Posted by f_alk on 2008-10-25 22:35:36
Now we are talking :)
Only a quantum computer can create real random numbers (yes, real), but then we would need to talk about that cat - which is the basis for such computer.
Posted by Shimin on 2008-10-26 00:04:53
Actually true RNG would be easily proven.
Statistically in the long run each number would be chosen equally many times (roughly).
But does it really matter? If RNG on fumbbl is flawed, then it is so for everyone.
Just have fun and play the game.
Btw statistically 3 times +3 st isnt that unlikely (do not missinterpret that to be unlikely in the sence that it happens all the time, but just that it is very much more likely than winning the lottery)
Posted by Tesifonte on 2008-10-26 04:10:52
Schröddinger. Kittens. Cyanide. Rngs. Ten thousand beers.
*brain fart*
Posted by PhrollikK on 2008-10-26 13:36:15
THe RNG isn't random, since it is decided by the clockfrequency of the computer running and certain pysical flaws areintroduced thus. But for FUMBBL games it is as random as can get.
Btw the cat is neither live nor dead since the whole contraption is a thought experiment and has no basis in reality.
Posted by ClayInfinity on 2008-10-26 22:29:00
I prefer dogs myself...