
Joined: Oct 03, 2005
Oct 14, 2008 - 20:05 |
In a similar vein to this thread on common general subjects, this sticky is an attempt to provide links to the best past threads discussing tactics in a number of frequently discussed areas.
A brief comment on what prompted me to make this thread: I think that FUMBBL should be the best source for BB tactical advice around. There have been more games played here, between better coaches, than anywhere else. However, the resulting coaching expertise is not that well-organised, meaning that sometimes coaches are directed towards off-site resources which, while often better presented, are not always as well-informed as what this site could potentially provide.
So this thread should be considered a step towards turning FUMBBL's accumulated collective tactical wisdom into more accessible forms.
A few points before the links:
• Please also check out the Stickies at the top of the Tactics & Strategy Forum, where lots of helpful advice on many tactical basics can be found. The sections below concentrate on somewhat more advanced areas of tactics.
• This is simply a reference tool. Just because an area of tactics has been discussed before and linked here does not mean it should never be discussed again. Nonetheless, it may be that a coach who has made a comprehensive post on a subject in the past is not inclined to post on it again - in that case, you will only find their wisdom by checking the archives.
• This list is a work in progress. If you want to recommend that a new thread be added to a section, or that an entire new section be added, please post a reply, and I will check it out and edit things into this initial post as we go ... Equally, if you think that a thread that is currently included is not 'worthy' and is just bulking the post out, name it and shame it.
My system while putting this together has been as follows: work back through the Tactics & Strategy forum; examine every thread which is at least 3 pages long (I think this in particular has led to a lot of good stuff being missed, but looking through shorter threads requires a lot more time!) and was not just a 'what skill?' thread; if that thread contains anything useful, file it under one or more categories.
Note that this system will have led me to miss anything good which was in a shorter thread, or not in this forum (or where a 'what skill?' thread turned into something more general).
• This thread is not for the purpose of further discussing the tactics listed - but please start a new thread (or revive one of these old ones) if anything mentioned here inspires you.
• This thread does not cover BB 'ethics' - eg, is it right to foul/stall/sneak hire/etc? Such discussion topics should be covered by this thread's cousin in General Chat (see link at top of post). This thread is concerned with the use of tactics which are within the rules of the game and the site to your advantage, and not with meta-game issues related to them.
• Finally, the set of links below should be just a starting point for a larger project to collect and distil FUMBBL's collective tactical expertise. The long-term project is to draw together the best points made in different threads and turn them into comprehensive tactical guides. Feel free to start any time.
General Tactics
Caging and cage-breaking
Summary: Caging is the key tactic for learning to coach a whole range of bashy teams. Cage-breaking is the key tactic for anyone playing against those teams.
- Advancing a cage - First post: 25 July, 2006
- Cage Breaking article first draft - First post: 20 September, 2006
- Cage breaking strategies - First post: 12 August, 2005
See also:
- Caging 101 in the GLN
Summary: It's easy to beat an opponent once you've pushed his best players off the pitch.
- sideline pushing - First post: 2 August, 2003
See also:
- Everyone is crowdsurfing! in the GLN
Elves: How to beat them
Summary: Sure, they're squishy, but they just keep scoring!
- How to beat elves - First post: 4 September, 2007
- Orc defence vs fast teams? - First post: 14 December, 2008
Elves vs bashers
Summary: Think elves are doomed against snarly, dirty, bashy things like Orcs and Chaos? Read and think again!
- Fighting Strength Without Strength - First post: 21 October, 2007 - Not exactly elves vs bashers, but covers much of the same ground
- High Elf vs stronger teams question. - First post: 18 April, 2008 - Also relevant to other elf lists
- How to stall with Elves. - First post: 19 November, 2007
See also:
- Do the Risky Things First? in the GLN, and part two of the same
Summary: How to set up (on defence) with and against various teams in various situations.
- Defensive scheme for we - First post: 1 October, 2008
- Good Formations - First post: 12 January, 2006
See also:
- Defensive Setups in the Help/FAQ
Fouling - and how to avoid it
Summary: How to maximise and minimise the effects of fouling, as appropriate.
- Defending Against fouling - First post: 19 May, 2008
- Fouling advice - First post: 14 February, 2007
- Fouling in the strategic sense - First post: 21 July, 2005
- Dirty Player on Dark Elves team? - First post: 7 July, 2005 - Views on the elfy side of fouling in general
See also:
- Christer's take on fouling in the GLN
Good beginner roster
Summary: What kind of team should a coach new to the game use? A 'forgiving' team, like Orcs, one which can do a little of everything, like Humans, or something else entirely?
- Easiest teams for newbs - First post: 6 September, 2008
Kick or Receive?
Summary: Most coaches' instinct is to choose to receive upon winning the toss so as to get 'first blood' - but are there circumstances when it's better to kick?
- Coin toss choice? - First post: 23 September, 2007
- When to kick, when to receive - First post: 29 September, 2008
One-turn scoring
Summary: Should you develop a 'natural' one-turner? How, and when, should it be done?
- Skaven and their oneturners: - First post: 31 October, 2007
- The Oneturner thread - First post: 18 January, 2009
See also:
- OTT in the Help/FAQ - How to OTS with a number of unlikely candidates
Stalling and Clock Control
Summary: Any stalling thread will veer into the question of whether stalling is 'right' or 'fair' at least occasionally. The ones linked focus more on tactical questions of how to use stalling to control the game to your advantage.
- stalling=your fault - First post: 6 August, 2006
- High Elf vs stronger teams question. - First post: 18 April, 2008 - Moves on to more general clock control questions
- How to stall with Elves. - First post: 19 November, 2007
Stat increases
Summary: When should +MA/+AG/+ST be taken or not taken? Featuring ... Plorg!
- Should I take +MA? - First post: 27 September, 2008
- Should I take +AG? - First post: 27 September, 2008
- Should I take +ST? - First post: 26 April, 2006
Roster-specific Tactics
including anti-roster tactics!
Amazon tactics
- Lishi´s Amazon Tactics - First post: 11 October, 2005
- How to Beat Amazons with Limited Tackle - First post: 31 January, 2006
See also:
- Amazon Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Chaos tactics
- Alternative Chaos Teams - First post: 2 May, 2005 - Thoughts on alternatives to the Claw/RSC way (and why they're not as good)
See also:
- Chaos Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Chaos Dwarf tactics
- How to play Chaos dwarves? - First post: 16 March, 2008
See also:
- Chaos Dwarf Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Dark Elf tactics
- DE-coach in need of advice - First post: 17 December, 2005
- Defending with Dark elves - First post: 7 July, 2005
See also:
- Dark Elf Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Dwarf tactics
- Dwarf Tips, Questions and Thoughts - First post: 22 November, 2007
See also:
- Dwarf Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- The Dwarf RAQ in the GLN
Elf (Pro Elf) tactics
- Do pro elves suck? - First post: 5 February, 2005
See also:
- Elf Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Goblin tactics
- Tactica...... Gobbo Freak Show - First post: 10 February, 2005
See also:
- Goblin Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- Goblin Team Tactics in the GLN
Halfling tactics
- Halfling Advice - First post: 4 June, 2008
See also:
- Halfling Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- The Recipe for Fling Success in the GLN
High Elf tactics
- High Elf vs stronger teams question. - First post: 18 April, 2008
See also:
- High Elf Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Human tactics
- Tactics and setup for humans - First post: 17 October, 2006
- Standard Human teams - First post: 11 November, 2005
See also:
- Human Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- A Lecture on How to Coach Humans in the GLN
Khemri tactics
- Plorg's Picks: XFL Khemri 2006 - First post: 9 June, 2006 - This analysis of how the Khemri XFL was fought and won provides many useful insights
See also:
- Khemri Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Lizardman tactics
- Optihut's lizardmen musings - First post: 25 September, 2007
See also:
- Lizardman Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Necromantic tactics
- Why are Necromantic teams so much worse than Undead? - First post: 14 December, 2006 - Or are they?
See also:
- Necromantic Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- Necromantic! in the GLN
Norse tactics
- sideline pushing - First post: 2 August, 2003 - Crowdpushing is the next best thing to Norse-specific
See also:
- Norse Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- Everyone is crowdsurfing! in the GLN
Nurgle tactics
- Nurgle's Rotters strategy - First post: 24 January, 2008
See also:
- Nurgle Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Orc tactics
- OK I admit I'm at a loss: Orcs. - First post: 20 May, 2008
- Orc team... needs advice - First post: 18 January, 2009
- Orc defence vs fast teams? - First post: 14 December, 2008
- How to beat them orcs... Anytime, anywhere! - First post: 23 November, 2006
See also:
- Orc Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- Death Bowl in the GLN
Skaven tactics
- Skaven and their oneturners: - First post: 31 October, 2007
See also:
- Skaven Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Undead tactics
- Undead: Ghouls or Rent-a-Count - First post: 7 August, 2008
See also:
- Undead Strategy in the Help/FAQ
Vampire tactics
- How to stop sucking at the game and start sucking blood? - First post: 11 July, 2008
See also:
- Vampire Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck in the GLN
Wood Elf tactics
- Defensive scheme for we - First post: 1 October, 2008
See also:
- Wood Elf Strategy in the Help/FAQ
- Wood Elf Strategy Guide in the GLN
- Do the Risky Things First? in the GLN, and part two of the same |
Last edited by pac on Apr 03, 2012; edited 20 times in total |
Joined: Sep 21, 2007
Oct 14, 2008 - 20:24 |
I must say this is a really nice idea..
hmmm pac have you ever replied or postet anything with only a few words? |

Joined: Oct 03, 2005
Oct 14, 2008 - 20:27 |
snatch wrote: | hmmm pac have you ever replied or postet anything with only a few words? |
Yes. |

Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Oct 14, 2008 - 20:32 |
Wow, haven't read the whole thing, it's way too long, but it's one exelent piece of work, well done  |
_________________ Life sucks and then you die. |

Joined: Oct 03, 2005
Oct 14, 2008 - 20:36 |
Mates wrote: | Wow, haven't read the whole thing, it's way too long, but it's one exelent piece of work, well done  |
No, it isn't a good piece of work at all. It's not remotely finished!
I hope it will be very useful when it's complete, but I (and I hope others will contribute) will need to do a lot more yet. What I've posted so far is barely 2 hours work. |

Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Oct 14, 2008 - 21:05 |
pac wrote: | No, it isn't a good piece of work at all. It's not remotely finished!
I hope it will be very useful when it's complete, but I (and I hope others will contribute) will need to do a lot more yet. What I've posted so far is barely 2 hours work. |
You are crazy  |
_________________ Life sucks and then you die. |

Joined: Sep 06, 2008
Oct 14, 2008 - 21:09 |
Let me just say its appreciated especially me. Being not the most tatical coach this will makes it easier for noobs
to learn tatics. I will be in here alot Thank you |
_________________ You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose! But you can't wipe your friends on the couch!! |

Joined: Oct 03, 2005
Oct 14, 2008 - 21:10 |
Okay, I have divided it into two sections now: general and roster-specific. The post is now huge! But a bit skeletal. It needs more threads to put flesh on it. Thanks for the suggestions I have already had through PM and IRC! |
Joined: Jul 29, 2008
Oct 14, 2008 - 21:27 |

Joined: Mar 06, 2004
Oct 14, 2008 - 21:55 |
I wish I had some geekgold or just a thumb to give you, but alas, you shall have to make due with my words of gratitude... |
_________________ FUMBBL! |

Joined: Oct 03, 2005
Oct 20, 2008 - 14:16 |
Input is still welcome on this!
Don't know when I will next have time to do some more research myself.
Note to self: Add links to all relevant GLN tactics articles. |

Joined: Oct 25, 2003

Joined: Sep 22, 2005
Oct 20, 2008 - 14:39 |
Wanna do something of what you will probably need for a mayor tourney?. St4, mb tackler, ag4 sure hand ball handler and 2 dps, that sort of thing? |
_________________ "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar." |

Joined: Oct 03, 2005
Oct 20, 2008 - 15:10 |
RC wrote: | Wanna do something of what you will probably need for a mayor tourney?. St4, mb tackler, ag4 sure hand ball handler and 2 dps, that sort of thing? |
Well, the idea of this thread is not to 'do' new things, but to provide a central point for links to what already exists. So, if you can find a thread with that kind of info, I would happily add a link to it!
On the other hand, if, through this project, it becomes clear that there's a lack of existing info on a certain subject which deserves coverage, and that prompts someone to start a thread or write an article on it, that would be great too.
PurpleChest - thanks, will add! |
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Jan 19, 2009 - 05:23 |
Shouldn't this be sticky?
It has several answers to several frequently asked questions. |
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