2008-03-14 02:38:22
23 votes, rating 4.7
Yep. That's right. My 150 / 168 dwarves lost 2-1 vs WardenUSA's 150 / 114 'flings.
Although the dice were ridiculously one-sided, the loss is still my fault, mostly because I tried to get a little too showy.
Basically, at the 5th of the 2nd, I had my runner with the ball at his line, along with a lineman and a trollslayer. Right there, I could have walked in, gotten the tie. I didn't - my runner was hogging too many SPPs.
I tried a handoff to the lineman. It failed. The ball bounced right back to the runner who caught it again.
Right there, I could've said 'whoa, that was really close, I guess I should just walk this in now.' But I didn't.
What I actually said was 'ok then, two more turns, two more attempts - how hard can handing off the ball possibly be?'
And so I tried to handoff to my slayer. He dropped it. The ball went off the pitch, and was thrown to the worst possible place it could land - right next to Deeproot.
'Well, crud.' Were pretty much my thoughts. But still I did not give up hope. I had one dwarf that could get to the ball - a longbeard. He gets there, and, amazingly, picks up the ball (needed 5, gets 6 - WHERE WAS THAT 6 BEFORE?!) Not believing my luck, I select pass, then cross my fingers.
A 6.
But not for me.
One of the few remaining halflings catches the ball in his greasy little hands.
Then, just to show me up, that same halfling makes a throw to one of his teammates for a 6th SPP.
A good game, and despite my dwarves inability to break halfling armor throughout the entire first half, I had a good time. Good luck to WardenUSA - he'll need it.