This is probably the steepest learning curve i have ver had to take in my life with regards to gaming. I used to play TT from time to time many years ago when my local GW still had their pitch but recently I havn't been able to get a game near where i live.
Finding fumbbl was at first a godsend.. then a major annoiance and has now once again become a godsend. MY CR is at the moment imprressively bad due to the fact that I'm still relearning the game and i refuse to use the accademy to do so (shame on me). However, many users have now stated that there are some mentors out there and that maybe I should consider speaking to some of them about my game and listen to any advice they have.
Its working wonders and my playing ability i starting to increase massively. I'm making fewer mistakes and learning some of the more interesting skill combinations into the bargain.
If any one is willing to help a multiple times CR loser please just get in touch. i'm open to all ideas.
Supplemental...... One of the teams suggested got absolutly screwed by nuffle against a weaker orc team.. thanks to the person that suggested that.. thanks a lot!
Posted by catmando on 2009-01-07 05:38:01
Looked at that game, both teams were Orcs and both teams were 100/97. Looked like an even match to me. Things that make you go hmmmmmm...