Joined: May 01, 2013
Feb 25, 2020 - 18:03 |
I noticed the "strategy" section for them is lacking(though not as much as some)
Here is my thoughts, looking for advice from experienced players who've played the team before. I put Tackle as the higher priority over Block on the heavy hitters since they're AV 10 helps them survive and Tackle will lead to more low AV players getting beaten up overall.
Skills: Break Tackle, Multiple Block/Stand Firm, Guard
Doubles: Tackle, Block
Skills: Tackle, Block, Guard
Doubles: Jump Up, Dodge
Poisoned Wind Globadier
Skills: Diving Catch, Catch, Sure Feet
Doubles: Strip Ball, Block
Jezzails/Sharpshooters (one as a blitzer one as a bomber)
Skills: Dodge, Nerves of Steel, Side Step <or> Diving Catch, Dodge, Sure Feet
Doubles: Wrestle, Strip Ball <or> Block, Pass Block
Slaves (2+ dedicated foulers, 4+ safety)
Skills: Sneaky Git, Sure Feet <or> Side Step, Diving Tackle
Doubles: Dirty Player <or> Wrestle, Strip Ball |

Joined: Feb 17, 2008
Feb 25, 2020 - 18:54 |
here's my 2 cents...
Guard, Stand Firm, Break Tackle/Multiple Block;
Block first because it works also passively;
should prioritize their bomber skills, so Hail Mary Pass ASAP;
kind of ballcarriers but unrealiable because of Secret Weapon. Blodge and then whatever suits your taste;
Diving Tackle, Side Step, and then... hope they can tie down other stunties. |
_________________ "la virtù sta nel cielo e nella terra, ma anche nelle nuvole e nelle stelle"
Joined: May 01, 2013
Feb 25, 2020 - 19:50 |
Thanks! I like your knowledge on them much and will utilize it
Originally I was looking at Jezzails less as passers and more as the Underworld Skaven Thrower where its better to make them into sort of blitzers/safety and then I realized I could toss the bomb to them for HMP if the bomber didn't have it so I figured one blitzer type and one to sit back with the bomber so the bomber didn't have to move to lauch bombs ever, so they could both camp the back field together |
Joined: Oct 04, 2010
Feb 26, 2020 - 01:07 |
Huh. Wouldn't Pass/HMP be the first for the globadiers?
For the mechavermin, I find that having a claw can be quite useful to have against big guys. You're not going to use it much, but when you do, it'll make a difference. |
Joined: May 01, 2013
Mar 01, 2020 - 03:26 |
Globadier gets Agility only. Sad but only Jezzails get Passing skills on regular skill ups. Mechavermin can’t mutate except on doubles and I didn’t see too many AV8+ they would have an easy time hitting; so I figured it wasn’t as worthwhile as standing for free on an MA 4 player.
That all said, I just rolled an ST+ on one of my Jezzails - thinking of forgoing it for a General Skill - thoughts? |
Joined: Jul 25, 2006
Mar 01, 2020 - 11:03 |
Globadiers Need passing skills, so pass/Hmp on a double no Need for strip ball/block, it doesn't improve their throwing bombs. Do mechvermins start with Mighty blow? Otherwise second/third skill for them to improve cas. Claw on a double to kill big Monsters with av10/av9 like other mechvermins. I skilled up my slaves with diving catch so that throwing bombs at that Team isn't that dangerous amymore. Slaves improve a lot with block on doubles. |
Joined: Jul 25, 2006
Mar 01, 2020 - 21:15 |
Joined: Oct 04, 2010
May 29, 2020 - 00:07 |
I do like juggernaut on the doomroller, as it can be a poor man's block if blitzing, and I find I blitz with them on a regular basis. |
Joined: Nov 04, 2015
May 29, 2020 - 01:46 |
MB before Guard on the Mech.
And takle work too passivlely vs s2 dodge players. But prefer too take block first, less fear of turnovers on bloks, but ssome ohers prefer takle on them or other big guy for the reason i said before. |