Joined: Jul 31, 2023
Jul 31, 2023 - 21:50 |
i´m a newbie at Blood Bowl 2020 with 3 games at all. 2 of them in a tabletop league at the local games workshop.
I field a Black Orc Team consisting of a Troll, 5 Black Orcs (a 6th ist mng) and 5 goblins and i have to face a Dark Elf Team consisting of a Runner (with Dodge), 4 Blitzers (one with Blodge) and 6 lineman for my next match. My guys have got only the standard skillset.
We will have a CTV-difference of round about 130k and i got 50k in the treasury.
It´s the first time ever, that i have the chance to use inducements and i´m unsure what to take vs the dark elf.
I considered different options:
1. Team Re-Roll + Bribe
2. Blitzer/Blocker-Mercenary (no idea which one) + Bribe
3. Big Un Mercenary (no idea which one)
4. A Wizard, sounds fun in theory but likely will not get reliable results.
I would like to hear your advice on this topic because i have no idea, what the best option would be.
Thank you in advance
mdrahk |
Joined: Sep 17, 2019
Jul 31, 2023 - 22:57 |
If you are the smaller team, which you imply above. Chances are you'll only get the 130 to spend as the Dark Elves are unlikely to spend anything.That rules out Option 4.
So you could just take a Merc Black Orc for 120k
Honestly though Bomber Dribblesnot and Bribe is probably the most scary for them |
Joined: Feb 07, 2023
Aug 01, 2023 - 00:08 |
I think bribe is a must, no matter the other decisions |

Joined: Mar 06, 2004
Aug 01, 2023 - 00:09 |
Yes. Fungus+Bribe is also 130k, but dodgy elves care less about Fungus. |
_________________ FUMBBL! |
Joined: Apr 01, 2011
Aug 01, 2023 - 00:10 |
yeah it generally goes
'can you get bomber or cindy? if yes, take them.
if you still have money left, can you get bribes for 50k? if yes, take as many as you can get.
if you still have money left, can you afford any other megastar except Kreek? if yes, take them.
if you still have money left, can you get a wizard? if yes, take it.
if you still have money left NOW you start actually thinking about what you take.' |
Joined: Mar 29, 2020
Aug 01, 2023 - 00:30 |
I have a feeling that if you add the re-rolls into team value your going to find the difference is going to be quite slim |
Joined: May 20, 2008
Aug 01, 2023 - 00:33 |
spelledaren wrote: | Yes. Fungus+Bribe is also 130k, but dodgy elves care less about Fungus. |
This is the best you can take in my opinon but it's a terrible match up for you and a draw would be a great result. Foul like their lives depend on it. |

Joined: Nov 28, 2005
Aug 01, 2023 - 09:27 |
Bomber and fungus is also 130k.
I think best bet is to make hurt to delves ?
Usually id listen to malmir here but maybe he forgor bomber ,) ? |
_________________ Kaptain Awasoam, Dicer of All Men and Women and Children and Puppies. |
Joined: Nov 19, 2020
Aug 01, 2023 - 09:37 |
Don't underestimate fungus as a cage corner with one BO mng.
He will be the cornerstone of your offense and with bribery and corruption chances for the argue are not even bad. and if you win the toss, the bribe might give you the chance to use it on fungus anyway. by far the best option if you want a solid chance for the draw.
if you want to go for the win, fungus, bomber could be an option but chances of a loss also increase massively. |

Joined: Feb 24, 2023
Aug 01, 2023 - 10:10 |
I agree with Malmir very bad matchup mate, especially if you do not have any tackler and your goblins have no any skills. With the new rule you cannot spend 50k in treasury so you have only 130K (at least your opponent is so crazy to spend some money of his treasury)
Bomber dribblesnot is good choice for quality/price : and you should try to use to kill his blodger or runner - even if with the new errata the bomber is less effective than before - no +1 on AV ... another bad news for you
Then you can risk with the fungus (but having 2 secret weapon guys knowing that your goblins will be targeted by DE Blitzer and die like flies... is a big risk in case he receives the kick and can fast score... and you can have 2 guy expulsed )
So maybe i will chose 1 bomber + 1 goblin mercenary (in case you dont have apo).
or 1 bomber + 1 bribe + 20kassistant coach
removing as many elf you can is typical strategy but I have watched a lot of matches where DE with 4 or even 5 Linos out were able to score till they have most of the blitzer and runner in... So maybe better to try to remove the "good" guys in priority (and use in preference projectile vomit of the Troll close to Block or Blodge naturally)
Finally: think to safe rr for 1TTD in case you have enough goblin left
good luck! Let us know the outcome! |
Joined: Jul 31, 2023
Aug 01, 2023 - 11:33 |
Thank you all! The first thing i learned, read the FAQ publications.
I ordered the miniatures for Dribblesnot and Fungus and will likely use Dribblesnot + Bribe + Ass. Coach or Fungus + Bribe.
I will report back the results. |

Joined: Feb 24, 2023
Aug 01, 2023 - 12:21 |
Joined: Aug 09, 2021
Aug 01, 2023 - 21:28 |
Is Fungus better than Bomber vs Elves?
My experience with fanatics vs teams with block is 1 or maybe 2 uphill blocks and they are gone.
Haven't played much with nerfed bombers though, maybe they aren't very good anymore. |

Joined: Feb 24, 2023
Aug 02, 2023 - 10:45 |
honestly with the new errata update that if the bomber is hit by his bomb and knocked out there is turnover combined with the fact that there is no longer +1 on the armor roll bomber's power has been greatly reduced. But perhaps it is still more likely to be able to remove a blodge player with a bomber than with a fungus MB. At this point, however, I agree that probably the best option is Bomber + Fungus BUT only if you receive the kick off.
If you RECEIVE you : Bomber + Fungus. Use both right away (so you can be sure to use them for 5-6 turns ).
But in case is DE that start receiving the situation is very risky : the elf can maybe remove one goblin and try to score quickly, then on the second drive you risk to play without the two ejected starplayers and 1 less goblin as well with one less goblin... and the game can be said to be lost.
The choice is difficult ... |
Joined: May 20, 2008
Aug 02, 2023 - 11:42 |
MerryZ wrote: | Bomber and fungus is also 130k.
I think best bet is to make hurt to delves ?
Usually id listen to malmir here but maybe he forgor bomber ,) ? |
I assumed bomber was banned - if not, take it all day long. |