Posted by Purplegoo on 2009-03-09 09:55:54
Dude, forget CR.
It's not worth worrying about.
Posted by Melmoth on 2009-03-09 11:20:41
What Purp said
Posted by pythrr on 2009-03-09 12:50:17
yup, we all know PC rigs CR in any case...
Posted by DonTomaso on 2009-03-09 12:52:30
CR is an exact measurement of how good at Blood Bowl LRB 4 you are. There is no mistakes in that calculation, and it can not, contrary to popular belief, be manipulated in any way, but just playing cherries, etc.
If your CR is low, you suck at the game, no question about it.
Welcome to Fumbbl where CR is everything...
Posted by GoodWill on 2009-03-09 13:11:06
From what I hear, your problem is clearly playing with more experienced teams.
(Which I suggest because it is mine too ;-)
On Fummbbl, I get the impression that quite a few players have mastered any possible skill-combination you can chose with a teamand any possible exploit as far as TR-tuning goes.
They will crush you if you dont know how to counter a "Leap"-player, for example.
Chose your opponents more wisely by looking into their record first.
Unless you like getting your team killed off by some foul-playing "It's my 3000th game and it bores me to death"-guy.
Posted by Calcium on 2009-03-09 13:29:41
Pure experience mate. I was CR130 odd after a few months here before clawing my way back up. But ironically I cared about CR then, I don't give it much thought now.
I've said it lots, most of us thought we could play this game well before getting here! I say most, cause I think Alibaba/Jack/Purple/Jock etc. were friggin born clutching a Blood bowl set!
Paulhicks was born with big ass boots on.....
Posted by westerner on 2009-03-09 15:29:31
CR is only a rough indicator of ability. Don't worry about it too much, just try your best to win every game. After the game, look at your reply and see where you went wrong.
Using this technique I saw I was often leaving 2d blitzes open on the ball carrier that could be prevented.
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2009-03-09 17:47:26
I spotted a typo!
'Paulhicks was born with big ass boots on....."
It should have been "Paulhicks was born with big ass boobs on....."
Back on topic: Play to play. Then you're Fun Factor will be guaranteed to increase.
Posted by Bill_Vestergaard on 2009-03-09 19:31:04
A combination of Purplegoo and Calcium will give you the advise you need, listen closely to them, they are wise coaches.
Forget about CR, it only matters to you in the start anyway. When you get to play more games, then you will see that CR isn't that good an indicator for blood bowl skills and it isn't that fun to try and pick to get a high CR.
Play to have fun and forget CR. I sure got more fun out of fumbbl after I changed my way of looking at CR. (In the start I was a huge picker and aimed at gaining as high CR as possible. Now I just pick for fun, but I still pick :D)
Posted by TeeKay15 on 2009-03-09 20:02:34
Mate i just checked your win record and your 71%.
Your CR is 150.22.
Your match lists, both blackbox and ranked, seem to show a good player.
Your league teams (porchfield porkers and dundalk dragons as far as i read) are BOTH doing well. Porchfield porkers have won 7 and lost only one!
Rats in Caps (one of your ranked teams) have 8 wins and 2 losses.
If you add together the CR of the last 5 (ranked) coaches you played and divide it by 5 the mean average is pretty much 150, and 2 or 3 of those coaches have CR's in the 140's.
I have probably got this way wrong (i AM a newbie), but from just looking at your stats and profile the only assumption i can make is that you ARE a good player. The only thing i can see is that the higher your own TR the bigger the difference between you and your opponents team. Your last ranked match involved a team 22 points higher than yours...Maybe you just need to scout out your opponents teams more ? That makes sense since at lower TR's being unprepared wont matter when the only difference between two teams might be a skill or two, whereas loads of differences appear the higher up you go?
Again i can only apologise if im wrong...welcome to fumbbl :D