Posted by Cavetroll on 2009-05-07 19:19:55
It may indeed be whining, but if it is, then I'm guilty along with you. Fouling is a perfectly valid tactic to gain an edge, hold onto a lead, or get back into a game. But it is just being a jerk when a person is already up by 2 TDs, has a significant advantage in manpower (I'd say 3 or more) and fouls to remove players when he could be blocking or even crowdpushing. I've had similar experiences and it makes me see red, just like it did to you. The ONLY possible reason I could see for this kind of fouling is if you play in a league where you are going to face the same opponents again in the future. And the danger with doing it there is that other people in the league will retaliate, so it sort of keeps everyone in-line and well-behaved (for Bloodbowl players). This is why I had playing random Ranked games in gamefinder. I talk about this in my bio (I call them Team-killers!). Good post, now you made me vent steam I didn't even know I had built up.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2009-05-07 19:21:41
I meant to say in my previous comment...
"This is why I HATE playing random Ranked games in gamefinder". I was so agitated I typed 'had' instead of 'hate'. I can't think of a Freudian reason to mix those 2 words up.