Watch out for the (D)Arrrgh Elves!
So, here you are - after showing the world my utter incompetence and offering you an empty blog, now I have finally managed to fill it with some content. So, as plausible, I'll start this off with an apology.
NOW I truly deserve the 1 rating.
Welcome to the First (for real this time) Episode of DStern's Blog, discussing my amorous relationship with my team, the
Clar Karond Darkstars and my general quest for omniscient all-owning wisdom about the Dark Elves:
HOW TO PUT THE -D- back in ARGH ELVES!, the (s)introduction.
In this part, I will out myself as new to the game.
After playing Vampires (which I still love and I hope I can write about in a future blog, titled: How NOT to suck bad but good or something) with no success but occasionally biting your own teammates, I figured hey, let's try something entirely different. So I played with Chaos, which to my feelings at last, well, straightforward style of rubbing your fist, horn or whatever weapons your mother or chaos god blessed you with in your enemy's soft spot again again and, suprise, yet again, did not really fascinate me from the get go.
So, I thought, I'm looking for style: I found the Dark Elves in all their dark elfish sexyness, combine a good combination of playstyles, and I'm looking for a flexible team.
This combination of playstyles very practically ment in my games: Wow, you can screw up in a million ways in all possible plays! Awesomeness, here I come, and I learn only through mistakes.
Argh Elves! you say? Yes, that's totally right. Argh Elves! As in the little sound you hear when someone gets seriously injured. Notoriously good (in the sense of bad) luck took the Darkstars down 3 players (2 with niggling injuries, because life is always more interesting with more pain, especially for Argh-Elves).
The first game for me was very inspirational and really helped me in trying to dodge out of block zones to not get my wonderfully evil elves crushed and maimed. Still, I would be missing 3 players for my second game.
I was close to retiring.
But instead of playing a ponzy-scheme and then flying off to Lustria for some amazon goodies, I kept playing.
Now, with a few games under my still relatively white belt, I feel I must now cope with the traumatic experiences, more are yet to come I believe.
At first, I was merely hoping not too lose and to score a touchdown, which was cool. I have to say, that hasn't changed much, but I'm more and more realizing I'm getting slowly (since Dark Elves live long and learn hard) into the game.
I still noob the heck out of my team in games, so I'm thankful they got alot of the basic skills.
Which leads me to my next points. The skills that save me regularly:
Many people say take block, but from my limited PoV, I'd actually prefer dodge as first skill. For the added manoueverability on your linemen.
I've found it saved my butt when being blocked, blitzed and generally, of course, dodging in and out of tackle zones.
It's almost always my second skill choice and I've found it annoying on other players and of course sweet cherry pie on mine. Dodge and Block is very nice on my elves, who'm I generally do not want knocked back, down and even injured.
Why I do not like throwers (or why running makes shapely legs)
I've also had the luck of rolling a +1AGI on one of my Lineelves, the wonderfully beautiful Dasha Doomheel, check her out, I like her picture which later got a +1 Movement.
Familiar sight? I've seen her in my dreams, for sure?
From that point on, I used her as my main passer and to pick up the ball on kick-offs, which has served me good.
I do not fancy throwers on DE teams, I'm more of the quickpass-run and surgical blitz player.
If I ever can get to play tactically that is - I screw up plays more than I actually make them suceed.
All in all, I'm really hooked on my (D)arggh Elves.
I find they bash just well enough and they have the ability to make some nice plays.
They all have an AGI of 4 and with Dodge, that makes them really mobile so if you can play it right, you will be able to have them assist blocks (mind the tackle zones! Do not make my mistakes!) for that 2-die block.
Well, I'm running out of time, so I'll leave it at that.
STAY TUNED for Part2.
Peace out,
the D