Posted by Shades_SteelFist on 2009-10-10 13:54:26
Gratz on the win and hope its the first off many,
Word of advice though mate, 3 FF Is way to low, you need to start with a much higher amount, about 7 minimum, A high FF is one of the most important parts of any team.
Posted by bobafettsmum on 2009-10-10 14:38:19
Quit while you are ahead!!! ;)
Posted by Jeffro on 2009-10-10 17:10:41
Don't discourage him boba!.... let the death of his favorite and highest skilled player do that for him! ;)
Posted by Archevol on 2009-10-11 00:23:46
Enough wins and it'll be up as high as 7 anyways... 8)
Welcome to the site PTG. Adding a catcher or a lineman with your newfound loot?