Posted by Zodgrot on 2009-12-30 18:52:54
go to the forums
this is for blogging
Posted by Bill_Vestergaard on 2009-12-30 18:58:13
The OCCS is just about to start for the season 2010.
Posted by Kryten on 2009-12-30 19:13:07
I would suggest the 145 Club, great for new coaches:
Posted by vlokiera on 2009-12-30 19:39:29
What Bill and Kryten said lol. The 145 Club is a good place for rookie coaches to start as the competition is rookies and sub-150CR coaches. The OCCS is a good place for new coaches to play as well. We have a big variety of coaching levels and much less worries about the teamkillers and uberteams you run into in (R). GO Huskies!
Posted by PainState on 2009-12-30 21:12:02
If you are in North America the various NWL groups are nice.
OCCS and 145 are mainly Euro leagues. So if timezones are a issue then well that will be a issue.
SWL if you are in Australia/NZ
OF course groups like NWL,SWL,OCCS and 145 are big groups. There are hundred of smaller leagues to choose from.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2009-12-30 22:39:29
For new coaches 145 Club should almost be MANDATORY.
It is all NEW and not so good coaches so you get to play on your own current level and build up from there. You should definitely join. EVERYONE with a low enough Coach Ranking (CR) is welcome and you can start playing this week.
I'm guessing you are in North America from the name so you should look into the Northern Wastes League (NWL). All coaches are US or Canadian coaches. It would be nice to get some of the South American coaches in the league too but I don't think any have joined yet. (PainState and I both play in NWL.)
OCCS is the accronym for the Orca Cola Cup Series and it has coaches from all over the world but is largely European. Which can be annoying if you don't have the right schedule to play your matches on time. (I work 4am to 2pm in Eastern US so it is good for me.)
There is also an open league called The Congregation recruiting right now. Check the forums.
Posted by Arktoris on 2009-12-31 01:50:27
above link is to all the groups on fumbbl. As mentioned before, the 145 club is great for coaches new to fumbbl.
Posted by ryanfitz on 2009-12-31 01:55:12
go to the forums specifically league forums, check which leagues are active in the forums and see if you fit what they are looking for for coaches
... ability to play matches in certain timezones is usually the biggest factor of being able to be reliable
... contact the commish of those leagues you think you would be interested in and try to build a team to their needs
... as you get into one or more leagues and become a known reliable coach you will be able to get into nearly as many leagues as you like,
But only join leagues you can be reliable to.... GL, hope to see ya in league play somewhere
Posted by Sinnyil on 2009-12-31 05:04:55
As a moderately new coach, I'm disappointed with the low ranking this blog got. Sure, maybe it would have been better on the forums, but the reaction would have been similar (I imagine there would have been at least 2 posts saying "Use the search function"). When it comes down to it Fumbbl is a decently large, well established community and in some areas is newb friendly, but others, such as finding and joining a league, is not intuitive and there just isn't a good reference for where to start.
Posted by Shraaaag on 2009-12-31 10:01:47
My strategy in finding a league:
1) If you got friends playing on FUMBBL, see if they are playing in a league, or maybe start a league with them (if you meet other coaches you enjoy playing with in the open divisions, you could try to recruit them aswell).
2) Look for Leagues localized to your timezone/region/country. My biggest grief with some leagues is the spread of timezones, making it hard to arrange games (not to mention coaches that never answers PMs and never logs onto IRC).
3) The 145 club is very nice, and is probably the best league if you don't know many other coaches. As it's a non-localized league, you might some times end up with time issues (people sleeping, working or studying when you want to play and vice versa).
4) Look for leagues that has rules or fluff that tickles your fancy. There are plenty of leagues there, with interesting rules and alot of fluff.
One last note, check the league's activity before joining it. You might not want to end up in a league where people are inactive most of the time, or hard to reach/arrange games with.