Posted by DanTitan76 on 2009-02-24 14:11:49
Posted by PhrollikK on 2009-02-24 14:12:35
Ever thought of changing ISP? :D
Posted by JoseLuis on 2009-02-24 14:14:41
Nope, it's a british company.
I did, but I signed a contract for one year.
I didn't know moving out to another house was going to cause so many problems...
Posted by Gritter on 2009-02-24 14:52:08
A word of caution, i have had issue playing on fumbbl using mobile broadband and could not get it working on t-mobile.
Aassuming you have your phone line set up, you should be able to find a cheap-ish 56k dialup ISP that will keep you going for now.
Posted by treborius on 2009-02-24 15:20:33
don't know about the UK, but for germany there are tools which look up the current pricing (depending on location and time of day) for dial-up-connections.
good tools also include ratings and additional info by other users about the stability/reliability of the dial-up-ISP.
'should be able to find something like that as shareware or freeware, even.
'just need a plain old modem (should be able to get that for <10 pounds/$/EUR) - preferably 56k and a working telephone-line, which of course will be busy during dial-up ;)
Posted by Erod on 2009-02-24 16:12:33
If you are moving, be sure to notify the ISP well in advance...
Posted by Shimin on 2009-02-24 17:39:35
In Denmark we dont have anything but broadband (Maybe it is possible to get at some, but they dont advertise it and its too expensive anyway). I moved in the summer and had an enormous downtime of... Well i bet it was more than 1 hour, but i dont know for sure, since one day i had it at the old place, and the other day i had it at the new place. I dont think you can find anyone in Denmark accepting that amount of downtime. No matter what deal you made! I cant imagine it being that much different in UK, and would consider if that isnt grounds for ending the deal, since they cant deliver.
In Denmark at worst i could have had 3 weeks of downtime if i forgot to tell that i was moving in advance (meaning that i could tell it the day after and have it at worst 3 weeks later).
Posted by SillySod on 2009-02-24 18:13:49
Worth looking very closely at the contract and seeing if you can get your money back. Thats just ridiculous, please do them for fraud.
Posted by pythrr on 2009-02-24 20:51:39
tell us who it is - this kind of rubbish service needs the bad PR
and also, what sillysod said - they must owe you money
Posted by Chewie on 2009-02-25 08:32:20
Let me guess - you are either waiting for a BT line to be installed, or are waiting on Virgin.
If you are waiting on getting Virgin installed, they usually take a week or so... i wouldn't pay for a service they aren't supplying if it takes longer than that.
BT can be anything up to a couple of months, especially if you have no existing phone line in the house.
Either way, i hope you are up and running soon... maybe you can join somebody's wireless?