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Last seen 6 years ago
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2010-01-25 17:54:12
rating 2.2
2010-01-25 17:54:12
40 votes, rating 2.2
Bad Luck
Sometimes luck is just against you and there's nothing you can do about it. Except make a blog post to vent :)

My darkies (http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=603351) have been doing fairly well in box. Not winning all their games, but they have been fun throughout. I recently got back to a full roster and my skill rolls have been great, 4 guards and 2 +ST.

All was going well until I played a nasty lizard team. Well not too nasty, they had 3 lizards out with injuries and I hurt most of his team pretty quickly. But on one of his blocks he killed my +ST lino and my apoth of course failed. Aside from that RIP my team dominated. I scored a bunch and got 4 new skills for my team. All in all, pretty good match.

Here I was, excited to get my 2nd skill on my +ST blitzer. Hoping for doubles so MB, tackle instead. But to my dismay he aged and got a niggler. I went from 2 +ST elfs which is great on a ST3 team to 1 left with a niggler. He'll be retired when I can get some cash to replace him, but it will be sad to see him go.

Well, end of rant. Hopefully there will be lots more blood on the pitch and most of it my enemies. Happy gaming.
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Posted by Cavetroll on 2010-01-25 18:38:01
Aging sucks.
Posted by blocknroll on 2010-01-25 18:41:04
thats a rant about bad luck?
Posted by Calthor on 2010-01-25 18:50:59
It's still just mild bad luck, but it certainly isn't fun, I can see that. ;)
Posted by Jackamon on 2010-01-25 18:51:03
It happens to everyone
Posted by maysrill on 2010-01-25 20:00:33
It was mild bad luck, and a mild rant.

I approve.
Posted by pt0510 on 2010-01-25 20:03:37

But at least its not rage quit
Posted by Gromrilram on 2010-01-25 20:07:42
you won 5-1 and inflicted 6-1 casuties.
grow balls.
Posted by Jeffro on 2010-01-25 20:14:32
Hmmmm.... whining about a 5-1 victory and 72% luck..? Aging and apo fails... that's LRB4 nut-kickers for sure, but wrapped up in a nice package like that with a win and four skillups??!..

If it were a personal journal entry, you are more than encouraged to vent to get something off your chest - for sure. Putting it out here for the unrelentless and unforgiving public to scrutinize on a blog...?

FAEL. Rated 1... I hope you understand :)

(You've had to have had a worse game than THAT you wanted to rant about... c'mon! Reach deep! )
Posted by easilyamused on 2010-01-25 20:21:25
Posted by Juff on 2010-01-25 20:29:25
Aging does indeed suck :(
Posted by Were_M_Eye on 2010-01-25 20:59:23
Ageing, the reason why people whant to play LRB5.
Posted by adambomb on 2010-01-25 21:02:46
Losing nice players to aging always hurts...especially when they are elves that somehow survived in Blackbox.