADD]
Nerafiamma, nerafiamma, 21803
Polly, Polly, 19132
BoneDrow, baphomet_72, 17506
tundra_68, tundra, 27225
44. Turone
RedDawn, RedDawn, 12496
Nocom, Nocom, 23126
RedDawn-J, RedDawn_junior, 18344
Guigui, Guigui, 19260
45. Geri
Fuel, Fuel, 28517
Jankis, jankis, 29351
Flaxtrue, flaxtrue, 29720
dolce, Dolce, 29761
46. The Leftovers
Yurisloerie, Yurinator, 25299
Joost, Stimpson_j_Cat, 28257
Flytime, Flytime, 17294
BeanBelly, BeanBelly, 29590
47. BolognaBowl 4TTC
Marcocaccia, marcocaccia, 16858
Fackko, Fackko, 17893
Pljs, Pljs, 25912
Gaiba, Gaiba, 6554
48. Ronn Moss Fan Club
Tonalt, Tonalt, 7503
Naama, Naama, 23844
Brutopatia, Brutopatia, 26969
Jopotzuki, Jopotzuki, 20783
49. Demetra
Vabap, Vabap, 28431
GPBoom, GPBoom, 33835
Mr_Fingertrip, mr_fingertrip, 33721
NelthariusBalasar, Neltharius, 29953
50. ZPL Team
jadawin91, Jadawin, 28040
aragorn92, aragorn, 34382
LUKE_CAGE91, Luke_Cage, 29219
renegades78, macfly78, 27132
51. Gamonie
MortSenior, Mort_Senior, 28713
MortJunior, Mort_Junior, 33521
Slimaq, Slimaq, 21957
Shawass, Shawass, 18416
52. Total Reroll & FAME [TRF]
Junior84, Junior84, 20857
Kithor, Kithor, 3874
siggi, siggi, 25971
Twyllenimor, Twyllenimor, 6737
53. Les Pilous [PILOU]
Bouzzy, Bouzzy, 15733
Talkarde_pilou, Talkarde, 4398
Blacksoul, Miyata, 13563
Raztout, Raztout, 16824
54. JARGIA reps
rone13169, rone, 24110
RealMalteser, RealMalteser, 21409
Bugrum, janninu, 21410
baronvdw, ryangrech, 27703
55. Lusowarriors
rodvil, rodvil, 24496
haktar, Haktar, 8734
Ironbreaker, Ironbreaker, 25312
Tuga, marcosgrande, 24918
56. Minotarri
Freud, Freud, 13280
ciantru, ciantru, 19700
shm, shm, 25153
LiHulk, LiHulk, 25525
57. More Betterness [MB]
Java, Java, 24641
Sideshowbob, Sideshowbob, 30799
JuicyBee, JuicyBee, 22788
MerryZ, non-NAF
58. LBF Defuzer [LBF]
MrSkrat, area_42, 31777
Piccianese, non-NAF
LordSbid, non-NAF
Shady_, non-NAF
59. Temporary Alliance
Ion, Ion, 30099
Palmtaiga, Palmtaiga, 27077
Widram, Widram, 26904
dementor42, dementor, 21143
L_Beatmaker, laazy, 31492
ElonMice, Flea, 32222
taurano, LeMat, 34713
Wago, Wago, 32223
61. Wrekin Wraiders
speedingbullet, speedingbullet, 16845
dragonborn, dragonborn, 22580
goldengate, goldengate, 23406
rubick, rubick, 17243
62. Malevolent Creations [MC]
leventeivanov, leventei88, 33553
Zelmach, Zelmach, 32480
Fermund, Khyqrt, 34893
schwd, schwd, 27064
Ferpa, Ferpa, 25769
Guidonius, Guidonius, 25768
Buttinho, Buttinho, 9152
Martoni, Martoni, 6999
64. Bordeaux Blood Bowl Club [BBBC]
Soren_Davengard, Soren_Davengard, 24481
Rippersly, Rippersly, 13335
Patxi, Patxi, 12005
Firedept, Firedept, 22776
65. I piccoli aiutanti di Gribo Natale
Asca1987, Asca, 31669
Giustino, Giustino, 30814
Pewa86, Pewa, 29445
dekra1979, bidone, 16259
66. Thank you, next! [TYN]
Mawtank92, Zer0HUN, 31367
Vihar, vihar, 3176
NOT_TO_BE, nottobe, 20167
MotoMumo, Mumo, 27828
67. Dömdödöm
itzla, itzla, 9758
Wolio, Wolio, 20061
Alidor, Alidor, 23980
istencsaszar, non-NAF
68. ODL is my mentor [OIMM]
Zahiko, Zahiko, 13997
Tyra, Tyra, 18660
Nabolo, Nabolo, 28417
Ashrame, Ashrame, 25344 |
Last edited by Stimme on Mar 21, 2023; edited 12 times in total |
Joined: Mar 23, 2006
Mar 11, 2023 - 11:52 |
Super to see this, well done, team! |
Joined: Oct 12, 2003
Mar 11, 2023 - 12:15 |
Great job - looking forward to this |
Joined: Feb 14, 2005
Mar 11, 2023 - 13:54 |
Really great to have a squad vs squad pairing tourney there. Thanks ! |
_________________ I like cheese but don't call me skaven ! |
Joined: Sep 06, 2017
Mar 11, 2023 - 20:36 |
I'm a loner in need of a team. If anyone has an open space i'm here. ![Smile](./modules/PNphpBB2/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif) |
Joined: Aug 02, 2003
Mar 11, 2023 - 21:38 |
So for NA players it's a singles tourney not a squad tourney correct? |
_________________ "If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it's because self-knowledge is painful
& we prefer the pleasures of illusion." ~Aldous Huxley |
Joined: Jun 30, 2013
Mar 11, 2023 - 23:15 |
Joined: May 04, 2006
Mar 12, 2023 - 06:20 |
Can we join as a squad and play in EU timezone?
All 4 of us are NA coaches but can play EU tz |
Joined: Apr 29, 2021
Mar 12, 2023 - 08:46 |
Schwifty, schwifty, 30188
Jelmer, jelmer, 129
Gorbad, gorbad, 152
Magictobe, magictobe, 7770
Thanks for organising! |
Joined: Mar 31, 2020
Mar 12, 2023 - 09:01 |
Squad: Coco Knights [CK]
Hargrim, Hargrim, 27450
Ignaz, Ignaz, 3676
Volkajo, Volkajo, 29227
LargoFL, LargoFL, 28291 |
Joined: Jun 30, 2013
Mar 12, 2023 - 15:01 |
Garcangel wrote: | Can we join as a squad and play in EU timezone?
All 4 of us are NA coaches but can play EU tz |
You will have to turn in your NA coach passport and swear an oath on the EU timezone. |
Joined: Aug 18, 2003
Mar 12, 2023 - 16:00 |
Squad: York Blood Bowl Shambles [YOBBS]
Burtblahblahblah, Burtblahblahblah, 26897
Rydog, Rydog, 26315
BB_Jock, BB_Jock, 30617
almaforever, no NAF |
Joined: Jun 23, 2009
Mar 12, 2023 - 16:57 |
Squad: 4 Rooted Prone Trees
Arioso, Arioso, 18378
Candlejack, Candlejack, 5844
Doclystria, miko,2808
baki, baki, 19064 |
Joined: Jul 15, 2015
Mar 12, 2023 - 17:00 |
Squad : No Fun At All [NFAA] :
- 1/ LonGusBarbe, longusbarbe, 20371
- 2/ Juanolo, juanolo, 19492
- 3/ Alien_the_Alien, Alien, 34125
- 4/ Big_Mikowsky, big_mikowsky, 20981 |
| |