Posted by ArthurWynne on 2016-06-11 01:20:25
I'm hardly an expert on Blood Bowl etiquette, but I would absolutely apologise, or at least commiserate, after a dicing, and I would hope to never complain about bad dice - I won't say I never have or never will, I'm only human, but really it's just a game and the worm will always turn some time so it's not worth getting aggravated about. I strive to live by the wise words of Paul Hicks: "[Y]ou know, if the worst thing that happens to you is you roll a bunch of 1s and your computer pixels die, then you should consider it a damn good day."
Finally, I never apologise for a foul - if I wasn't OK with hurting an opponent's player, then I wouldn't have fouled! Having said that I don't foul often, and only for spesific tactical reasons.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2016-06-11 02:41:40
Get abusive when being diced. Against the rules, take a screen shot and report them. Even if it doesn't bother you, if they aren't reported they'll do it again and probably worse. They need to be removed.
Apologise for the dice. I can see why, but I'm not sure apologising helps. I think commenting on it, may help your opponent come to terms with it. "One sided dice today, what did you do to annoy nuffle?" or some such.
Apologise for a rip foul, that's more likely to annoy people. I'd say something like an "Oooof, some back swing there" or may not comment at all.
Posted by Matthueycamo on 2016-06-11 02:56:44
Never apologise, just claim it is all your own tactical brilliance!
No I never do this, I don't apologise but I do point out that even a great coach would have not done well if the dice are that bad to soften the blow.
Posted by Nextflux on 2016-06-11 11:34:40
Apologizing for everything is weird, apologizing for playing a game is really not me.. Im not that humble, yes true you English have another culture there, it always strikes me as a little weird. What I mean is Apologizing is a good thing, but you should really mean it, otherwise its just fake chatter.
So dont ever apologize unless tricking its part of your game strategy.
Posted by pokrjax on 2016-06-11 12:38:30
English apologies are sincere. Perhaps the rest of the world just lacks empathy compared to us! No, that's unfair. I apologize.
Damn good blog, well done!
Posted by Bloodfeast on 2016-06-11 14:09:22
Keep it up mate, the orcs will get up in the LOL-divisions sooner or later :)
Posted by Dalfort on 2016-06-12 00:07:33
I am sorry you are having trouble with these issues... :p
I too am English and I am overly apologetic, I hate dicing in either direction, but especially if I am getting the dice as it sits so uncomfortably with me (think I expect to lose every game so when the dice are so uneven it feels like I have been robbed of an earned win).
Fouling RIP; well, I apologise but usually explain that I would like to see a rule change regarding fouling and being sent off. I think that is a player is sent off after KO'ing someone then the should be sin binned (KO box as well), should they BH the opponent then they are sent off for the rest of the game, MI they get a 1 match ban and finally if they kill someone they should be banned for life. This adds to the removal of players overall and makes fouling far more of a risk.
Keep having fun mate, and apologise as much as you feel you need to :)
Posted by Awix on 2016-06-12 00:40:04
Not having problems per se, it's just something I contemplate while idly watching opponents brush past my teams to run in handfuls of TDs. I think the luck issue is just a matter of perspective; it all balances out eventually. Luck is what stops BB from being wholly analogous to chess, if it was entirely predictable I think it would lose a lot of its charm. I know how it feels when I get lucky and my opponent throws a strop, so I work very hard to ensure I'm not that guy when it's my turn to be a little unlucky (or extremely unlucky). I find good play tends to get good dice, anyway.
I'm not a great fan of fouling as a strategy but I think lifetime bans would be a bit extreme and probably very unpopular, especially when some teams rely heavily on fouling to be competitive. I haven't met many players who are systematic foulers, to be honest, although there was one guy who repeatedly fouled one of my teams' only positional player until the guy was kicked to death. Remembering how that felt, and feeling that I'm here to win games (ha, ha), not destroy opposing teams, is part of why I very rarely foul any more.
Posted by Seany18 on 2016-06-12 16:17:01
Sometimes I complain about bad dice, I usually apologise if I do because I understand its unsavoury and not my opponents fault. I've never understood insulting your opponent for perceived luck however.
On the point of fouling, if you do a good foul and it kills my guy all the best to you, however if you foul on turn 16 or when I have a couple of guys left on the pitch and you have the win then have the cheek to apologise for the foul which has no benefit to you and the only intent is to hurt my team I will actually be quite annoyed, you are clearly not sorry lol
Posted by Awix on 2016-06-12 16:34:45
Yeah, as it's fairly obvious that most people don't actually need to foul in order to beat me, I'm never impressed when they apologise for doing so.
One of my first games on Fumbbl was against a guy who told me (in so many words) I was playing terribly, he was playing much better, and I was only winning because of the dice being 'broken' (I think he actually accused the Fumbbl RNG of being bent). And I wondered if he expected me to just hand the ball over to him out of guilt, or something. Which is partly why I never complain about bad dice in-game or in match reports. Sometimes I think the best thing you can take away from this kind of hobby is the ability to enjoy losing.
Posted by bigf on 2016-06-12 18:05:30
Was it Spiro!!!
Posted by Awix on 2016-06-12 21:34:42
Um, no. At the time the guy in question stropped off declaring he was going to write a strongly-worded note to the admins and then never trouble himself with Fumbbl again, but I see he's played nine games since then. Needless to say I will be declining any future offers of matches against him.
Posted by Aliboon on 2016-06-13 01:54:27
I don't think anyone should insult players about the dice or how they play, although I think it is fair enough to have a bit of a whinge about how bad your own dice are (if they have been terrible), but I don't think one should complain about how good the opos dice are. Similarly, I think it is fine to comment on how lucky you've been, or how unlucky you opo is, but not vice versa. Maybe that is a bit hypocritical as it is all luck, but hey ho.
The thing with BB is that if the dice go against me, it can snowball as I then to try and even things up with riskier plays, but then they don't work and things get worse. I've had games where I've failed what seems like most of my gfi rolls - you could say that was bad play in having to roll them in the first place, but if you've completely lost position, then you "have" to try and chase it, roll more dice and subsequently fail more. I've found that players who complain about the dice are generally quite one-eyed, they ignore their own good luck and just focus on their bad luck and then try to over-compensate, which makes things worse. I'm sure I've been guilty of that too...
BB is a dice game and I do think that for most players, unless they are making rookie mistakes then it will the dice that will have the greatest influence - if the teams and luck are about equal, then the game will probably end in a draw.
I tend to apologise when I kill/stat decrease a skilled player, I'd rather a BH most of the time to be honest. As for unnecessary fouls, I tend to avoid them unless I'm playing Nurgle, Necros or the Undead and could do with the free player.
Posted by awambawamb on 2016-06-13 12:24:05
well, R is a perpetual league. a dead Monsterdancer like 8457 Blodge Leap Teckle Mighty Blow Strip Ball is a monsterdancer less. Same goes for a ClawPOMB-ing tin can opener: they all have a big target painted on their back.
in a L game you can see this more often, since usually you are enlisted in smaller leagues... but happens nonetheless.