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Joined: Apr 01, 2024

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 08:05 Reply with quote Back to top

I want to know the reason behind the “no sense kills”.

First of all, I understand that someone can be killed by a block or any action during the play. Even more, I can understand it in order to gain some XP for the players but what I don´t undesrstand is fouling when you are, for instance, winning by 2 TD and you are in the 7th turn.

I don´t want this post to be taken as a complaint. I just want someone explain if there is anything that I don´t understand.

I remember one match. 6th turn, 2nd half. I was loosing 3 TD down. I had just 4 players “alive”, and the other team, fouled the rest of the match and killed 2 more players. I repeat, if you kill by block you gain XP but not by fouling. I just need someone to explain me if i´m missing some point of the game.

I know this is just a game, but sometimes is frustrating enough and adding this this and behavior is.. let´s say “hurting”.

Thanks to everyone.

"No beer, no glory"

Joined: May 20, 2019

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 08:11 Reply with quote Back to top

There's some bragging rights behind a "pitch clear" and while it's not necessarily fun for the person getting cleared, it is well within anyone's right to try and achieve in any given match.

I tend to pump the brakes if my opponent is clearly giving up, but as much as I love playing goblins... a pitch clear is a fun time.

Joined: May 20, 2019

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 08:11 Reply with quote Back to top

There's some bragging rights behind a "pitch clear" and while it's not necessarily fun for the person getting cleared, it is well within anyone's right to try and achieve in any given match.

I tend to pump the brakes if my opponent is clearly giving up, but as much as I love playing goblins... a pitch clear is a fun time.

Joined: Mar 30, 2005

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 08:33 Reply with quote Back to top


20 Year Anniversary! - 2016 Nostalgia Bowl - Weds 23rd April! -- All Star Bowl - Always recruiting!

Joined: Apr 01, 2024

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 08:48 Reply with quote Back to top

Eboncrow wrote:
There's some bragging rights behind a "pitch clear" and while it's not necessarily fun for the person getting cleared, it is well within anyone's right to try and achieve in any given match.

I tend to pump the brakes if my opponent is clearly giving up, but as much as I love playing goblins... a pitch clear is a fun time.

yes. I understand the need of clear the camp but if you are winning, you are about to score again, the oponent has every player stunned (being only 4 players) while you have all your players ok...

That´s a game but sometimes...

"No beer, no glory"

Joined: Mar 30, 2005

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 09:01 Reply with quote Back to top

I'd say play more games in 145.

Coaches there should be more mindful of not crushing/destroying their opponent.

As your skills improve it will be harder for people to destroy your team, you'll have better results and the occasional wipeout will not be so frustrating.

For many people the game used to be less serious. Killing was seen as a big part of the fun and winning/losing less important.
To some, it still is. Twisted Evil

You also could try the Chillax Zone.

20 Year Anniversary! - 2016 Nostalgia Bowl - Weds 23rd April! -- All Star Bowl - Always recruiting!

Joined: Dec 07, 2021

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 09:55 Reply with quote Back to top

I think when you have played quite a few games of Blood Bowl, you will start to see that it's actually pretty common that an opponent can come back from having a lot of players removed, and can either get a draw or sometimes a win. Or even just kill one of your developed players.
When that has happened to you a good few times, you tend to not take your foot off your opponent's neck until you are sure that they are dead. And yes that means fouling their surviving players, especially if they are elves or similar, or you are playing against a killy team like norse or chaos that can still do damage.

Joined: Jan 25, 2007

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 10:07 Reply with quote Back to top

Beside the reason that the game is called "Blood Bowl" there are other aspects:

In league environment:
you'll want not only to win the single game - you'll want to win league / finals / playoffs. Therefore every removal hurts the opponent - and lowers their chances to reach this goal at themself. Every removal is an advantage to you.

Play style:
Call it dump, but a lot people just like this behavior. It's their style of play. It's their goal. Their strategy.
(You don't like and don't understand this - which is fine)

Playing the game by the rules does allow it. Gets it to the point.
There is no ethics behind it. There is no rule for "sportsmanship" here.

...i myself see BB as a "game of sports" and like the aspect of sportmanship a lot. But there is no real link to it / regarding the rules set / regarding the opponent behavior.
Discuss it with your opponent, though!

(at least there is a referee in the game - you could easy imagine, that they could have done the rules without...)

Last edited by Carabor on May 08, 2024; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jan 25, 2007

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 10:07 Reply with quote Back to top

[double send post - sorry]

Joined: Apr 01, 2024

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 10:19 Reply with quote Back to top

Thanks for all the responses.

I really love the game and I also think that the community is really incredible. Thanks to everyone!!

"No beer, no glory"

Joined: May 29, 2011

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 10:39 Reply with quote Back to top

The thing that explains late-game no spp kills, be it fouls or surfs or bombs or chainsaws or whatever, is that some things are fun.

You might think it not fun to foul-kill a player on a team that's laid down and is waiting for the final whistle in peace, which is fine, you do not have to do any such thing.

But other people finding it fun, well, this is a multi-player game, and killing your pixels with their pixels is a big part of the fun. Not just for team development, but for boundless other reasons, such as catharsis, or the love of bathos, or giggling at the sploosh sound.

Or having a good story about getting two late-game foul-kills. There's a badge for 16 fouls in a game, and another for killing a legend, and another for killing a player on a T16 foul. I hope for a 3-badge game on those one day, I've yet to get the first with the other two.

And like, I also understand the pain of losing developed pixels to other people's fun. I was hurt by such things in my younger days and it even stopped me playing fumbbl for a few years.

It's also, sometimes, not fun for me to keep fouling, because people are being sad about their pixels. But then, also, sometimes other people being sad about their pixels is the fun bit, having them join me in my own sadness, at how they won't stand up and give me blocking cas now I have them down in numbers.

And other times I can't afford to foul lest the lock I have on their players might crack and give them a chance to break the stall. I've pulled off some wild sacks after someone snaked a foul on one of my last players, after all.


Joined: Mar 06, 2004

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 11:38 Reply with quote Back to top

If those players are blitzing me on their turn you can count on me continuing to foul them.

But if those players have clearly given up and stay down I will leave them alone, unless I’m goblins destroying tier 1 teams, then I will keep trying to kill everything.


Joined: Nov 28, 2005

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 13:53 Reply with quote Back to top

I only foul if you play some race I dont like at the moment.

Kaptain Awasoam, Dicer of All Men and Women and Children and Puppies.

Joined: Jan 27, 2018

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 14:06 Reply with quote Back to top

Speaking as someone who at least once has foregone a winning TD by fouling on T16, for the sake of sportsmanship you should only foul on days ending in Y.

Vlad Von Carstein's door-to-door evangelist

Joined: Jun 23, 2017

Post   Posted: May 08, 2024 - 16:40 Reply with quote Back to top

Did anyone mention the Throne of Blood? It's a meta group for stunties who specifically get points for kills... and killing better opponents (especially dorfs) score even better!

In leagues, there's also the aspect - "If I kill that wardancer/receiver/murder-rat NOW, I don't have to see them again next season. They'll hopefully be a less experienced wardancer/receiver/murder-rat replacement instead."

And of course many leagues give awards at the end of the season for the best (or at least most persistent) fouler.

When should you foul? Let this article be your guide.

And yeah, I'll usually let off the gas if my opponent has obviously given up. Unless they're elves or rats or some flavour of stunty and the player on the pitch is in range of knocking down my ball carrier hanging out near the endzone. I've been burned by that too many times by coaches orders of magnitude better than me. In that case they're getting the boot until they're off the pitch.

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