Joined: Nov 06, 2012
Sep 11, 2020 - 16:26 |
Hello everyone. I'm going to make it short. I'm taking over (again). It's probably going to be my last contribution, after working in the dark (successfully sometimes, unsuccessfully, often) since 2014. So let's make that one last issue count. And what better than updating the one fans and coaches alike - favourite thing the GLN has introduced: FUMMBL badges.
Let's have a new batch, and for that, I'm waiting for your suggestions!
Anything goes for the general badges.
As for the racial ones, I'd really like to balance them. Some teams have it really easy, while some others have incredibly challenging ones.
If I take the Fling ones (why do I pick Flings ):
Kill a player with a rooted Treeman. -> Easy
Kill a player on a -3db. -> Very Hard
Get 3 Kills with a fling in one game. -> Very Hard
Make 5 consecutive stunty dodges. -> Easy
Have a team with 5 or more DP. -> Hard
So I'm expecting some easier Badges. For teams who have it easier, it's the opposite.
Not sure whether the approval of the new badges will be a democratic process or not (probably not), but no suggestion will be overlooked.
Finally, this topic is likely to disappear in a few months, when I estimate I have enough material to publish the article. I won't trash it, it will simply be moved to the private section of the GLN. So don't be surprised.
Thanks in advance for your contribution! |
_________________ GLN 17 is out!

Joined: Mar 22, 2004
Sep 11, 2020 - 16:53 |
I'm not sure if they exist or not, but Blackbox Trophy badges would be neat. |
_________________ Recovering FUMBBL addict. |

Joined: Jan 14, 2009
Sep 11, 2020 - 17:12 |
I'll pitch in/add some as they come to mind - mostly fun stuff. Names made up spur of the moment
They See Me Rollin' : Legend a Deathroller (Dorf)
Leveling the Playing Field : Kill 2 players (non-apothecaried) from fouls with a Deathroller
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn : Field a team with 8 tentacled players (Chaos/Pact/Nurgle/Underworld/Skaven/Chorf)
Stalker : An opponents player dies on the dodge after failing to escape an Assassin or Chameleon Skink's shadowing (Dark Elves, Lizardmen)
Rotten to the Core : Coach a team without Pestigors or Bloaters (Rotters and Rotspawn only) for 25 matches with a winning record (Nurgle) |

Joined: Sep 18, 2005
Sep 11, 2020 - 17:39 |
What is your goal in terms of difficulty? Do you want each race to have 1 easy, 1 medium, 1 hard, 1 extra hard or 4 extra hard or 4 easy or 4 medium/hard, etc? |
Joined: Nov 06, 2012
Sep 11, 2020 - 17:55 |
To keep going with the Fling Example... I've played 800 games with them and I only have the 2 listed as easy. Having 5 DP would be 4/5 difficulty-wise since keeping 5 skilled flings alive (not to mention double-rollers) is kinda hard, and the rest never happened in normal gameplay after so many games (so 5/5 in therms of difficulty).
But don't focus on that, post your ideas and I (or "we" if other people are willing to help sort everything out) and we'll keep the better ones! |
_________________ GLN 17 is out!
Joined: Sep 17, 2019
Sep 11, 2020 - 18:53 |
Hock A Loogie - Snotling Bomber gets X no. of CAS from a bomb |
Joined: Nov 06, 2012
Sep 11, 2020 - 19:30 |
Also I gotta add something: I don't know the new rosters so help me out  |
_________________ GLN 17 is out!
Joined: Apr 06, 2009
Sep 11, 2020 - 19:50 |
Kam wrote: | Also I gotta add something: I don't know the new rosters so help me out  |
New rosters & recent changes:
Old World Alliance - Ogre (and Tree in new rules), Dwarves, Humans, Halflings. Animosity & Loner aplenty. (Suggested badges: have a player die after failing a loner roll to block, win X games with no team rerolls, pass/fail all loner rolls (at least X))
Underworld updated - adds Gutter Runner in place of a Blitzer (and will add Snotlings in new rules, too)
Ogres - added Runt Punter (suggested badge: kill a gnoblar with Kick Team Mate (easy))
Snotlings - Trolls, Pump Wagons (secret weapons similar to trolls), Stilty Runners (fast snotlings), Fun Hoppas (leaping snotlings), Fungas Flingas (bombardiers) (suggested badges: kills with bombs, legend pump wagons, legend snotling positionals (they die even more than regular snotlings as they dodge on a 3+..))
In new rules off top of my head: undead wight becomes a ghost, chaos teams get big guy options (chaos troll, chaos ogre) |

Joined: Sep 18, 2005
Sep 11, 2020 - 19:54 |
Here are my thoughts on elves. My goal is to keep at least one “easy†so players will be drawn to the badges in the first place, have 1 nearly impossible and the rest being medium or hard. I also think it is valuable to make sure everyone has access to at least one that is focused on team-building, in-game play and expectional player
.............................Pro Elves.............................
Current status: They have two that will be impossible to do next season (3000 TV and win an Elite Smack). One that is already next to impossible (clear pitch of AV9) that probably remains that way and two that become easier (Legend a Catcher and field a team with 6 MB). Legending a catcher is currently the easiest and will become easier. Looking at the active lists there are 25-30 Active Legend catchers, 13 blitzers, 2 throwers, 0 linemen.
Change Legend a catcher to legend a blitzer (easier- medium?) or thrower (medium) (player)
Keep 6 MB (medium) (team building)
Remove AV 9 status from clear the pitch (nearly impossible)(in game)
Eliminate Smack and TV
Highly Skilled High elves: All non-catchers have AV 9 or higher[/list]
Kill a player with a foul without getting caught (easy/in-game)
Legend a blitzer (medium/player)
Have 6 MB (medium/team)
Lineelf with 20 casualties (very hard/player) (only 16 all time to date in ranked none in less than 50 games)
Clear the pitch (impossible/in-game)
............................. High elf:.............................
Current: High elves currently have some of the easier badges to get if you are committed to getting them rather than necessarily winning. 9 casualties in a match is clearly the hardest but is getting easier with riotous rookies. Morian may or may not exist next edition so that should go.
Change 50 Completions with a PW to 50 completion in a season (no Tournament). Slightly harder as it isn’t a rolling clock
Eliminate either 100 Dark elves or 9 casualties in favor of a non-bashy one
Win a game in which you complete 3 13 square passes (currently easy but will become more difficult with the nerf to passing)
Highly armored pro-elves- Have 2 blitzers with sidestep and 4 catchers with Nerves of Steel (easy-medium/team)
I’m a legend: 10 MVP on a single player (hard/player) – Easy now but random MVP+season will make very rare as even on a 11 man squad will take roughly 9 season.
Make 50 Completions with a PW in season, no tournament (easy-medium/player)
Highly armored pro-elves (easy-medium/team)
Win a game in which you completed 3 13 square passes (medium/in-game)
I’m a Legend (hard/player)
Kill every Dark Elf star player (impossible/team)
............................. Dark Elves:.............................
Current: We are starting to get to elves I play less so these are less developed. But my guess is that in the next edition:
Kill two players in a match with a witch elf will be medium
Kill and Injure 2 opponents with a single stab will be medium-hard (this one is unclear as to intent is it “Injure and Kill†or “Kill or Injureâ€)
Legend a Linesman will be hard
Kill/SI 100 High Elves will be medium/hard as high elves become a team of legend
Field an all Blodge Team will be easy
Field an all Blodge team (easy/team)
Kill or Injury 2 opponents with a single stab (medium-hard/in-game)
Legend a linemen (hard/player)
Win 8 games in a season with no rerolls on the roster (hard/team)
Kill two High Elves in a game with a foul, stab or crowd push (impossible/in-game)
............................. Woodies:.............................
I really dislike Wood elves so this is by far the least informed of the 4. Cause 50 cas with a Wood Elf Catcher is currently nearly impossible and will become even more so with seasons. No WE catcher has gotten to even 25 ever in ranked. Field 6 leap is easy as is win 7-0. 51 SPP in 5 games seems unlikely but doable, probably medium currently, hard with no being to assign MVP. Make a Larsson will be nearly impossible as passing declines making interceptions even more rare
Field 6 Players with Leap (easy/team)
Cause 2 or 3 injuries with a Wood Elf Catcher in a game (medium(2) or hard(3)/in-game)
Get a Wood Elf to 51 spp in 5 games (hard/player)
Score a TD where the ball carrier moved at least their full movement and every move was a jump or leap (in-game/hard)
Complete a season with the exact same 11 players you started it with (team/nearly impossible) |

Joined: Mar 01, 2017
Sep 12, 2020 - 02:44 |
"Nosepicker" - Have a troll eat 5 of his own snots!
"You shall snot pass" - 10 completions with a snotling |
Joined: Jan 20, 2018
Sep 12, 2020 - 12:44 |
here is one I thought was a badge but it isn't and should be:
This should be in the bad luck category:
Ressurected to Die: Being killed twice in the same game (apo saved then killed again) |

Joined: Sep 18, 2005
Sep 15, 2020 - 14:44 |
and the opposite: Die, Die, Die: Kill the same player twice in one match |

Joined: Mar 07, 2018
Sep 15, 2020 - 15:00 |
Some badges will come around for the new BB 2020 rules? New teams = new badges? |

Joined: Jan 14, 2009
Sep 15, 2020 - 16:47 |
FinnDiesel wrote: | Some badges will come around for the new BB 2020 rules? New teams = new badges? |
Well, I'm going to try and throw a few in specifically dealing with the BB2020 ruleset...I just need to read it a bit more thoroughly
Take a look at the link Kam provided in the first post to the badges - it will give you an idea of what they've been previously
A somewhat silly example:
Wight can't I pick up? Try to pickup the ball twice in a match with a Necromantic Wraith (easy) |

Joined: Sep 18, 2005
Sep 15, 2020 - 17:31 |
That seems too easy. Maybe "Roll a 6 on an attempt to pickup or catch the ball twice in 1 match with a Wraith." If that is too hard to maintain "easy" status it could be "Twice in one match make a "successful" pickup or catch roll with a wraith" |
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