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Last seen 12 years ago
Win Percentage


2011-07-09 14:38:43
rating 4.6
2011-06-13 08:09:27
rating 5.9
2011-07-09 14:38:43
7 votes, rating 4.6
And rubgy was the winner....
What a fantastic game!

The New Zealand/Austraia/Sth Africa Super 15 Rugby Final between the Canterbury Crusaders and the Brisbane Reds.

To understand the enormity of the occasion one has to understand what was on the line. Not only was this a Super 15 final, but also the leadup to the 2011 Rugby World Cup. More importantly both Brisbane and Christchurch (Christchurch is in Canterbury) have been hammered by natural disasters this year. Brisbane with flash floods and Christchurch with earthquakes. Despite these disruptions (the Crusaders didnt play a single game in their home grounds all season) both teams made it to the finals.

It seemed like each player put everything they had on the line in a non-stop 80mintues of pure action rugby. A fantastic spectical!

If you've never watched a game of rugby before, dont find out the final score and find a way to watch this game. Rugby truely is the best team sport in the world. And this game an outstanding example!
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Posted by mymLaban on 2011-07-09 14:42:14
I would watch that! Sounds great :)
Posted by Purplegoo on 2011-07-09 15:01:22
You do make it sound good.

I often find Super 15 Rugby a totally different brand to what we see over here in the NH. Less emphasis on the set piece, less defending, more Basketball style you score, we score sort of stuff. More like RL. Different and not to my taste. I'll give this a go though I suppose, I've not seen any at all this year. With any luck there will be a NH ref and there will be some scrummages. ;)
Posted by insanitie on 2011-07-10 02:56:31
sounds like a good game,
all rugby any rugby is great
but sounds like a good game gonna see if i can find it.
Ireland for the World Cup !!
Posted by pythrr on 2011-07-10 17:58:28
wth is RUBGY?