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Joined: Nov 06, 2012

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 02:15 Reply with quote Back to top

It is with deep sadness that the Sammiches announce the death of their former team mates, fallen on the pitch.

Never forget. Never forgive.

And bring muffins to the funeral.

Sam Hotpot, Tally Burgerling, Arktorling the Foul, Rabe Dorfling, Captain Bologno, Pipin Rageling, Dan Burgerfling, Sam Hotpot, Captain Bologno, Bandobras Goodbarrel, Sam Hotpot, Phil Burgerling, Sleepling in Necrofling, Sleepling in Necrofling, Dave Gobling, Bob Bobling, Sam Hotpot, Barnodat Peperfeet, Tom Frogerling, Frodo Redemptling, Thirty Kay, Rabe Dorfling, Arktorling the Foul, Bertha Nurgleface, Zedinette, Melron Goodweed, Mr Punching Ball Jr, Penderfel Drunkenling, Bertha Nurgleface, Mr Punching Ball Jr, Kam " Coaching Skills? None", Bertha Nurgleface, Meredrin Gunflinger, Bandobras Goodbarrel, Kam " Coaching Skills? None", Bertha Nurgleface, Meredrin Gunflinger, Bandobras Goodbarrel, Mr Punching Ball Jr, Flemdo Fancypant, Bertha Nurgleface, Bertha Nurgleface, Pimpernell Strongpot, Meriadoc the Foul, Meriadoc the Foul, Gorin Spicypot, Zedinou, Van Halfling, Arktorling Spikyboot, Pifendel Minorling, Hildigrim Snotslayer, Phil Nurglefoot, Rabe Dorfling, Pimpernell Strongpot, Pipin Nufling, Bob Gunflinger, Arktorling Spikyboot, Len Luckling, Tom Nurgling, Pipin Piethrower Jr, The Sage, Bob Berserkling Jr, Dal the Helfballer, Pipin Berserkling, Mr Treesomy, Rabe Dorfling, Khor Tisone, Lipton Iced Tree, Alf Butcherling, Rondo Tzijfoot, Bob LoreFling, Alf Butcherling, Qaz Buur, Fred Nurglefoot, Mr Punching Ball, Sam Spikyboots, Mr Punching Ball, Tom Berserkling, Merry Butcherling, Merry Butcherling, Beerlo XIX, Lord of the Flings, Jock Happycake, Bob Ratling, Don Midgeto, Van Halfling, Flemdo Coffin, Zed Secondling, Van Halfling, Van Halfling, Don Midgeto, Sam Wich McFly, Bill Donkling, Rupert Nurglefoot, Van Halfling, Flemdo Coffin, Flemdo Coffin, Bill Goodwed, Tom Gunflinger, Dan Longpipe, Don Midgeto, Dave Fineweed, Carlo Fouling, Van Halfling, Bob Rastafling Jr, Don Midgeto, Tom Berserkling, Sam Butcherling, Bill Gunflinger, Van Halfling, Sam Butcherling, Phil Nurglebreath, Sam Butcherling, Flyn Strongpot, Phil Nurglebreath, Halvin Zedling, Dal Finedice, Sam Throwling, Bob Rastafling Jr, Garion Winling, Dimplecheeks Winegarner, Twinklewink Pepperbottom, Bob Strongroots, Tom Boozling, Smeagol Baggins, Phil Nurglebreath, Amy Bloodberry, Wood Socks, Jan Sammichmeister, Dave Fineweed, Sam Butcherling, Tom Goodshrooms, Franz Ganjameister, Tom Piemeister, Bill Gunflinger, Beerlo XVI, Lord of the Flings, Meriadoc Strongpot, Tom Piemeister, Beerlo IX, Lord of the Flings, Tom Boozling, Van Halfling, Van Halfling, Malween Cheeseheart, Smeagol Baggins, Bill Gunflinger, Fred Nurglefoot, Malwyn Cheeseheart, Bill Cherrypicker, Flyn Nurglebreath, Van Halfling, Amy Bloodberry, Malween Cheeseheart, Amy Bloodberry, Bob Rastafling Jr, Amy Bloodberry, Bob Rastafling Jr, Beerlo XI, Lord of the Flings, Sam Goodshrooms, Melvin Cheeseling, Melvin Cheeseling, Halvin Flyingfling, Smeagol Baggins, Flyn Nurglebreath, Tom Boozling, Merry Gunflinger, Pipin Piebasher, Tom Gunflinger, Van Halfling, Van Halfling, Bob Rastafling Jr, Tom Gunflinger, Tom Boozling, Bob Rastafling Jr, Smeagol Baggins, Bob Rastafling Jr, Van Halfling, Bob Rastafling Jr, Sauron Piestealer, Smeagol Baggins, Flyn Dirtypie, Sam Goodshrooms, Sam Goodshrooms, Merry Piebasher, Smeagol Baggins, Bob Berserkling, Van Halfling, Melwyn Cheeseheart, Bob Piebasher, Flyn Nurglefeet, Smeagol Baggins, Malwyn Cheeseheart, Richard Clumsyfield, Van Halfling, Tom Boozling, Pipin Piethrower, Phil Goodweed, Bill Winespiller, Beerbo, Lord of the Flings, Sam Resign, Mornyn Piethrower, Sigmar Drunkenponey, Malot Nurglefoot, Gordo Goodweed, Dalwin Gunflinger, Garfin Strangewine, Melron Treelove, Delin Bloodweiser, Merlot Underhill, Forlo Redale, Pippin Fullfling, Peplyn Fairbrew, Ted Goodale Jr, Ernst Greenale the Third, Ornst Diehard, Jorg Redcheese, Ted Goodale, Otto Longfeet, Franz Chouffe, Hanz Blackbread, Willow Bender


PS: If you want to automatically generate the list of your deceased players on Linux, save the list of your past players in a text file, and run the following commands in a terminal (on a single line):

cat "$HOME/past_players" | grep -P "\td|, d" | cut -d$'\t' -f 2 | sed -e 'H;${x;s/\n/, /g;s/^,//;p;};d'

Just replace "$HOME/past_players" with the path to your file.

GLN 17 is out!

Joined: Jun 30, 2013

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 02:37 Reply with quote Back to top

My condolences.

Also, there are quite a lot of Bertha Nurglefaces in the list. What is it with that name?

Joined: Nov 06, 2012

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 02:59 Reply with quote Back to top

Eh, I tend to recycle the names of the Flings who die early, and it's like bad luck comes with some names. As for the name itself, it's just something that fits well with a biopic:



GLN 17 is out!

Joined: Feb 16, 2004

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 03:53 Reply with quote Back to top

RIP Arktorling the Foul.

Hail to Manowar! The latest charioteer to DIE for bloodbowl! - Slain, by Ghor Oggaz

Joined: Oct 30, 2008

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 08:55
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Fling Mafia Past Players RIP

"Larry ""Lizard Killer""","Jenny ""Spend A Penny""","Onna ""Onwards""","Abe ""Four Score""","Franny ""Four Hundred""","Renton ""Burger""","Kam ""Belt""","Sage ""Stuffing""","Ginger ""The Movie Star""","Ross ""The Son Of Rossatron""","Jerry ""Not So Scary""","""Stonking"" Steve","Gary ""I Aint Afraid Of No Ghosts""","Wilma ""The Flintstone""","Teddy ""The Bear""","Edward ""The Guard""","Jeffry ""The Gerbil""","Terry ""The Terrible""","Karl ""The Upcomer""","Benny ""Bust A Groove""","Ollaf ""The Terrible""","Jerry ""The Joker""","Derick ""The Doorstop""","Danny ""The Drill""","Harry ""The Hammer""","Trent ""Trench Foot""","Kevin ""The Kicker""","Pinto ""The Stunty""","Franklin ""Full Force""","Danny ""Dipstick""","""Rag Tag"" Baggins","Bolo ""Yolo""","Maggie ""Miss Next Game""","Randal ""Its a Record""","Milly ""The Two Millionth""","Tammy ""Two Millionth""","Bennie ""Bad Ass""","Jandy ""Jiggle Pops""","Gazzy ""The Temp""","Max ""Attack""","Nutter ""Peanut Butter""","Sally ""So Close""","William ""The Whistler"" ","Peter ""The Player""","Sandy ""Start Over""","Kenny ""Kick Em""","Larry ""Lead Pipe""","Jenny ""Spend A Penny""","Ross ""The Rossatron""","Garry ""Googley Eyes""","Jerry ""Googkey Eyes""","Vinnie ""XXX""","Pinto ""The Bean""","Freddie ""Fancy Pants""","Sammy ""No 16""","Franky ""Fly Me Too The Moon"" ","Dennis ""Down To The Wire""","Winston ""The Chiller""","Reggy ""No Re-Rolls""","""Tremendous"" Trevor ","""Dodging"" Danny Derveed","Marvis ""The Mourner"" ","Victor ""Victorious""","""Wise Up"" William Wilson","""Pass The Doob"" Daniel Doober","Jack ""Jump Around""","""Tiny"" Timothy ","Fredrick ""Six Fingers""","""Porky"" Yorky","Tony ""The Tornado""","Andy ""All Of Nothing""","Tony ""Time For A Win""","Johnny ""Short On Cash""","Barry ""The Blower""","Hammy ""Half a Pint""","Franky ""Full Bone""","Calvin ""Khemri Kicker""","Jerry ""Insert Joke Here""","""Trusty"" Tarquin","""Wham Bam Thanks You"" Sam","Tammy ""Double Whammy""","Harrold ""Ham Fist""","""Trendy"" Trevor","""Dirty, Dirty"" Derik","Randy ""The Rock Dodger""","Wander ""Wont Last""","""Dropping Like Flies""Danny","Danny ""Dont Feed Him After 4""","""Dirty"" Den","Peter ""The Pole Dancer""","Wonton ""One Tonne""","Risvi ""The Risky""","Patrick ""The Tree That Piles On""","Patrick ""The Tree That Piles On""","Henry ""The Heavy Weight""","Toffey ""The Toff""","Wendel ""The Whopper""","Reggie ""Rock Bottom""","Harvy ""Horse Face""","Dante ""Drop The Beat"" Feraro","""Wheres"" Wally","Boris ""The Beef Eater""","""Radical"" Randal","Chase ""Cupid"" Valera","""Dead End"" Derik","""Watch Me""Wally","Freddie ""The Filler""","""Daring"" Danny","""Pinewood"" Pete","Franky ""Four Figs","Pauly ""The Porn Star""","Rex ""Tex Mex""","Wally ""Walk The Line""","Borris ""The Next Big Thing""","Danny ""The Dodger""","Terry ""The Temp""","Gidjet ""The Fidget","Molly ""The Master Chef""","""Jumped Up"" Jarvis","Dennis ""The Driver""","Maxwell ""The Mighty""","Henry ""Half-Tonne""","Kally ""The Kicker""","Fandel ""The Rascal""","Tossy ""The Tosser""","Naffle ""The Noose Swinger""","Sandy ""Ünderpants""","Chazzer ""The Dazzler""","Marvin ""Mistletoe""","""Hungry"" Hanibal","Wilbert ""The Wizard""","""Kicking"" Robert King","Simone ""Snake Eyes""","Gappy ""The Dentist""","Bazza ""Blitz""","Danny ""Sad Act""","Harold ""Hand-Stand""","Django ""The Unchained""","Larz ""The Lizard Man""","Jackie ""Sweep The Leg""","Trandal ""The Wise""","Charley ""Chaterbox""","Thandor ""The Old""","""Big Trouble"" Tobby","Freddie ""Fancy Pants""","Peter ""The Pointer""","Danny ""DubStep""","Tammy ""The Tank""","""Magic"" Johnson","Sammy ""The Mentor""","Grunty ""The Stunty"" Mc Doogle","Morg ""The Thorg""","""Bump and Grind"" Barry","Conan ""The Canon Ball""","Eugenie ""One Eightling""","""Time Out"" Tommy","Larry ""Low Rider""","""Risky"" Ralph","""""Dont Stop"" Denver","Franky ""Flywheel","""""Trusty"" Tagart","Wally ""Whipit","""Happy"" Hammy","Kandis ""Khemri Killer""","Nancy ""The Necromancer""","Usif ""The Undead""","Sammy ""SideStepper""","Clark ""Super Fling""","Henry ""The Hunter""","""Laugh Out Loud""Lenny","Nancy ""The Ninja""","Martin ""The Clunes""Clunes","Harry ""The Potter""","Saruman ""The White""","Sid ""Super 16""","Gandalf ""The Grey""","David ""Golden Balls","Nobbla ""The White Wart""","Loupid ""The Stupid","Denis ""The Menace""","Patrick ""The Part Timer","Frodo ""The Hobbit""","Bilbo ""The Hobbit""","Denny ""The Dirty Player""","Pauly ""The Player""","Harry ""The Halfling""","Kevin ""The Journeyman""","Jamie ""The Chef""","Vinnie ""The Killer""","Peter ""The Beater""",Albert Coldfire,George Palefist,Little Chris,Robert Dirtyhawk,Ulric Quickbrook,"Mario ""The Mourner""","Ian ""The Iron Fist""","Kevin ""Dead In The Water""","Shraga ""The Scripter""","Shadow ""92"" Beday","Woody ""The Stock"" Beday","""Tricky"" Bicky","Danny Fowler ""The Fouler""","""Hail Mary"" Mary","Eddy ""The Edible""","Quintin ""The Quarterling""","Marvin ""Messy"" Matty","Many ""Ham Sandwich""","Judas ""The Betrayer""","Dean ""Runner Bean""","Philip ""The Full-ling""","Dave Fowler ""The Fouler""","Jerry ""Very Scary""","Igor ""Topin"" Head","Jack ""Attack""","""Stally"" Pauly","Tomas ""Thumbs Up""","Jester ""The Tester""","Rene ""The Fizz""","""Danger"" Dave Jenkins","""Fancy"" Nancy Drew","Jason ""Steders""","Benny ""Blitz""","""Clawed"" Clide","Sammy ""Snake Eyes""","""Three Toed"" Tarra","Susan ""Soon To Die""","Barry ""The Boot""","Harry ""Hop Along""","Darius ""The Death Bringer""",Big Chris,"Frank ""Fatty"" McGee","Raffy ""The Rat""","Lester ""The Loner""","Gavin ""Gun Slinger""","Sandy ""Nice and Dandy""","Barry ""The Manalow""","Franky ""The Hanky""","Tommy ""The Chef""","Rabby ""RoadHouse""","Barry ""Brain Eater"" Deater","Henry ""The Graduate"" Harvard","Harry ""The Ham""","Franky ""Six Fingers""","Nick ""The Greek""","Winston ""The Chiller""","Gory ""Neck Breaker""",Larry ,"Larry ""The Legend""","Hammy ""The Half-Pot""","Stan ""Half a Man""","Ralph ""The Runner""","Bobby ""Knobby"" Bagends","Tammy ""The Granny""","Daniel ""Danger"" Henson","Franky ""The Boil""","Franky ""The Tank"" Bilibo","""Trippy"" Gippy","""Lock Stock and Two Smoking"" Barry","Johny ""The Boy""","""Smelly"" Jerry","Paddy ""The Pole Dancer""","""Hungry"" Harry Heartford","""Dangerouse"" Dick Tripkin","Ricky ""Ticky"" Tavey","Quintin ""Half Pot""","Derik ""Evil"" Denit","Alphonse ""The Brain""","Angelo ""The Bookie""","""Nice"" Guy Claudio","Fabrizio ""Clawed"" Scarface","Angelo ""Screwy"" Screwball","Hugo ""Go Low"" Deago","Gazza ""Four Finger"" Galetty","Polly ""Pop Shot""","Daniel ""Dagger"" Jones","""Buff"" Barry Malone","Kally ""Back Alley"" McQueen","Charley ""Winning"" Cheen","Wonder ""Woodie""","Paddy ""Part Timer""","Janit ""Dont Panic""","Sandy ""Dont Stab Me"" Dandy","Dalfor ""Darky Killer""",Yalder 'The Elder' ,"Ginger ""The Ginger""","Bernard ""The Black""",Pauly Funter 'The Hunter',Randal 'Red Eye',Burgle 'Nurgle Killer',Sacko 'The Taco',Bobby 'Red Lobster' Fernard,Bert 'The Blessed',Gruffle 'Nuffle Love',Hilder 'Hobo Hacker',Chaz 'The Spazz',Nathan 'Elf Baller',"Harvey ""Thriller"" Miller",Jasper 'Clasper',Randy 'Nice And Dandy',Barry 'Basher' Bologne,Trevor 'Clever' McGreggor,Garry 'Ham Fist' Harry,Gacky 'Tacky' Macky,Gabby 'Gutter Killer',Jasper 'The Raptor',Naffy 'No Knees,Thally 'Thrall Thudder',Harry 'Horn Ripper' Handleson,Vincernt 'The Valet' Valention,"Sid ""Snotling Smasher"" Henderson",Trent 'The Terifying',"Wally ""Wardance Stomper""","Ellis ""The Elf Killer""",'Fat' Larry Ballerino,Skippy ' The Hippie' Pepperoni,Choo-Choo 'Ca Chew' Cappuccino,Pinky 'Four Fingers' Diadora,"Sammy ""Yellow Range Rover"" Gazebo",Franky 'Frog Smusher',"Jammie ""The Jammer""","Parry ""The Part Timer""",Hammy 'The Quick Hire',Sinbad 'The Sneaky',Randal 'The Vandal',"Sandy ""The Saw""","Harry ""The Hammer""","Vinne ""Vampir Slayer"" Kargy",Giovanni 'The Gunner' Santos,"Tally ""The Tank""","Garry ""The Gack""",Tappy 'Shoes',"Cally ""Bowling Alley""","Tappy ""TKO"" O'Reiley","Carie ""The Bag'",Scaky 'The Scoundrel',Tacky 'The Tack',Philip 'The Lip',Chazza 'The Grocer',Simon 'The Scamp',Tommy 'Two Tone',Sammy 'Sidestep' McGinely,Manny 'The Ham' Coleman,Franky 'The Flesh' Clowsky,Jake 'The Snake' Polio,Gary 'Gazza' Colly,Barry 'The Baptist' Cornola,Ralph 'Bobby' Talty,Sammy 'The Sneak' Collete,Lewdie 'The Lude' Anderson,Georgey 'The Face' Cologne,Tony 'Bada Bing' Scalety,"Tappy ""Long Bomb"" Hester","Pauly ""DownTown"" Charlie Brown",Perry 'Dog House' Lescaty,"Johnny ""The Spoon"" Kalabrese",Freddy 'The Mauler' Mackerson,Franco 'The Boy' Spatafore,Piero 'The Tank' Siciliano,Giuseppe 'The Goon' Testaverde,Jimmy 'Fruit Roll Up' The Kid,Antonio 'Frenzy' Geramia,Rufio 'Pig Farmer' Spatafore,"Harry ""The Sneak"" Goglie","Bobby ""The Devil"" Pero","Giuseppe ""Brick Top"" Puglisi","Johnny ""The Knife"" Calabrese","Rufio ""Hot Rat In A Bucket"" Rocco","Araz ""Tha Snipa""","Raffaello ""The Reefer"" Castella",Alberto 'Gummy Bear' Geramia,Raffaello 'The Ball' Bonaducci,Teresa 'Temptress' Testaverde,Giuseppe 'The Pest' Testarossa,Piero 'The Pole' Testaverde,Camilla 'Murderer' Mancini,Giacomo 'The Toast' Siciliano,Patrick 'The Pill' Trollo,"Harvey ""Razor Head"" Piles","Donnie ""The Mistake"" Vinnie"
Alberto 'Gummy Bear' Geramia,Raffaello 'The Ball' Bonaducci,Teresa 'Temptress' Testaverde,Giuseppe 'The Pest' Testarossa,Piero 'The Pole' Testaverde,Camilla 'Murderer' Mancini,Giacomo 'The Toast' Siciliano,Patrick 'The Pill' Trollo,"Harvey ""Razor Head"" Piles","Donnie ""The Mistake"" Vinnie",Dino 'The Shank' Zannilli,Fredrick 'Bada Bing' Cassarimboni,Rocco 'Elephant Balls' Cutololli,Salvatore 'Under Shirt' Traffidino,Don 'Brillo Pads' Fistapotato,Benny 'Plugs' Ricchibaccio,Nicola 'The Cook' Muggastrieri,Nicola 'Wax Mustache' Valadillo,Arthur 'Rickets' Gianopaccio,Alex 'The Butler' LoPiccozza,Kenny 'Hangnails' Pizzorano,Francesco 'Multi-Tool' Piotemarco,Harry 'Rubber Nose' Riggizzo,Mikey 'Door Stop' Piostrieri,Thomas 'The Shrimp' Russodella,Johnny 'Crazy Neck' D'Ambrovese,Francesco 'Concrete' Zannitoli,Raymond 'Round Steak' Avedonuts,Abe 'Freckles' Loloco,Max 'Lumpy' Wackalino,Alex 'The Tenderizer' Coppobandino,Ciro 'Nickels' Raccoggi,Andrew 'Melons' Bagazza,Benny 'Veg-i-Matic' DeFiligorgio,Bobby 'Balls' Vatatucci,Mickey 'The Can Opener' Andrialino,Franzese 'Hand Puppet' Packaspanelli,Leo 'Potato Chips' Gondolabandino,Jake 'Slice N Dice' Campaelmetti,Ricky 'Blankets' Rotondoardi,Andrew 'Big Sack' Rabitogalini,Emanuel 'The Zygote' Carneglitoli,Dom 'Blankets' D'Ambrola,Lenny 'The Mange' Giacroce,Frankie 'The Ass' Rotondosito,Carl 'Cake Pans' Riccagalini,Perry 'Jack-in-the-Box' Carrocco,Paolo 'The Termite' Schifiletti,Albert 'Cheese Grater' Bassolli,Joe 'The Ass' Goombana,Alphonso 'Noodles' Coronova,Max 'Fetal Position' Cororino,Wilfred 'Fat Face' Piopotato,Perry 'The Lizard King' Gianonova,Tony 'Iron Pants' Santorarimi,Giuseppe 'Moth Balls' Beatallo,James 'Sideburns' Scalanotte,Silva 'Squeams' Nickarano,Perry 'The Hook' Ullovese,Benjamin 'Ten Peanuts' Coppopotato,Ralph 'Fish Hooks' Fistarella,Perry 'The Barber' Provenzaboni,Ronald 'The Nail Gun' Riccalermo

"May Nuffle have mercy on your rolls." - St.Basher

Joined: Nov 06, 2012

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 12:53 Reply with quote Back to top

You're cheating, you have longer names. Very Happy

All hail the dead flings!

GLN 17 is out!

Joined: Jun 06, 2009

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 14:04 Reply with quote Back to top

An army of Halfling zombies must be a terrible thing. The Halfling's genuine hunger combined with a zombies hunger for brainz... Let's hope no necromancer ever finds a way!


Joined: Aug 04, 2014

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 14:29 Reply with quote Back to top

Diz fred mekz me appy! Kill all flingz!

Joined: Nov 06, 2012

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 14:32 Reply with quote Back to top

@ Jarvis:

Fixed for you using the code posted in my first post:

Willy "The Wonker", Annie "Attack", Sammy "The Sapling", Mario "The Plumber", "King" Kong, Larry "Lizard Lover", Hussain "The Bolt", Tommy "Two Steps", Jenny "Spend A Penny", Onna "Onwards", Abe "Four Score", Kam "Belt", Ginger "The Movie Star", Ross "The Son Of Rossatron", Jerry "Not So Scary", "Stonking" Steve, Edward "The Guard", Jeffry "The Gerbil", Terry "The Terrible", Jerry "The Joker", Derick "The Doorstop", Danny "The Drill", Harry "The Hammer", Trent "Trench Foot", Bolo "Yolo", Maggie "Miss Next Game", Milly "The Two Millionth", Bennie "Bad Ass", Max "Attack", William "The Whistler" , Peter "The Player", Sandy "Start Over", Kenny "Kick Em", Jerry "Googkey Eyes", Pinto "The Bean", Sammy "No 16", Dennis "Down To The Wire", Winston "The Chiller", Reggy "No Re-Rolls", Marvis "The Mourner" , Tony "Time For A Win", Johnny "Short On Cash", Barry "The Blower", Jerry "Insert Joke Here", "Trusty" Tarquin, "Wham Bam Thanks You" Sam, Harrold "Ham Fist", "Trendy" Trevor, "Dirty, Dirty" Derik, "Dropping Like Flies"Danny, Patrick "The Tree That Piles On", Henry "The Heavy Weight", Toffey "The Toff", Harvy "Horse Face", "Wheres" Wally, Boris "The Beef Eater", "Dead End" Derik, "Watch Me"Wally, Wally "Walk The Line", Borris "The Next Big Thing", Molly "The Master Chef", Maxwell "The Mighty", Henry "Half-Tonne", Fandel "The Rascal", Sandy "Ünderpants", "Hungry" Hanibal, Wilbert "The Wizard", Gappy "The Dentist", Danny "Sad Act", Harold "Hand-Stand", Peter "The Pointer", "Magic" Johnson, Grunty "The Stunty" Mc Doogle, Eugenie "One Eightling", Sammy "SideStepper", Henry "The Hunter", David "Golden Balls, Pauly "The Player", Harry "The Halfling", Peter "The Beater", Albert Coldfire, George Palefist, Robert Dirtyhawk, Ulric Quickbrook, Ian "The Iron Fist", Kevin "Dead In The Water", Shadow "92" Beday, Woody "The Stock" Beday, Danny Fowler "The Fouler", Eddy "The Edible", Quintin "The Quarterling", Many "Ham Sandwich", Jerry "Very Scary", Rene "The Fizz", "Fancy" Nancy Drew, Jason "Steders", "Three Toed" Tarra, Susan "Soon To Die", Barry "The Boot", Darius "The Death Bringer", Raffy "The Rat", Lester "The Loner", Tommy "The Chef", Barry "Brain Eater" Deater, Franky "Six Fingers", Gory "Neck Breaker", Hammy "The Half-Pot", Stan "Half a Man", Bobby "Knobby" Bagends, Daniel "Danger" Henson, Franky "The Boil", "Hungry" Harry Heartford, "Dangerouse" Dick Tripkin, Ricky "Ticky" Tavey, Alphonse "The Brain", Gazza "Four Finger" Galetty, Polly "Pop Shot", "Buff" Barry Malone, Janit "Dont Panic", Dalfor "Darky Killer", Sacko 'The Taco', Nathan 'Elf Baller', Harvey "Thriller" Miller, Gabby 'Gutter Killer', Thally 'Thrall Thudder', Vincernt 'The Valet' Valention, Ellis "The Elf Killer", Skippy ' The Hippie' Pepperoni, Sammy "Yellow Range Rover" Gazebo, Sinbad 'The Sneaky', Harry "The Hammer", Tally "The Tank", Garry "The Gack", Cally "Bowling Alley", Scaky 'The Scoundrel', Tacky 'The Tack', Tommy 'Two Tone', Gary 'Gazza' Colly, Sammy 'The Sneak' Collete, Pauly "DownTown" Charlie Brown, Freddy 'The Mauler' Mackerson, Piero 'The Tank' Siciliano, Giuseppe 'The Goon' Testaverde, Antonio 'Frenzy' Geramia, Giuseppe "Brick Top" Puglisi, Araz "Tha Snipa", Raffaello 'The Ball' Bonaducci, Giuseppe 'The Pest' Testarossa, Piero 'The Pole' Testaverde, Camilla 'Murderer' Mancini, Giacomo 'The Toast' Siciliano, Dino 'The Shank' Zannilli, Fredrick 'Bada Bing' Cassarimboni, Alex 'The Butler' LoPiccozza, Harry 'Rubber Nose' Riggizzo, Mikey 'Door Stop' Piostrieri, Max 'Lumpy' Wackalino, Bobby 'Balls' Vatatucci, Franzese 'Hand Puppet' Packaspanelli, Andrew 'Big Sack' Rabitogalini, Dom 'Blankets' D'Ambrola, James 'Sideburns' Scalanotte, Perry 'The Hook' Ullovese

GLN 17 is out!

Joined: Apr 15, 2008

Post   Posted: Mar 30, 2015 - 19:37 Reply with quote Back to top

Some spectacular flings amongst those names. RIP little fellas.

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