Joined: Dec 06, 2011
Feb 11, 2025 - 10:26 |
Agree again with Drrek. I might not have been as blunt, but he's also not wrong
One of the fundamentals that The_Murker's position seems to be taking: "You should have a job that adds value to your society"
Hahah. This ties a person's value to their job? If I lose my job, I am no longer valued as a person?
The other mistake in there is mixing up 'society' and 'economy'
They're separate things, believe it or not
Economy is what pays the bills. Society is larger than that, it includes economy but also law, culture, and is just generally the shared experience of everyone living together
"How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity."
People can contribute to society without it contributing to the economy
An example is someone volunteering, teaching pottery class at the old folks home, or whatever
This has no economic value, but it enriches people's lives and is very much worthwhile
But it sounds like in Murker-world this wouldn't happen? which is a shame. that society would be poorer for it |