
Joined: May 17, 2008
Nov 08, 2017 - 18:40 |
The Blackbox Steel Gauntlet is a yearly competition that promotes play and diversity in the Box. It was first suggested by JakeSteel.
Each coach joins with a squad of 5 teams that can play up to 40 games each. Wins and ties earn points, as well as being the best team in a particular race.
Bragging rights for the overall champion as well as the racial champions. These can be backed with some of the trophies created for the occasion, on display below on this post.
For all the rest, hours of fun and the knowledge that you helped making the box a better place.
There is also an off-chance that JakeSteel will honour his promise of a £100 equivalent in any non-cash form of the winner's choosing prize.
Season length
Seasons are 1 year long.
Season 1 will finish by the end of September 2018.
How do I compete?
Select a squad of 5 unique teams from a budget of 9 pts (team costs below).
Create and name these 5 teams as necessary. Ensure all teams have 0 games played prior to entry.
Apply the squad to the BlackBox Trophy page:
Play games in the box, win games, boast heavily in thread.
Team Cost
0: Ogre, Goblin, Fling
1: Vamp, UW,
2: Human, Khemri, High Elf, Elven Union, Slann
3: Rest (max: 2)
Scoring (Only the first 40 games with each team count)
W = 1 pt
D = 0.5 pt
L = 0 pt
2.5 pts per leftover pt of budget (awarded on entry).
2.5 pts for each race's top coach (best record - awarded end of competition)
1) All entrants are obviously expected to abide by all Fumbbl and Blackbox rules.
2) Refusing to play a match once drawn in the scheduler may result in penalties or disqualification. A concession will usually lead to disqualification.
3) By entering you agree to have your running score published in weekly updates/leaderboard.
4) One entry per coach and once entered you cannot change/restart your squad.
5) Trashtalking fellow competitor’s decisions and results is highly encouraged - providing it stays within normal forum parameters.
6) Tiebreaker: Where scores are tied (for best racial record or overall victor) the winner is whoever achieved the score first.
Additional notes
You don't have to finish all 200 games to be eligible for victory - falling short just gives you less opportunities to acquire points.
Steel Gauntlet Champion
Top Goblin, Fling, Underworld, or Ogre steel gauntlet steel gauntlet steel gauntlet Top Elf or Slann
Top Dwarf, Lizard, Human variety or Chaos flavored
Some teams mighy have a hard time finding games, specially those who got a beating in the early stages and are stuck below 1000TV. Remember that a good way to find games are the Box tournaments such as BlackBoxBrawl:
The three biggest metagroups on FUMBBL are all box groups that overlap with this trophy challenge. Apply your eligible teams, and you can win some sprints and get some fluffy badges for a bunch of your teams while working on your Box Trophy teams over the next year.
Check them out, if you haven't!
For Slann, High Elf, Underworld, Vampire, Elven Union, Goblin, Ogre or Halfling, join ARR:
For High Elf, Elven Union, Woodies or Dark Elves, join ELF:
For Humans, join HLP:

Last edited by zakatan on Nov 14, 2017; edited 3 times in total |

Joined: Dec 06, 2011
Nov 08, 2017 - 23:23 |
in response to a query about stats in the other locked thread,
vampires (and khemri) have a surprisingly high win-rate in box during their first 40 games.
is this because they're only played by good coaches?
i found each coach's overall Box win% and draw%
then the box games by race to find race win% and draw%
then found the average of the coach's rates, for each race
the average win% for teams with less than 40 games played is 38.16%
the average win% for all coaches is 37.95%
the average win% for vampire teams with less than 40 games played is 37.46%
the average win% for coaches of those vampire teams is 40.25%
so vampires are 0.29% worse than average, and the coaches who play vampires are 2.78% better than average
CWin% here is the overall box win% for the coaches of the teams
Code: |
Race CWin% Win% diff
Lizardmen 41.48% 47.78% 6.295%
Chaos Dwarf 41.88% 44.27% 2.391%
Necromantic 41.70% 44.23% 2.532%
Amazon 38.36% 44.17% 5.817%
Wood Elf 41.38% 42.37% 0.989%
Elf 39.81% 42.16% 2.349%
Dark Elf 40.26% 41.92% 1.667%
Skaven 39.32% 40.51% 1.193%
Dwarf 37.66% 39.29% 1.633%
Khemri 39.44% 38.90% -0.542%
Undead 36.77% 38.84% 2.072%
Vampire 40.25% 37.46% -2.783%
Orc 36.95% 37.34% 0.394%
High Elf 37.85% 36.26% -1.590%
Norse 33.19% 36.05% 2.860%
Human 36.63% 34.80% -1.838%
Underworld 36.24% 33.02% -3.218%
Chaos 34.78% 32.90% -1.877%
Nurgle 35.20% 31.96% -3.246%
Slann 37.05% 29.86% -7.185%
Chaos Pact 33.35% 29.85% -3.498%
Halfling 35.35% 27.19% -8.163%
Goblin 30.69% 20.32% -10.369%
Ogre 29.70% 13.09% -16.614%
AVERAGE 37.95% 38.16%
the average absolute difference between coach-win% and race-win% is 3.796%, greater than the vampire case.
so, vampires aren't particularly special.
generally there's a fairly clear relationship between coach win% and race win% - (coaches who play strong races win more than coaches who play weak races)
however, coach-win% sticks closer to the average than race-win% does, especially at the extremes:
lizard necro have high win rates but their coach's winrates aren't quite that high
goblins ogres have low winrates but their coaches winrates aren't quite that low
(coaches play more than one race)
vampires are mid-range, and they are bit of a spike in the midrange
actually undead and norse are the opposite, they're also mid-range but are coached by coaches who generally win less, but with undead/norse they do OK
the average absolute difference of the midrange (ignoring top4 and bottom4) is 2.21%
TLDR vampires are coached by slightly better than average coaches.. they have a slightly higher skillcap? |

Joined: Jul 28, 2005
Nov 09, 2017 - 14:23 |
Does JakeSteel even know what he started? |
_________________ Hopefully my pulsating avatar will remind you to always take +1 Strength...ALWAYS! |
Joined: Sep 07, 2012
Nov 09, 2017 - 14:28 |
The BlackBox trophy page
does not load for me on chrome.
It's not a big deal as I can open the page on other browser, I just wanted to provide a feedback. |

Joined: Jul 28, 2005
Nov 09, 2017 - 14:33 |
I only access it via Chrome and it always works fine. That has been my experience. |
_________________ Hopefully my pulsating avatar will remind you to always take +1 Strength...ALWAYS! |

Joined: Apr 04, 2008
Nov 09, 2017 - 14:53 |
Gartch wrote: | The BlackBox trophy page
does not load for me on chrome.
It's not a big deal as I can open the page on other browser, I just wanted to provide a feedback. |
There is something wrong. Christer will sort it out when he gets online. |

Joined: May 17, 2008
Nov 09, 2017 - 16:00 |
KhorneliusPraxx wrote: | Does JakeSteel even know what he started? |
Probably not |
Joined: Sep 07, 2012
Nov 09, 2017 - 17:18 |
@KorneliusPraxx and @Kondor:
thank you for your answers. |
Joined: Aug 11, 2007
Nov 09, 2017 - 22:57 |
Fun with Infects - Nurgle
Fun with Mutants - Underworld
Mummys make the wourld goround - Khemri
Too big to succeed - Ogre
Unhappy but dead - Vampire |

Joined: Jun 06, 2009
Nov 10, 2017 - 22:18 |

Joined: Mar 23, 2006
Nov 12, 2017 - 11:56 |
Since I read about this I've been thinking about the format, and I think it's pretty cool. I hope it grows legs, lasts through the 'season' and improves the division.
I've no chance of completing 200 games; I'd be surprised if I completed 20 in my current state of pseudo FUMBBL retirement. But I'll make a squad and endeavour to get involved at some level. Who knows, I might get addicted.
Good job, all involved!  |

Joined: Aug 02, 2003
Gartch wrote: | The BlackBox trophy page
does not load for me on chrome.
It's not a big deal as I can open the page on other browser, I just wanted to provide a feedback. |
Several other people with the same problem had that corrected after clearing browser history. |
Joined: Sep 07, 2012
Nov 12, 2017 - 12:27 |
Christer wrote: | Gartch wrote: | The BlackBox trophy page
does not load for me on chrome.
It's not a big deal as I can open the page on other browser, I just wanted to provide a feedback. |
Several other people with the same problem had that corrected after clearing browser history. |
It's working for me on chrome since yesterday (but I did not clear browser history)
Anyway thank for your help  |

Joined: May 17, 2008
Nov 14, 2017 - 15:14 |
added some trophies to the first post |
Joined: Oct 18, 2015
Nov 21, 2017 - 05:26 |
| |