Posted by Archevol on 2009-07-26 19:30:33
Must admit, the novels were a pretty poor effort.
Posted by adambomb on 2009-07-26 23:11:37
hey checked out your 'Four-eyed Bookworm' blog....good reviews and an interesting assortment of books so far. Look forward to hearing about the rest of the 100! :-)
Posted by fly on 2009-07-26 23:40:26
i'm at around 130 books a year for ages.
scientific books take longer, though. good luck in your quest, writing reviews on each of them is some more involvement then. i recommend thrillers and detective stories :-)
if the story is exciting, you finish books much faster. authors i recommend would be john sandford(l. davenport series), John T. Lescroart(dismas hardy&co.), gwendoline butler (john coffin) as well as tess gerritsen and louise penny, maybe anne perry too(if you like historic stuff)
i'll read your reviews later, too late for it now.
Posted by CaptainBringdown on 2009-07-27 19:10:39
130 books a year is quite a large deal! The main incentive was to read the stacks and piles of books i've accumulated over the past 3 years whilst doing my degree. Was great reading for my studies - History & English Literature - but feels wonderful to have that freedom again to pick what i want. When i get to the end of the piles, then i will read a couple of thrillers as suggested. Gotta keep the eyes burning (or, possibly eroding).