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Joined: Aug 21, 2008

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 01:56 Reply with quote Back to top

Welcome to 2015 all. Looks like there were some issues with the birthday, so why don't we give ourselves a belated gift and bring on a new Stunty team.

First, the ground rules (so no one feels hard done by in the end):

1. This not a completely democratic process. In the end I will have to make a decision to add (or not add) a new team to Stunty Leeg. I will take all input and and weigh the crowds' leanings, but it is not a straight up vote.

2. This does not guarantee a team will be added. In all likelihood we will get a new team in after this process, but it has to work for Stunty. Lots of the wee folk are clamouring to join this great league, but we can't accept every little munchkin that can trip over a football.

3. It will be done when it is done. There is no time line.

4. All are welcome to participate and voice your opinions. I do ask that first you familiarize yourself with the existing proposals (most listed below) and the Roster Design Rules.

Step 1 <-- we are here
After reviewing the team proposals, list your top 3-5 teams you would like to see added, with an explanation as to why. What they add, how they would fit with the existing teams and feel, etc. Feel to comment on others' choices as well, as long as it is civil.

Step 2
After this I will come up with a short list where we can start to discuss in more detail the merits and weaknesses of those rosters.

Step 3
Chose a roster, refine the positionals, skills and stats, and create some icons.

Roster Proposals
Artificers, Bogeys, Bray Herd, Chaos Dregs, Chaos Familiars, Clan Moulder, Crypt Creepers, Daemon Engines, Dungeon Keeper, Effigies, Ethereal, Fimir, Fukawere Tribe, Halfling Carnies, Halfling Kitchen Crew, The Hungry Horde, Khorne's Blood Curse, Killer Mushrooms, Madcappers, Middle Earth, Mervolk, Mountain Clans, Naggarothi Fae, Nauticans, Orc Bullies, Phantasms, Pleasure Seekers, Pro Halflings, Red Caps, Tavern Pact, Troglodytes, Undead Halflings, Wizards, Zapped.


Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 02:33 Reply with quote Back to top

1. Red Caps
2. Bray Herd
3. Tavern Pact
4. Mountain Clan
5. Nauticans

"If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it's because self-knowledge is painful
& we prefer the pleasures of illusion." ~Aldous Huxley

Last edited by Nightbird on Mar 04, 2015; edited 4 times in total

Joined: Mar 05, 2013

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 03:48 Reply with quote Back to top

Middle Earth looks like the only team, of the bunch, that can give the current top stunty teams (C-flings, Squigs, Strigs, Cheats Gobs) enough of a challenge, that they would still be fun to play.
I, personally, like their fluff and presentation.

“In our play we reveal what kind of people we are.”

Joined: Mar 05, 2013

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 03:54 Reply with quote Back to top

..but, I would make the lino flings 4135

Joined: Nov 14, 2013

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 03:56 Reply with quote Back to top

I am no expert on Stunty but I like Middle Earth, Pleasure Seekers and Bogeys. As a troublemaker I would love to play the linked Ethereals team too. Vampire Lord looks mega fun without bloodlust.

I think the Ethereals could make a good addition to Stunty. Although ST5 seems a bit excessive. Make them ST4 like regular vamps, rename them as a Necromancer Lord and I am sold...

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Joined: Jan 18, 2013

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 05:16 Reply with quote Back to top

Tavern pact seem like a good team to work with. Ogre needs fixing but not impossible.

Joined: May 12, 2004

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 10:01 Reply with quote Back to top

Chaos familiars!
Because familiars! I used to love them in whfb Smile

Some icons already exist Very Happy

Joined: Jun 20, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 11:31
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This is the (unofficial) similar thread from this time last year, in case you wanted to take any thoughts from there: http://www.fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=24476

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." - The Dude

Mr. J's LRB7 / Forum

Joined: Aug 19, 2009

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 11:50 Reply with quote Back to top

Roland wrote:
Chaos familiars!
Because familiars! I used to love them in whfb Smile

Some icons already exist Very Happy

This but the team needs a rework imo


Joined: May 13, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 12:23 Reply with quote Back to top

I agree they need a bit rework.

I'd like to keep the seesaw; Familiars are the opportunity to add them. Little movement, good ttm capabilities and Mighty Blow (jumping on the seesaw and bring the other end up under the chin of opponents).

As I said in the other thread, it's also a great chance of bringing in weird magical Chaos Creatures. I suggested the Cockatrice (awesome BloodBowl potential as it gazes and has no hands) and the Jabberwocky.

2 ways of going with the familiars themselves. One make them identical, with a 0-2 positional (some sort of wizard apprentice familiar)


Make every single familiar different and named, based on the characteristics of the figures. This would be interesting but difficult.

Iconwise I think Cowhead's although nice, are too small. Small ST1 icons don't have much detail, and could make the team less appealing. These 2 icons by Whatball with legs are more inline with my thoughts

Image Image

Others I'd like to see are Bray Herd. The big positive here is that you can bring back minotaurs, minus is that Ungors aren't really stunty, although stunty strength.

Clan Moulder would also be more than perfect and a great team, though we already have 2 Skaven teams. This one however, is the most perfect of clans to be Stunty.

I'd also like to see some sort of skeleton stunty team that could raise players. This one could be based on the RoR unit that slays and raises players. It's a nice concept with some nice figures.

Joined: Jun 20, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 12:56
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The Effigies I created a while back are a skeleton/raise dead based team. Their whole concept is creating players from parts. I tried to do icons but as its my first go some are a bit ropy.

Bray Herd got my vote in last year's thread because I love the fluff and would like to see the four legged ones trotting around the field. I think they were a little over-nerfed though. Their original concept was too strong and their current one is too weak.

On the votes in last year's thread, the top 3 suggestions were:
1) Wizards
2) Bray Herd
3) Effigies

Joined: May 13, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 13:22 Reply with quote Back to top

Agree with the Bray Herd being a great shout, I wouldn't worry too much about balance right now. Without wishing to plug my own roster, some of the wizard (and boggle) concepts could be added to the familiar roster. Lookwise (wizard), I like that final fantasy style character that was in 3 and 7 I think.


I was thinking more of an undead skeleton team that took from other rosters. Like the RoR cursed company. The cursed company had a Dwarf, human, goblin, lizardman, skaven, and elf figure. They have some of my favourites figures in this unit, masses of character and potential.


The fluff behind the unit was that the sword of the leader leached out the life force of fallen opponents, who then rose up and joined the ranks of the Cursed Company. This way you could pick and choose players from other rosters and make the stats a little bit more 'skeletony'. Icons would have wonderful character and we don't have a 'raising' team in stunty, it would be a worthy addition.

Joined: Jun 20, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 13:31
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The Cursed Company idea sounds great, but (to me at least) more of a World of Bloodbowl/Custom Roster type change. Would that sort of thing be possible with the rosters set up as they are currently? Unless your idea was that certain opponent players translate into different players on your team for Raise Dead purposes, which is similar to my suggestion though that is based on the quality of corpse rather than player type.

I like the idea, but am unsure how workable it is with the current rules, unless you just need to define it more so I can understand what you mean.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." - The Dude

Mr. J's LRB7 / Forum

Joined: Feb 06, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 13:32 Reply with quote Back to top

I like the Bray Herd the most by quite a margin. Could do with some reworking though imo(like all the teams).

Pull down the veil - actively bad for the hobby!

Joined: May 13, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 05, 2015 - 13:54 Reply with quote Back to top

Well, if I am right on how the client works; the raised player can either be set or is the basic lineman (kalimar would need to confirm that).

So there would have to be a standard lineman (generic stunty undead looking, would be a goblin/halfling type player). These are what would be raised. Unfortunately (however it would be awesome) I don't think we could have a skeleton type for each roster that could be raised.

What would be really great though, is if the 'raised' player couldn't actually be bought, so gave an incentive to kill players to get them, and therefore different to the roster's standard lineman.

All bought players, would be taken from other rosters. For example a skink skeleton; A gnome of some sort which would just be empty armour. You could choose a big guy or 2 from anything from the rosters available. Maybe the ST1 guard skaven lino etc etc. This way you build up a balanced team, with different looking skeletons.

King Tot obviously would be one of this roster's star players. He fits the theme/look perfectly.
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