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Joined: Dec 17, 2015

Post   Posted: Jan 20, 2016 - 21:53 Reply with quote Back to top

**Note From Lorebass**
Hey all,

The coach below joined our site for a little over 2 months before vanishing into the sunset. Sad And while we all hate necro-posts... We gotta look into this.

Greetings coaches,

I have been lurking around the forums a lot asking a bunch of questions lately. I've started playing on Blood Bowl 2 (played about 15~ games) and I decided I should give Fumbbl a try (as it seems to have a great community, and a wider choice of teams which would allow me to try the team I want to play on TT, undeads).

However, I a little confused as to where to start and would need a little bit of clarification about "Leagues".

I heard that I should join the "145" group since it's recommended for newer coaches like myself.

I just created a team, gave it a cool name and logo and applied to that league, will this team be able to join other leagues once I am done with this one, or are teams forever locked in their leagues and I'll need to create a new one for every league I want to play in?

Also, is there a place I could get more information about the difference between ranked, black box and leagues?

As always, thanks again for your time! <3

Joined: May 02, 2013

Post   Posted: Jan 20, 2016 - 22:06 Reply with quote Back to top

Wellcome to FUMBBL!

check this link below for more info about the site

if you've only played 15 games of Blood Bowl, the best place to start is the 145 league. This league is for new coaches to Blood Bowl where you can slowly learn the game. Stick there for a while and then when you feel ready... out you go to the other divisions!

good luck

Joined: Mar 12, 2011

Post   Posted: Jan 20, 2016 - 22:11 Reply with quote Back to top

The help tab at the top has links to some useful info. That includes a divisions section.


For Leagues I believe most would require you to start with a rookie team but I may be wrong. 145 is an Open League while most are scheduled. Different leagues have different rules. You usually have to commit to game a week and have some flexibility in your schedule to join a League successfully. Personally I can't often commit to a particular game time much in advance so I choose to play Blackbox division. There you can activate a team to play in an open system at any time by using the activate button above your Blackbox teams in your profile page(well at 15 min intervals as long as at least 4 coaches activate teams). You will be randomly matched to another activated opponent, usually with a similar team TV rating, though after 30 team games the TV gap can possibly be large. Blackbox tends to have more bash teams playing than Ranked but it is still a mixed bag, especially at low - mid TV levels.
This page from Koadah is a way to incentivize playing more games in Box. Plus there are other meta groups like for Humans, elves or Arr (less popular teams).


For the Open divisions you can also play Ranked instead of Blackbox. Right now Ranked has the most games played. In Ranked you use the gamefinder and offer matches to other teams on the gamefinder, if they are in a certain TV range. Beware though that some people only offer and accept games if it looks easy or to their advantage. Some people are more reasonable.

You can also play kind of friendly games with league teams. So put them on Gamefinder and face other league teams (though probably not with a team participating in a scheduled league). But usually Ranked or Stunty Leeg teams are used for the Gamefinder.

Stunty Leeg is another option with fun FUMBBL only rosters like Pygmies, Squigs and Chaos Halflings, but there are much less of those games played.

The top lists (click FUMBBL-Top Lists) are a fun way of seeing player progression in your teams compared to the stars.

“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.”

Joined: Feb 26, 2011

Post   Posted: Jan 20, 2016 - 22:11 Reply with quote Back to top

Most leagues require that you make a team specifically for that league. There are a few exceptions, though, such as the O[L]C, which was made just for what you seem to be asking about. If you wanna play one team on and on, against all comers, make a Ranked or Blackbox team. But yeah, get started in 145. That's the place for noobz to get their skills up.

Lude enixe, obliviscatur timor.

Joined: Apr 04, 2007

Post   Posted: Jan 20, 2016 - 22:58 Reply with quote Back to top

JackassRampant wrote:
M But yeah, get started in 145. That's the place for noobz to get their skills up.

This is the FUMMBL approved way for "new" coaches not just to FUMBBL but Blood Bowl in general to start out. It is designed to help new coaches out.

The differences in the big picture of the 3 main Divs.

League: Set schedules, cannot normally play when ever you want. Your team is restricted some what on what leagues you can join and so forth.

Ranked: Open play, play when ever you want, requires you to interface with the GameFinder to find matches. You will get "picked" as a ripe cherry when you first start out.

Box: Open play, play when you want, no thought required, make a team, hit activate and off you go.

PainState's wisdom to new coaches.

Make a Box or Ranked team, take your lumps but you will learn fast. There is a high risk though of you throwing your computer off the balcony and flaming out and quitting FUMBBL.

If you are a slow learner or a guy who cannot stand that vomit taste of defeat in his mouth, then, you should go the FUMBBL approved route of joining 145 and stick with league action.

** Side Note **

Since PainState takes his own advice that was how I started out. Thus my W/T/L record overall is slagged out to the extreme due to over 300 games in Ranked play before I figured out the proper way to play this game. It took me close to 7 years to reverse that and I finally have my W/T combined > losses. Yes, I had that many losses tallied up in my early days on FUMBBL.

SO, if you actually care about your over all W/T/L record, my advice will slag your win %, inless of course you are a natural at this game and it just comes to you, an insight us mere mortals does not have.

Comish of the: Image

Joined: Oct 24, 2015

Post   Posted: Jan 20, 2016 - 23:53 Reply with quote Back to top

As a fellow, recent Fumbbler, I welcome you and can give you this piece of advice. Try to stay away from box as the people there really know what they are doing and will go for the throat. from personal experience I would suggest either going Ranked or the 145 League (despite my attendance being in the league being pretty poor due to my work schedule being irratic).I have had some of the most ridiculous matches, and out of the several hundred that I have played I can honestly say only about 10 of them made me want to go jump out the window.

Joined: Sep 25, 2008

Post   Posted: Jan 20, 2016 - 23:55 Reply with quote Back to top

PainState wrote:
Make a Box or Ranked team, take your lumps but you will learn fast. There is a high risk though of you throwing your computer off the balcony and flaming out and quitting FUMBBL.


Joined: Nov 30, 2011

Post   Posted: Jan 21, 2016 - 00:01 Reply with quote Back to top

If you're a new player my advice would just be to play games. Play as many as you can, as often as you, and against as large a variety of teams and coaches as you can. Yes, blackbox does have a reputation of being full of coaches that know what they're doing (pardon the expression) but if you're going to be beaten you may as well be beaten by the best, right? Smile

Find a couple of teams you like that look of, make one in ranked and one in box, mix it up and have fun. There are so many great coaches on here and if you start talking to them in in-game chat you can get really good advice and quickly feel part of the community. That's what happened to me.


Joined: Jul 22, 2009

Post   Posted: Sep 08, 2016 - 17:51 Reply with quote Back to top

Balle2000 wrote:
PainState wrote:
Make a Box or Ranked team, take your lumps but you will learn fast. There is a high risk though of you throwing your computer off the balcony and flaming out and quitting FUMBBL.


It looks like this might have happened before this new player even got to the box. Played a few games and then hasn't been seen in 30 weeks.

I wonder how often this happens with new players?

"If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."

I am a fixer. And my services are valued.


Joined: Aug 03, 2010

Post   Posted: Sep 08, 2016 - 18:01 Reply with quote Back to top

He only played league games tho. Most likely in the 145 club.
So what's the matter? Not everyone will love fumbbl as we do, it's just normal.

Edit: Good Necro tho Very Happy

Last edited by Uedder on Sep 08, 2016; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Feb 26, 2011

Post   Posted: Sep 08, 2016 - 18:02 Reply with quote Back to top

We need a functioning Academy. We've got bits and pieces, but it should be a division, so new coaches know exactly where to go without having to ask or take their lumps. The 145 club and the Faculty are a good start, but we need more than that.

Lude enixe, obliviscatur timor.

Joined: Jul 22, 2009

Post   Posted: Sep 08, 2016 - 18:27 Reply with quote Back to top

Uedder wrote:
He only played league games tho. Most likely in the 145 club.
So what's the matter? Not everyone will love fumbbl as we do, it's just normal.

Edit: Good Necro tho Very Happy

But if he ended up here in the first place, he probably was reasonably into BB in the first place. The fact he didn't stick around (despite a friendly welcome on this thread) after a handful of games, suggests something about the set up didn't appeal. Unless of course he is just a sucker for fancy graphics and didn't like the client we use.

I just think it is a bit odd. You don't exactly end up playing FUMBBL by chance - tends to be people who have had some previous experience of BB and so have some idea what to expect.

"If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."

I am a fixer. And my services are valued.


Joined: Jul 22, 2009

Post   Posted: Sep 08, 2016 - 18:36 Reply with quote Back to top

JackassRampant wrote:
We need a functioning Academy. We've got bits and pieces, but it should be a division, so new coaches know exactly where to go without having to ask or take their lumps. The 145 club and the Faculty are a good start, but we need more than that.

I agree. 145 club is great but not always easy to get matches. The old academy (restricted to coaches under a certain CR limit/number of games played etc), might be the answer.

Maybe new coaches can ONLY play their first 10 or 15 matches against certain opposition - no Legends, High TV teams or teams with loads of games under their belts etc allowed (although an option to opt out of this 'protected period' can be provided for the novices if wanted).

That way newbies get a few games against similarly inexperienced opposition (and maybe the odd veteran fielding halflings) before being auto-promoted into the badlands that is the wider FUMBBL community Smile

Not sure if this is possible/wanted/inherently flawed etc but just chucking some ideas around. Anything that helps players get matches overall can't be a bad thing. Currently, I find it very hard to find matches in ranked (and i'm not a scary opponent).

More players sticking with FUMBBL = more matches for all.

"If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."

I am a fixer. And my services are valued.


Joined: Oct 07, 2004

Post   Posted: Sep 08, 2016 - 18:42 Reply with quote Back to top

I message coaches I see in the game finder who seem to fit the bI'll for the 145 club. I rarely play coaches like this, and tend to PM that information if they offer me a game. There is no shortage of coaches who would rather play this type of newer coach.

Mayne the game wasn't for him.

The Drunker I get, the more I spill
"Keggie is the guy with the bleach blond hair that gives answers nobody else would think of."

Joined: Mar 29, 2016

Post   Posted: Sep 08, 2016 - 18:45 Reply with quote Back to top

To that question about if one can use existing team in another league.. well.. usually it is a no (there might be exceptions.. only times i've seen existing team joining league was when some coach came back to same league.. but i'm new-ish player too).

But in some tournaments you can use existing team (as long it fits other requirements.. like max TV).
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