Hey there =)
I noticed that the icons can affect the way I play. If, for example, I leave unchanged the icon of a +ST player I won't make full use of this great skill roll. Hence, I decided to edit some icons to help me having a better global view of the pitch.
ST4 AG4 wight:
AG4 ghoul:
ST6 mummy:
Skilled zombie:
Dirty player zombie:
Dirty player skeleton:
ST4 skeleton:
ST4 ghoul:
I just switched the heads mostly, but already helps me a lot in the game. To make use of them, I added those lines at the end of the icons.ini file:
BUG MADFART=uzombiedp.gif
THABIT III=uzombieskill.gif
RE II=ughoulag.gif
Remember to name the second pic of each set the same way you named the first, adding "
" at the end, adding "b" at the end of the 3rd and "ban" at the end of the 4th.
As a side note, the team I used those icons with is this
Regards, Drity Brian.
EDIT: Feel free to ask if you need something specific and are too lazy to do it yourself, I'll maybe help.