Posted by gregory_n_white on 2009-01-26 02:50:02
You get 1 win; the spp for scoring go to your stars so are lost. You probably wont make enough money to buy 2 stars for 2nd or subsequent games. I wouldnt see any value in it.
Posted by gregory_n_white on 2009-01-26 02:53:49
Edit - I just re-read your question. You are asking what would counter that scenario. Gang foul the Count out of the game. Then the necro team have no ball carriers and cant score without an awful lot of luck. Even if they pick up the ball and cage up they wont move real fast.
So get the count down - and then foul him until he is off the pitch.
Posted by WardenUSA on 2009-01-26 02:54:25
just make sure to comment in your game notes about the game. I always check previous comments/games before i play someone. If they do crap like that I would foul them when they have a good/valid team. and if they ask why send them a link
Posted by cuckoowasp on 2009-01-26 03:31:48
I think that the strategy involves forcing a lot of concessions, and making enough cash to pay for the stars. With no investment in positionals/rerolls, I think that regularly fielding stars is feasible.
Posted by Babau on 2009-01-26 09:55:08
I've faced a slightly similar (but slightly fairier) lineup with Chaos Dwarves consisting in a team made up of " bullcentaurs, a troll and a lineup of hobgoblin without any reroll.
Worse fact is that when the hobs start skilling up I can see bunchs of DP coming out of that. The only way to treat with this team (I think) is to try and do more damage possible to their key players if necessary fouling them out of the field.
Posted by Gromrilram on 2009-01-26 12:10:52
now i think the stategy isnt very longliving (different with the CD you mentioned) as even with concessions you hardly get enough money to hire stars all the time.
if ou are the unlucky one facing him with both stars:
play safe on offense. ignore those zombies, ty to stay out of tacklezones, most important: place more than just 1 line of defense, make sure you ballcarrier isnt just 1 defender awway from a ramtut blitz. IF you cant prevent beeing blitzed make sure you controll the scatters.
hunt the count. seek and foul and destroy.