Posted by razmus on 2022-04-20 21:09:57
Logic issues with the rules, I think would go to -- which is technically for questions, but "What the heck were y'all smoking?" is technically a question. But what you describe is, I believe unequivocally a possible ordering of actions.
Maybe think of it as, the gutter runner flashed his impressive incisors and squeaked mightily at the DElf runner and the DElf runner panicked?
Posted by Azur on 2022-04-21 00:13:38
Tu as assez bien résumé Dump Off.
D'autant plus qu'il se fait dorénavant sur un 3+, et non plus sur un 2+ (vu que ce n'est plus la carac AGI mais la nouvelle carac PASS qui intervient).
Bref, une compétence bien moins intéressante qu'avant.
Posted by PurpleChest on 2022-04-21 00:17:48
that is right, those are the rules.
it is stupid
But those are the rules.
Posted by razmus on 2022-04-21 02:18:29
Oui, mais le blitzer n'arrive plus à imposer sa zone de tacle et il l'a fait avant... donc effectivement c'était un 3+ avant (à moins que le passeur n'ait des nerfs d'acier.)
Posted by MrCushtie on 2022-04-21 07:00:18
I don't think it's stupid at all. Reflects some jumped-up pointy eared scoundrel panicking and chucking the ball away, when he had the slightest worry about getting his armour dinged. Sure, he *could* have waited until the rat got close, but he's no sturdy S4 black orc, now is he?
Posted by Azur on 2022-04-21 11:00:05
remarque pertinente, Razmus!
Your French is über-fluent now ;)
Posted by mekutata on 2022-04-22 15:16:51
The big questions. Does it work with Bombardier? Why not?
Posted by MattDakka on 2022-04-23 11:53:12
I agree that how Dump-Off works now it's stupid. While it's nice to be able to Dump-Off BEFORE the Blitz takes place, on the other hand it's bad because the Blitzing player can change his mind benefitting from the hindsight of the Dump-Off outcome and ball's final position.
I experienced the same ridiculous occurrance in a DE vs WE match, the WD declared a Blitz against my Runner, who failed the Dump-Off pass, the WD didn't even bother to blitz the Runner and changed his path to pick it up.
I think that would be more realistic to work out the Dump-Off with these steps:
1) Declare Blitz;
2) Work out the Dump-Off pass;
3) The Blitzing player MUST get adjacent to the Dump-Off player; He can choose to forgo the Block part of the Blitz, but he must get adjacent to the Dump-Off player before he can change his path.
Alternatively, could be nice to let the Dump-Off player decide when to pass the ball, once the Blitz has been declared. That would provide more flexibility. The Dump-Off could happen either as soon as the Blitz has been declared or when the Blitzing player is mid-range or when the Blitzing player is adjacent to him.
This would provide an extra layer of strategy.