
Joined: May 20, 2008
Feb 06, 2010 - 23:19 |
Whilst I originally played Bloodbowl 20 years ago and played afew other GW games (Dark Future,Space Hulk) I have never played Warhammer or 40K. For about a year or so I'd been thinking about buying the Warhammer starter Battle for Skull Pass and I finally got round to it the other day.
I am still working my way through the full rule book although I have played a couple of skirmishes. But it got me thinking about an online version. I know there is the official version Age of Reckoning. But is there a java or flash version like Fumbbl is to Bloodbowl?
If anyone knows of a decent Warhammer online game please let me know. |
_________________ Beating me at Bloodbowl is not an achievement.
Losing to me at Bloodbowl means you really suck!

Joined: Nov 25, 2007
Feb 07, 2010 - 00:55 |
I'm not aware of any. I think there were some basic vassal engine versions going around a few years ago, but GW asked them be taken down before they were near finished.
Also, games like 40K and Warhammer would be much more difficult to code, due to the free movement (instead of limited to squares), and far larger number of special rules and stuff. |

Joined: Aug 29, 2012
Jul 24, 2017 - 15:27 |
This is a question I have been wanting to ask, as my son and I are are thinking of embarking on Age of Sigmar Warhammer in real life and i wanted to try a fumbblish version first. does such a think exist? |

Joined: Jul 15, 2004
Jul 16, 2021 - 10:33 |
Havent heard of such a thing, but i know that Age of REckoning is still running. After GW pulled the plug on it, some hardcore fans asked for permission to keep it up by themselves, and they were allowed, very un-gw like Amazing game, best pvp i have ever tried |
_________________ Do you know that every time someone uses the word 'fluff' instead of 'background', a kitten dies?
- gav thorpe |
Joined: May 11, 2016
Jul 16, 2021 - 17:11 |
Is there a Warhammer total war option?
There's a Warhammer mordheim and underworlds game |
Joined: Jun 01, 2015
Jul 16, 2021 - 18:15 |

Joined: Oct 07, 2011
Jul 16, 2021 - 20:28 |
Tabletop simulator? |
Kam wrote: | My Flings also disappear when they're blocked... I knew that was a bug! |
ThierryM wrote: | CR... The synonym of E-Penis right ? |

Joined: Mar 12, 2011
Jul 16, 2021 - 22:16 |
I used to love the Total War Games. I haven't played Warhammer Total War 2 but it has brilliant reviews. Surely 3 will be great. |
_________________ “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” |

Joined: Jul 17, 2005
Jul 16, 2021 - 23:40 |
11 years ago a question rippled round the world.
The answer was............... |
Joined: Jun 01, 2015
Jul 17, 2021 - 02:14 |
garyt1 wrote: | I used to love the Total War Games. I haven't played Warhammer Total War 2 but it has brilliant reviews. Surely 3 will be great. |
Do it. If you like total war and warhammer its a no brainer. Really its not just a good total war game. Its one of the best games in years. Had so much fun in co-op campaigns, really hope they expand on this in 3.
I dont think I will ever tire of playing as Ikit claw (paid dlc, but one of the best) |
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Jul 17, 2021 - 08:14 |
Personally, #I'd rather die. |
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Jul 17, 2021 - 08:18 |
Sorry, it's that it harsh the tag system is harder for me too use on a qwerty keyboard.
Is about as good as it get's for my coding skills without an online editor and team to bitch to about all the files doing nothing in the attic.
But, you know, it might not be a bad idea to just try kill this bloody bird, I believe it to be a pigeon of some description. not a coloured dove as my mother believes. |
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Jul 17, 2021 - 08:20 |
lemf wrote: | 11 years ago a question rippled round the world.
The answer was............... |
What was the question, maybe, yes?
Try not to imagine any, of the cast from the popular television show. Malcolm in the middle, great actors are produced. |

Joined: May 02, 2021
Jul 17, 2021 - 08:45 |
bobafettsmum wrote: | If anyone knows of a decent Warhammer online game please let me know. |
I consider Space Hulk: Tactics to be decent take on Space Hulk, but it has EXTREMELY low number of online players at this point, so I would recommend Space Hulk: Ascension for your Space Hulking needs as it has more reliable singleplayer component.
Warhammer Underworlds: Online is pretty nice adaptation of the boardgame version too, but you have to buy each warband separately (the base version only has Stormcast Eternals and Magore's Fiends). Its number of online players isn't great, but should be sufficient to find matches without issues.
There is a sale on Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on Steam (ends on July 28 ). If you are into Left 4 Dead-like games (and online co-op games) this should be up your alley. It's pretty good for what it is. |
Last edited by Bellenrode on Jul 17, 2021; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Jul 17, 2021 - 08:50 |
11 years ago a question rippled round the world.
The answer was...............
Joined: Jun 01, 2015
New post Posted: Jul 17, 2021 - 02:14 Reply with quote Back to top
garyt1 wrote:
I used to love the Total War Games. I haven't played Warhammer Total War 2 but it has brilliant reviews. Surely 3 will be great.
Do it. If you like total war and warhammer its a no brainer. Really its not just a good total war game. Its one of the best games in years. Had so much fun in co-op campaigns, really hope they expand on this in 3.
I dont think I will ever tire of playing as Ikit claw (paid dlc, but one of the best).
This I like.
Even fter the ice has melted in my scotch. |